i was just wondering what you guys thought of the new army uniforms? ( ACU )
You mean the digital pattern ganked from the Marines?
yup thats the one. but its not ganked it got armyized.. not even a word till now
I like the woodland BDU better but hey whatever works
as long as it makes it harder for Jihad Joe to see our soldiers, I'm all for it.
Could someone post a pic on it? The new screenshots from armed assault features ACU


The "Old Style" Wodland camo lights you up like 4th of July in the IR Spectrum.
Nothing in nature is Black. But the Black shows up Black in IR. Everything else disappears BUT the black.
The new desert style bdu's some of the brown shows up as ultralight grey. The New ACU is almost invisible to IR.
How do I know?
I converted a webcam to see in IR and pointed it at my closet
Last edited by MaddOps (2006-05-11 09:20:57)
Good thing they're not hiring the asshole that drew up the latest military parade band and police uniforms here in Belgium.
i got out just in time, but I hear all my old army peeps love it. I dont dig the velcro
they are comfy as hell the " hook and pile tape" aka velcro does suck ass the ones on the arms always get stuck to other peeps
eh they're okay. feel like i'm in pajamas though. lol some reason this topic reminded me of this one guy we got that has almost never washed his uniform. febreezes the damn things once a week.
where the cav at right now?
I have been wearing the MCCUU (Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform) for about 4 years now and I really like it. I know the Army stole the idea and design from us but in all fairness we stole it from the Canadians.
no more dcu's huh
well the canadians got somthing right for a change . they were down in JRTC with us like half of their whole army as ( 12ish) lol thiers uniforms are really fucking greenUSMCkilla wrote:
I have been wearing the MCCUU (Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform) for about 4 years now and I really like it. I know the Army stole the idea and design from us but in all fairness we stole it from the Canadians.
I never wore them personally, but saw some marines "testing" them out before my battery got shipped out to Iraq. There were little EGA's worked into the pattern, pretty moto!
I hear that you're not supposed to have them dry cleaned or pressed? Bunch of nasties...
I hear that you're not supposed to have them dry cleaned or pressed? Bunch of nasties...
nope no dry cleaning or pressing anymore
There go the 5,673,756 dry cleaning shops in Oceanside...
oceanside that bad? in killeen you got a korean barber shop every 3rd building, then you got the dry cleaners next to that, then the pawn shops, cant forget the sameday loan joints and the tatoo parlors.
Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-05-11 20:23:54)
Amen to that!G3|Genius wrote:
as long as it makes it harder for Jihad Joe to see our soldiers, I'm all for it.
You just described any town close to a military installation associated with the US 'Slinger!
true that. you ever been to san antonio though, it is by far the prettiest military town in the country
well fayetteville nc is just shitty nothing nice about this place
From what I hear from my brother who was at Lejeune and my buddy who's at Ft. Whateverthefeck (you Army dudes have too many bases for a jarhead to keep straight...), shitty is just a good generalization of the entire state of North Carolina.
rofl. so very trueDeadboyUSMC wrote:
shitty is just a good generalization of the entire state of North Carolina.