Kinda what I was thinking. How about put presidentsheep there with someone he does care -in harms way.... Tiny sidebar: I've never quite felt rage like I did the first time my Son got a vaccine (shot) and cried. Yea I knew it was for the best, but my Son, my blood in pain?! I felt sheer rage boil from withing and for a fleeting moment seriously wanted to fuck that doctor up. It was weird. I can only imagine what it would be like if... .Lotta_Drool wrote:
Some people have a hard time imagining being at the scene of a mass shooting with a bunch of bodies lying around. The sheep just pictures a guy laying on the ground with a couple people on him, not the fact that people are bleeding out everywhere and the screaming and the shooting and the crying.
Yeah sheep, you would grab the gun and take the safety off if you see people getting murdered, 22 of them I think. And yes, you would imediately think about returning fire on the person killing everyone around you.
or Oh look, there is an 8 year old blowing blood bubbles gasping for breath in convulsions. I think I'll wet myself now and black out.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.