i was a dick though, and like i said - as hard as it may be to understand with my bf2s persona - i'm just not like that in real life. i don't start shit at parties and i don't bring drama into public. it was really out of character and i shocked people-- some people i don't know that well, some people i know, some people my best friends... and obviously her. i really care about her so i can't just be all macho and egotistical about it and blame her. she has already said to me that she's sorry for the awkward situations that her recent past have put me in: our social groups are pretty much overlapping and so i've had to see the guy at parties since we started going out. just... last night... something was different in my head. perhaps the drink affected me in a different way: instead of being reasonable and just ignoring it, i was out for fucking blood. got to apologize at least partly for that; it's uncalled for.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

i was a dick though, and like i said - as hard as it may be to understand with my bf2s persona - i'm just not like that in real life. i don't start shit at parties and i don't bring drama into public. it was really out of character and i shocked people-- some people i don't know that well, some people i know, some people my best friends... and obviously her. i really care about her so i can't just be all macho and egotistical about it and blame her. she has already said to me that she's sorry for the awkward situations that her recent past have put me in: our social groups are pretty much overlapping and so i've had to see the guy at parties since we started going out. just... last night... something was different in my head. perhaps the drink affected me in a different way: instead of being reasonable and just ignoring it, i was out for fucking blood. got to apologize at least partly for that; it's uncalled for.
Fine... Be all mature about it and take the high road.  I'm shot ya a pm or two and chatted with ya before.  I know you aren't the BF2 Uzi in real life. 

I wasn't suggesting to blame her.  Nice to see though she's admitted/apologized that the situation is awkward for you.  I would have blamed the host of the party, or the evil spirit water combined with your love for her was too much to stomach and finally came to a boil.  It will probably happen again, but next time it will be his turn to go jealous rage.  I tip my hat to you though for I really wouldn't be hanging around my gals ex (party of people or not).   She hang around you ex's in parties?
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
there's a few girls that i've slept with kinda casually when i was single earlier this year... that float around at our parties. i don't really talk to them or hang out with them as 'proper' friends, though, and yeah it does make her uncomfortable. if i start talking to one of them for any length of time or if they text me just as social chit-chat she's always asking and being curious what-about, etc... that's natural, i don't mind. the thing with her and her ex flame was so much 'more' than me having a few drunken/high flings-for-fun, though, so she also understands that my caution and bad behaviour is triggered by something a little more 'heavy' than that.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

there's a few girls that i've slept with kinda casually when i was single earlier this year... that float around at our parties. i don't really talk to them or hang out with them as 'proper' friends, though, and yeah it does make her uncomfortable. if i start talking to one of them for any length of time or if they text me just as social chit-chat she's always asking and being curious what-about, etc... that's natural, i don't mind. the thing with her and her ex flame was so much 'more' than me having a few drunken/high flings-for-fun, though, so she also understands that my caution and bad behaviour is triggered by something a little more 'heavy' than that.
Well, I'm glad she sees that, but I contend that you shouldn't be subject to those kinds of situations (if she truly cared).  Hope it all works out to your advantage.  Either way you cleaned up after yourself.

Missus (GF at the time) had a drink intentionally spilled on her at bar by one of my 'exs' we ran into at a bar.  I thought I was going to see a cat fight -exit stage left...  ah good times.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

There is.
+1,380|6846|Devon, England
Oh man, I love that song.
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+387|6479|New Haven, CT
people drink because they try it once and become addicted to it.
you really think so? i think people drink because it's a social norm and they don't question the act of legal drug consumption

i think it takes a long time and a lot of circumstance before someone becomes anywhere near psychologically 'involved' with alcohol
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
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+387|6479|New Haven, CT

Uzique wrote:

you really think so? i think people drink because it's a social norm and they don't question the act of legal drug consumption

i think it takes a long time and a lot of circumstance before someone becomes anywhere near psychologically 'involved' with alcohol
sorry, i should have been more specific. you're right; i meant that alcohol became a social norm and is perpetuated as one because its psychologically addictive. there is obviously a very gray line between enjoying an activity and being unable to avoid it, so maybe addiction is too strong a word - i'm not an expert on the subject, nor will pretend to be.
+617|6561|NSW, Australia

i drink because it makes me more fun
any level of social/psychological/physical dependency like that and you've got to ask yourself serious questions

if you can't be fun without alcohol... get thee to a counsellor
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
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+387|6479|New Haven, CT
if you are using that standard for addiction, i'd say many kids i know who party are addicted
Parties do tend to be a bit dull if the music isnt great or the company you are with isnt too fun at that night if you dont drink ( should know, because i dont). But ive never really felt that i missed something. But its true about the social norm and how everyone drinks at parties just because they think you are supposed to. I dont think the parties most people go to would be as fun to them if they werent there drinking cheap shit out of plastic cups (half beer half water) and then pretending to be 'OMG im so suuuper drunk'.
+617|6561|NSW, Australia

Uzique wrote:

any level of social/psychological/physical dependency like that and you've got to ask yourself serious questions

if you can't be fun without alcohol... get thee to a counsellor
I have zero dependency on alcohol I dont drink ofen. I drink it the same reason you do, it makes stuff that is already fun, more fun.

none of the last ten posts mention 'girl problems'. well done!

can we please close the thread now?
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+387|6479|New Haven, CT
here ill help what can i do if i understand how to talk to girl but dont like doing it?

(haha jk you are just going to say im gay)

serious question: how much do girls value male physical attractiveness? i know guys place that foremost, is it the same for women or no?

Last edited by nukchebi0 (2011-02-09 06:08:16)

O' HAL naw!
+470|6734|Columbus, OH
This thread should be enshrined as a sticky, Why hasn't it been done, numbah one?
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

nukchebi0 wrote:

here ill help what can i do if i understand how to talk to girl but dont like doing it?

(haha jk you are just going to say im gay)

serious question: how much do girls value male physical attractiveness? i know guys place that foremost, is it the same for women or no?
obviously they place it high enough for you to be out of luck
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+387|6479|New Haven, CT
nah i mean that isn't necessarily the case you wouldn't know for sure until you knew their preference. nice insult attempt though maybe a passing effort given the subtlety.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

since when do all guys place physical attraction foremost? i've been with a few witless pretty girls and they're the most boring relationships ever. you end up having arguments and falling out with one another just for something stimulating to do. stupid.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I always assumed that witless pretty girls werent meant for long term relationships. So i guess the value of a girls looks depends on what youre looking for.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Uzique wrote:

since when do all guys place physical attraction foremost? i've been with a few witless pretty girls and they're the most boring relationships ever. you end up having arguments and falling out with one another just for something stimulating to do. stupid.
Yeah, been there, done that. The girl I'm currently interested in isn't what I guess a lot of guys would turn to their mates and say she's "hot", but she has an amazing personality and I've asked a few friends who've known her a lot longer than I and they all say she's a really awesome person, like really awesome. Wait and see...
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6479|New Haven, CT
yeah, long term relationships arent exactly the norm here. i was assuming male preferences based on that - it doesn't change the question.

Last edited by nukchebi0 (2011-02-09 07:00:52)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
To answer the question: I've read that roughly 2/3 of guys say physical attractiveness is the main thing that's important. Obviously they other stuff is important too, but in saying that if a girl is ugly but has a great personality is next to a smoking hot girl with a shit personality, the majority of guys would go for the hottie first. Maybe it's one of those primal things where you know that mating with a hot girl will produce attractive children, good genes and what not.

Women on the other hand tend to go more for personality first, or so I've read.

I'm no expert but studies and surveys have been done and this has generally been the trend. But really, people are different and it comes down to the individual and their own personalities and tastes - what is attractive to one is a turn off to another. But you tend to see more hot women with average looking guys than hot guys with average looking women.

Last edited by Jaekus (2011-02-09 07:10:50)

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