I read most of the Posts to that topic, but there is no Post that exactly gives suggestions how it could work.
(Maybe EA get a look on this one;)

There should be a transfer of Stats.
(Would be nice if my Nickname on the EA Servers would now work on all upcoming Battlefield Games)

Transfer? Why?
*Becouse there was too much time invested.
*MOST (not ALL) guys who will buy 2142 played BF2 (and have already an account)
*Transfering Stats dont have to be an advantage for the "verteran" players from BF2 (becouse some posts said that new players wouldnt accept this or wouldnt buy the game if a transfer will be made)
*Becouse i think if there is a transfer - mor BF2 players will buy the game instead there isnt a transfer

Maybe some "Bling Bling" (if its going to be the same structur of medals, badfges, etc..)

"Veteran Service Ribbon"
"Veteran Officer Ribbon"
"Veteran Staff Officer Ribbon"
"MEC/PLA/USMC Conflict Service Ribbon"


"BF2 Honor Medal"
"BF2 Special Honor Medal" (1000hrs+)


"Veteran BF2 Player Badge"

Maybe u get some advantages in the first hours of the BF2142 (e.g. starting with Rank 2, not with Rank 1)
Maybe you get a higher Rank, taht doesnt has to say anything... 
(e.g. there st  a Rank "4" - and old Battlefield 2 players with more than 250 hours have the Rank 4.1, with more than 500 hours Rank 4.2  .. and so on...    - but all Rank 4 have the same "rights")

rank x.0 rank x.1 rank x.2

... sorry for the words - iam german...
so - what do you think?
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|6904|AUS, Canberra
transfering points would be stupid.
its a different game for one and doesnt even have the same classes so it wouldnt work.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6714|Melbourne, Australia.
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6759|Britain and Damn proud of it!
They better not, cause if they do it'll mean that it'll take ages to get those unlocks...if thats how it works..
+86|6791|San Francisco, CA

someone25 wrote:

Transfer? Why?
*Becouse there was too much time invested.
*MOST (not ALL) guys who will buy 2142 played BF2 (and have already an account)
*Transfering Stats dont have to be an advantage for the "verteran" players from BF2 (becouse some posts said that new players wouldnt accept this or wouldnt buy the game if a transfer will be made)
*Becouse i think if there is a transfer - mor BF2 players will buy the game instead there isnt a transfer
Well too bad for them for not having BF2. That's why BF2142 is a new game. Why would you want to transfer points? You won't re-get your unlocks, and if you did..then what's the point in playing from scratch? You already have everything. There's no true challenge because then you can just pwn everyone with the unlocked weapon (if it's better) and next thing you know everyone is running around equally instead of UN-equally. That's what was so fun about BF2 before they changed the points for ranks. People would fight to get that dead man's kit because he had the G36C (at least i did).

Secondly, I doubt EA would transfer EVERY account from BF2 to BF2142. How many accounts are duplicates? How many accounts are auctually used? How many accounts are from statpadding? How many people want their stats reset but can't? How many people are auctually going to buy BF2142?
bad touch

the beauty of a new game is the chance to start over. and all of the top 10 will probably suck at it, except bushviper probably.. i am interesting in seeing the TK system/point gathering methods
a fly
+105|6777|The netherlands
nice idear but undeeded, there arent many commanders, and at 500 hours, you problebly got 50k points. all basic awards. at 60 there is the next rang, ect ect. time should not give advanvantage, it would be perfect for idlers....

MURcarnage wrote:

Well too bad for them for not having BF2. That's why BF2142 is a new game. Why would you want to transfer points? You won't re-get your unlocks, and if you did..then what's the point in playing from scratch? You already have everything. There's no true challenge because then you can just pwn everyone with the unlocked weapon (if it's better) and next thing you know everyone is running around equally instead of UN-equally. That's what was so fun about BF2 before they changed the points for ranks. People would fight to get that dead man's kit because he had the G36C (at least i did).

Secondly, I doubt EA would transfer EVERY account from BF2 to BF2142. How many accounts are duplicates? How many accounts are auctually used? How many accounts are from statpadding? How many people want their stats reset but can't? How many people are auctually going to buy BF2142?
Thats my point,
1. I dont want any advantage for the "old" BF2 Players - just that you can notice the old players wit an extra ribbon, medal or a rank that isnt "better" or has more power  - just to notice. (that the time spending in BF2 wasnt wasted)=

2. They dont have to transfer anything. Wouldnt it be nice if you have one nickname on the EA-Servers? And with that NICKNAME you can Play every BF? and you can see your history? from BF2 tol BF 3942?
Everyone has to start at 0 Points... no unlocks and so on - but u can start with 0 Points, no unlocks - but  an ribbon and a medal for serving in bf2. And u can get an extra rank as mention "x.1" that has nothing to say - just nice to have.

3. also not every player. you can delete all players wit 0 score, all players that didnt played for 3 months, all player with less than 50 hours of playing,  all players with more points than blazin or the other guy...  so you can filter most of the duplicates... 

4. iam pretty sure, that it makes no difference to "new buyers" of BF2142 (tey will buy it anyway) - but it has an enormes effect on the BF2 players...   
Becouse i will by bf2142 to 40%  - i will buy bf2142 with just a little bit of a transfer of any kind to 70%
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6798|NT, like Mick Dundee

someone25 wrote:

1. I dont want any advantage for the "old" BF2 Players - just that you can notice the old players wit an extra ribbon, medal or a rank that isnt "better" or has more power  - just to notice. (that the time spending in BF2 wasnt wasted)=
I haven't wasted any of my time with BF2... Even if they don't transfer any stats or anything. Ever hour I have on BF2 was fun... Well, most of them... I'll always remember my first couple of hours with DJJeffro blasting the crap out of South Base(Wake) with the pre-1.2 miniguns... Over... And over.... And over....
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+22|6797|England, UK
I think POINTS/RANKS should be transferred only, i don't like the idea of me working hard on BF2 and it all going to waste and startin again on BF2142..

Long live BF2 i say..
Death StatPadder
+228|6902|Human Meat Shield
No and would everyone get over it! It would be very stupid to do that. THe fan base already would be overwhelmed, they (and the smart way) is start everyone start out on a fresh slate and let the person that plays 23.8 hrs a day rank up and say ' I got first rank-up'

Last edited by imdead (2006-05-13 07:15:33)

Transfer of account would be useful, but i dont see the point of a transfer of stats. Especialy becuase it is a completely different game.
+86|6791|San Francisco, CA

someone25 wrote:

MURcarnage wrote:

Well too bad for them for not having BF2. That's why BF2142 is a new game. Why would you want to transfer points? You won't re-get your unlocks, and if you did..then what's the point in playing from scratch? You already have everything. There's no true challenge because then you can just pwn everyone with the unlocked weapon (if it's better) and next thing you know everyone is running around equally instead of UN-equally. That's what was so fun about BF2 before they changed the points for ranks. People would fight to get that dead man's kit because he had the G36C (at least i did).

Secondly, I doubt EA would transfer EVERY account from BF2 to BF2142. How many accounts are duplicates? How many accounts are auctually used? How many accounts are from statpadding? How many people want their stats reset but can't? How many people are auctually going to buy BF2142?
Thats my point,
1. I dont want any advantage for the "old" BF2 Players - just that you can notice the old players wit an extra ribbon, medal or a rank that isnt "better" or has more power  - just to notice. (that the time spending in BF2 wasnt wasted)=

2. They dont have to transfer anything. Wouldnt it be nice if you have one nickname on the EA-Servers? And with that NICKNAME you can Play every BF? and you can see your history? from BF2 tol BF 3942?
Everyone has to start at 0 Points... no unlocks and so on - but u can start with 0 Points, no unlocks - but  an ribbon and a medal for serving in bf2. And u can get an extra rank as mention "x.1" that has nothing to say - just nice to have.

3. also not every player. you can delete all players wit 0 score, all players that didnt played for 3 months, all player with less than 50 hours of playing,  all players with more points than blazin or the other guy...  so you can filter most of the duplicates... 

4. iam pretty sure, that it makes no difference to "new buyers" of BF2142 (tey will buy it anyway) - but it has an enormes effect on the BF2 players...   
Becouse i will by bf2142 to 40%  - i will buy bf2142 with just a little bit of a transfer of any kind to 70%
ah, i see where you're headed. interesting, but it's still uneeded. As it would be interesting to see all your stats combined on ONE page for the name you've played as under the big BF's only matter of time until a website or even BF2s does it. But you still have to remember, not everyone wants the same name for BF2 and BF2142.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

stryyker wrote:

the beauty of a new game is the chance to start over. and all of the top 10 will probably suck at it, except bushviper probably.. i am interesting in seeing the TK system/point gathering methods
If I have enough time to play 5+ hours a day then I'll be in the top 10

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