Yesterday I got the weirdest wrong number call, and it was just after 7:30 in the morning yesterday. I get off work and go to my favorite resturant for buiscits n gravy with 3 eggs over easy ontop. I get this call from this chick that is trying to sell me a magazine subscription. I say no thanks she says she will throw in some kind of cheezy vacation bullshit. I still say not thanks, and ask how she got my number, and she kept evading the answer and started hitting on me. She said I sounded good looking and that we should go out sometime.
First off, she sounded anything BUT hot. Her voice was a little deep for me, I could either picture some 450lb chick sitting in a nasty trailer with bags of popcorn and potato chips everywhere, along with god knows what else. Or simply shes apart of an operation like this:
Remember that Discover Card commercial? Peggy, from USA Prime Credit. … 6355241001
It all sounded scary to me so I hung up. No busted fat chicks for me thx.
Whats your story?
First off, she sounded anything BUT hot. Her voice was a little deep for me, I could either picture some 450lb chick sitting in a nasty trailer with bags of popcorn and potato chips everywhere, along with god knows what else. Or simply shes apart of an operation like this:
Remember that Discover Card commercial? Peggy, from USA Prime Credit. … 6355241001
It all sounded scary to me so I hung up. No busted fat chicks for me thx.
Whats your story?
Last edited by Drunken_Tankdriver (2011-03-01 06:52:15)