
JohnG@lt wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

Vanilla sucked compared to BC. The armor alone was god awful. 40 man raids were meh. Too many people to keep the attention of and someone inevitably fucked up when the doorbell rang, their kid set their hair on fire, or the climax of a tv show came on and the persons attention was riveted. I didn't play in WotLK so I have no idea how that expansion went. From what I heard, they turned it into pure easy mode and made raiding completely pointless. If that's so, then BC was the perfect mix of hardcore raiding content and difficulty. Sunwell of course was released too late in the expansion and many of the top guilds had their playerbase erode over the almost 1 year wait. That said, killing Brutalus was one of the things I remember fondly from my time playing WoW. I never gave a shit about pvp. Resto druid in arena was simply annoying (yes, yes, easy mode, but still fucking boring).
Agree'd, BC was the best. Kara, Gruul, Mags, TK, SSC, BT, MH, all were awesome and fun raids each with their own challenges.

I like how you had get keys to unlock the tougher instances, forcing people to actually earn their way through the raids instead of instantly being able to jump into any 25man.
Right. They were all unique bosses and I loved that. Gruul and his damn earthquakes that dropped the ceiling on you. A'lar and his fire bombs. Vashj and her green batshit of doom. Archimonde and the magical tear drops or whatever that people always said didn't work when they died Even Kara, and the chess board were all cool stuff (I hated kara).

I simply got burnt out in the end. I had full T6 resto and T6 feral gear by the time Sunwell was launched
seeing as you shit-talk vanilla and then say how amazingly original the TBC encounters were (they weren't), i kinda doubt your credibility. the 40 man raid gear was "meh"? it was the best... by far. in terms of appearance and bonus-benefits. if you put the time, effort and dedication in to get the tier-gear or epic-pvp set in vanilla, you genuinely felt as though your character was powerful and could take on (multiple) noobs. in TBC it went all "WoW is a serious e-sport now kekeke" and gave everyone the exact same fucking gear with shit-loads of resilience (the worst thing to ever happen to WoW PvP) because all of a sudden being able to kick-ass in an MMO is poor-form and everyone needs to have 10 minute borefest arena matches to be 'skilled'. when blizzard changed their design philosophy from 'hardcore to get top gear' to 'everyone is entitled to the same opportunities so the 'competition' can be fair'... the game went badly astray.

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.


"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

Uzique wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

Agree'd, BC was the best. Kara, Gruul, Mags, TK, SSC, BT, MH, all were awesome and fun raids each with their own challenges.

I like how you had get keys to unlock the tougher instances, forcing people to actually earn their way through the raids instead of instantly being able to jump into any 25man.
Right. They were all unique bosses and I loved that. Gruul and his damn earthquakes that dropped the ceiling on you. A'lar and his fire bombs. Vashj and her green batshit of doom. Archimonde and the magical tear drops or whatever that people always said didn't work when they died Even Kara, and the chess board were all cool stuff (I hated kara).

I simply got burnt out in the end. I had full T6 resto and T6 feral gear by the time Sunwell was launched
seeing as you shit-talk vanilla and then say how amazingly original the TBC encounters were (they weren't), i kinda doubt your credibility. the 40 man raid gear was "meh"? it was the best... by far. in terms of appearance and bonus-benefits. if you put the time, effort and dedication in to get the tier-gear or epic-pvp set in vanilla, you genuinely felt as though your character was powerful and could take on (multiple) noobs. in TBC it went all "WoW is a serious e-sport now kekeke" and gave everyone the exact same fucking gear with shit-loads of resilience (the worst thing to ever happen to WoW PvP) because all of a sudden being able to kick-ass in an MMO is poor-form and everyone needs to have 10 minute borefest arena matches to be 'skilled'. when blizzard changed their design philosophy from 'hardcore to get top gear' to 'everyone is entitled to the same opportunities so the 'competition' can be fair'... the game went badly astray.

Druid gear sucked in vanilla. Most of it was a weird mix of feral, resto and moonkin and sucked at all three. If you played a class like priest you were stuck in holy. Since you played a rogue you had dedicated sets that worked for you. The hybrids were fucked.

Also, I remember stating quite clearly that I never enjoyed pvp. Not because I was bad at it (because I wasn't), but because the dedicated pvpers you had to deal with were generally the face rollers that got kicked out of guild after guild for being douchebags and settled on pvp as their only form of fun.

And lolololol at you thinking playing twinks was awesome.

Last edited by JohnG@lt (14 years ago)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
To get the best PVP gear in the game you need 2200+ arena/rated bg rating.... scrubs dont get that high

To get the best PVE gear in the game you have too kill Heroic 10/25 man content... bads cant kill that shit

Your argument is severely flawed.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:

To get the best PVP gear in the game you need 2200+ arena/rated bg rating.... scrubs dont get that high

To get the best PVE gear in the game you have too kill Heroic 10/25 man content... bads cant kill that shit

Your argument is severely flawed.
Ok, I didn't play WoW for three years or spend two years as the GM of the top guild on my server or anything... When I quit WoW, my druid was in the top fifty in the world for gear among druids. I got $1500 for the account. I'm a noob though.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
it's a lot easier to rise to the top in WoW now... which doesn't actually work to make an MMO 'good', imo, although it sounds unfair. MMO's need to be elitist, exclusive and (to a degree) inaccessible- that's their very nature. WoW devs were complaining that their hardest, best-designed encounters weren't being experienced by a large proportion of the game population... well, no shit! that's the whole point of MMO endgame: a hard treadmill of ever-increasing difficulty/dedication with the very hardest content at the top. of course the 'accessibility' trends throughout the gaming population should reflect that. now everybody can get to a decent-rung on the gear/experience/content ladder with (relative) little effort. the game loses its 'wow' factor because there are no genuinely exclusive sets of items or any particularly amazing achievements (on the server-wide level, not talking world firsts, even the phenomenom of a 'hardcore guild' that you aspire to has now faded).

and where did i mention twinks... ever?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

Uzique wrote:

it's a lot easier to rise to the top in WoW now... which doesn't actually work to make an MMO 'good', imo, although it sounds unfair. MMO's need to be elitist, exclusive and (to a degree) inaccessible- that's their very nature. WoW devs were complaining that their hardest, best-designed encounters weren't being experienced by a large proportion of the game population... well, no shit! that's the whole point of MMO endgame: a hard treadmill of ever-increasing difficulty/dedication with the very hardest content at the top. of course the 'accessibility' trends throughout the gaming population should reflect that. now everybody can get to a decent-rung on the gear/experience/content ladder with (relative) little effort. the game loses its 'wow' factor because there are no genuinely exclusive sets of items or any particularly amazing achievements (on the server-wide level, not talking world firsts, even the phenomenom of a 'hardcore guild' that you aspire to has now faded).

and where did i mention twinks... ever?
It was a misread of 'level 16'.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+93|6982|Alaska, mother fucker.

¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:

To get the best PVP gear in the game you need 2200+ arena/rated bg rating.... scrubs dont get that high

To get the best PVE gear in the game you have too kill Heroic 10/25 man content... bads cant kill that shit

Your argument is severely flawed.
Yes they do and yes they can.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
No they can't.

Not anyone can wander into arenas and get 2200 rating, especially 3v3 or 5v5, unless everyone's a retard.

Therefore the problem lies with the skill level of the people, not the content.
+93|6982|Alaska, mother fucker.
With the current arena rating system, you can go very negative, and still hit 2200.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
If you're going very negative, that's a lot of games. So you're grinding, like you were in vanilla, just don't have to win. Full circle no?
finray you don't know anything about the gameplay or requisite skill of vanilla so keep quiet
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
Never said I did.
+617|6715|NSW, Australia

Almost leveled my first character to 85, Bloodelf Ret/Holy Pally and I know rargh rargh pally's are useless noobs i dont care. So far the cata content has been my favourite in terms of questing and dungeons but seeing how this is my first playthrough ive missed a tonne of things elsewhere. Is there anywhere you guys would reccomend questing in particular?
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
So Warriors got nerfed
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
@Ravy, a lot of them are marmite.. I loved Vash but my friend absolutely hated it.

Hit up Deepholm for the shoulder enchants, Hyjal for the int head enchant. At least I think it was Hyjal.

Finray wrote:

So Warriors got nerfed
omfgh finray ganked someone! screenshot + post in forum!!!!!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black

not quite what I was pointing at, zeek. The fact I have 99k health left. That was what the point was.
omg you got the jump on a class and burned cooldowns... dude you should go play the arena server you could come tops
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
Are you purposefully being a complete fucking moron?

Did you even read the patch notes?
fuck it
Blizzard just gave me a copy of vanilla WoW free for buying SC2 early.

Come on Finray, we all know warriors have been smashing it for months now, about time they had a reality check!
rogues have been sucking the tailpipe of WOW for a long time, too... ever since blizzard changed the whole concepts of certain classes (especially the hybrids). they've just lost their pure-dps niche... which is a shame. made the class really boring. blizz's attempts to 'fix' rogue basically involved giving them abilities that a pure-dps class doesn't really need, like AoE and HoT's and all sorts of bullshit. the lines between each class have become 'blurred' now so that every class is a bit of a standard all-round mess. i'd trade in my physical dps rogue for a caster anyday, now... they just seem to have that tiny bit of variation left that melee dps does not.

i still occasionally get horny to play WoW, but when i think about it... the experiences and 'memories' that my mind dwell on are almost all pre-60 or vanilla. that 'omg!' period of playing when you're still amazed with the game and don't yet know its finite limits. the game nowadays just feels so small and as though there's no real exclusive challenges-- i'm sure the 85 endgame is proving tough, but it just doesn't have the same 'feel'. if blizz ever set up vanilla servers for those not wanting to buy the expansion packs... i would play again in a flash.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black

baggs wrote:

Come on Finray, we all know warriors have been smashing it for months now, about time they had a reality check!
True, but holy shit, they're without a doubt the worst class now, skill-for-skill, gear-for-gear.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6274|London, England

what the hell does skill for skill mean

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