I grew up about 1200 feet from the closest cable internet lines. We received similar notices from several providers, but every time we would be told that we were too far out, that digging the lines would be costly, and that the company wouldn't pay for it.Finray wrote:
We got a letter through the post the other day saying Fiber is available in my area, despite looking into it when it first came out. Virgin said they'd have to dig up my road. Said it'd be £2-3K. Said they wouldn't pay for it. So we'll see what they say when I phone them and tell them about the letter they sent me
Standard MO of telecomms I guess.
What gets me is that there are plenty of houses around...I'm sure each individual family, were they to request the service, would be told the exact same thing, with no one at the company ever stopping to say, "Hmmm, if 20 families in this region want our service, maybe $3000 to dig a trench for some cable might be worth it......"
Instead, they continue to hold out until some idiot pays for them to do what they should be doing in the first place - expanding their services.
It's laughable to hear politicians talk about how broadband access needs to be expanded, and then to actually talk to a service provider about doing so.
Those fuckers won't do it til they are literally forced to by regulations.
I guess karma is in effect though, because the two places I've lived since then have both been on very low activity nodes, and I get full speed pretty much all day, every day (~25-30 mbps, while friends with the same service in other parts of town get around 7)