Since ive been playing battlefield, the servers and the populations definatly are not like they used to be. That translates to kills and points pickings being slim. So I started to click through my leader board, looking at the profiles of whom I used to game with.(8 people) I seen all of whom dont play anymore. So I dug deeper, is it really as bad as people really say it is?
So the thaught crosses my mind, could I stalk the worst enemies of my home boys if i get bored? I go through each one of their worst enemies, I noticed none of those people play anymore. You figure each person has an average of 2 or 3, thats quite a few people to browse. Well, I noticed that none of those people play anymore. The last login dates are mostly within the years of 08 and 09. Some are earlier, some are more recent.
I came to the conclusion that points pickings stopped being tits and gravy in that 08 09 timeframe. Ive noticed it on even the full servers. Its a different type of gamer. You dont get easy roadkills with a tank anymore. Say your coming down off the hill at suberb on karkand. Your running full bore and a full humvee of 4 guys runs right underneath you as the nose of your tank touches down on the ramp. Instant points. That sucks.
Out of all this leads me to another question. What came out in 08 and 09 that led people away from Battlefield 2? Also what do you think it would take for someone to want to come back?
So the thaught crosses my mind, could I stalk the worst enemies of my home boys if i get bored? I go through each one of their worst enemies, I noticed none of those people play anymore. You figure each person has an average of 2 or 3, thats quite a few people to browse. Well, I noticed that none of those people play anymore. The last login dates are mostly within the years of 08 and 09. Some are earlier, some are more recent.
I came to the conclusion that points pickings stopped being tits and gravy in that 08 09 timeframe. Ive noticed it on even the full servers. Its a different type of gamer. You dont get easy roadkills with a tank anymore. Say your coming down off the hill at suberb on karkand. Your running full bore and a full humvee of 4 guys runs right underneath you as the nose of your tank touches down on the ramp. Instant points. That sucks.
Out of all this leads me to another question. What came out in 08 and 09 that led people away from Battlefield 2? Also what do you think it would take for someone to want to come back?