Whats my age again?
+91|6629|Troy, New York

FloppY_ wrote:

h4hagen wrote:

Sure, Ill buy you 10 dollars and you can buy me 10 euros. (Despite living in denmark, because I dont know what your money is worth)
I'll buy you 10 Kroners worth if you buy me 10 dollars worth
Yah no. Maybe 60, haha.
+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

h4hagen wrote:

Sure, Ill buy you 10 dollars and you can buy me 10 euros. (Despite living in denmark, because I dont know what your money is worth)
I'll buy you 10 Kroners worth if you buy me 10 dollars worth
Yah no. Maybe 60, haha.
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+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
New patch preview...

This just confirms that RIOT is clueless when it comes to balance, I mean look at the Zonya ring split into two items, this one one of them..
+155 AP & Unique +30% AP

5 of those + Penetration Boots = gg
or you could settle with 4 and a lich bane to let any caster kill towers with 3 shots x_x

EDIT: FYI that is + >1000 AP for 5 of the fucking things...
EDIT2: Looks like next week is Vlad week (AP = HP)

Last edited by FloppY_ (2011-01-01 20:03:11)

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arrivederci frog
Vlad will need a giant nerf that's for sure. His passive and cooldown on Q will have to change.

Casters are about to become monstrous. I'm going to start playing Annie again.
+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Aries_37 wrote:

Vlad will need a giant nerf that's for sure. His passive and cooldown on Q will have to change.

Casters are about to become monstrous. I'm going to start playing Annie again.
Screw annie, why not play some of the more OP champs?

- Malz
- Fiddlesticks
- Vlad
- Veigar (He is going to be such a rediculous powerfull burster now)
- Kassadin (Use voidwalk at nexus to get up to so many stacks it costs all your mana to do the next one, then teleport and one-shot anyone...)
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arrivederci frog
If I wanted to play OP I would play Anivia. Hands down best mage in the game, and a lot of top ELO payers think she's the best champ overall.

I hope they nerf her along with vlad when these new items come out otherwise they will become the new autobans in ranked.
+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Aries_37 wrote:

If I wanted to play OP I would play Anivia. Hands down best mage in the game, and a lot of top ELO payers think she's the best champ overall.

I hope they nerf her along with vlad when these new items come out otherwise they will become the new autobans in ranked.
I knew I forgot someone
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Whats my age again?
+91|6629|Troy, New York
Meh, casters have been UP for a long time (at least in US meta). Getting five of those in a game would be pretty much impossible, and make you get chewed up by assasians. Also, up until now casters have had no armor + ap items, only HP + AP and MR + AP. I think its a good thing. Ill basically just through in the deathcap where I used to have zhonyas. I do think the 30 percent is a tad excessive, maybe more like 25 percent. I already play a ton of anivia, I might start playing karthus and vlad a bit more as well though.
+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

Meh, casters have been UP for a long time (at least in US meta). Getting five of those in a game would be pretty much impossible, and make you get chewed up by assasians. Also, up until now casters have had no armor + ap items, only HP + AP and MR + AP. I think its a good thing. Ill basically just through in the deathcap where I used to have zhonyas. I do think the 30 percent is a tad excessive, maybe more like 25 percent. I already play a ton of anivia, I might start playing karthus and vlad a bit more as well though.
What they need to do is make the +155 unique aswell tbh... stacking those hats are way too powerfull
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+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Mundo builds as much HP as he pleases...
Those new boots are epic for mundo...
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Psy squad

FloppY_ wrote:

Mundo builds as much HP as he pleases...
http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/2852 … 110108.png
Those new boots are epic for mundo...
Ya need a force of nature

But that does look like a nice build ^^
+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Hope_is_lost117 wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Mundo builds as much HP as he pleases...
http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/2852 … 110108.png
Those new boots are epic for mundo...
Ya need a force of nature

But that does look like a nice build ^^
Nah FaN is not as good as more hp when you have the new boots... -15% cooldown means you can use his ulti so insanely often, and his ulti regenerates 40% of your max hp... I was getting 200hp per tick when I used it, it was like a column of +200 over his head xD

EDIT: Also, I don't follow any "builds" I go with what I feel like and what fits the competition :b

My 12% dodge from runes & masteries are not bad either

EDIT2: Am I the only one who doesn't think AP cogmaw is useless? I get mocked everytime I build catalyst->RoA and AP + Gunblade on him... All his skills are AP based and they are very powerfull when you stack AP... combine that with the Lifesteal + Spellvamp of the gunblade and he is pretty mean...

Last edited by FloppY_ (2011-01-07 20:24:29)

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Whats my age again?
+91|6629|Troy, New York
As long as you get a madreds first an AS/ AP build is great. I.e. Nashors, Maladay, Madreds, Guinsoons, Boots, and then Banshees/ GA or such forth.
+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
I just had my best mundo game EVER

Both teams were decent, I managed to get 20 stacks on my Leviathan by the end too... 6k HP mundo ftw
Frozen mallet + Cleaver is impossible to run away from, not even Kassadin could escape me xD

Those few times I died they had to go 5on1 to take me down xD

EDIT: Also not that not even Ashe built Bloodrazor even though they had an enemy mundo

Last edited by FloppY_ (2011-01-08 17:16:51)

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+93|6949|Alaska, mother fucker.
Just played a game for the first time in a couple weeks last night.

Raped it all over with someone. Can't remember who.  Ya for being +50 in wins/losses... I think I'm at 395 wins and 345 losses now.
arrivederci frog
I think mundo is OP now. I was playing ranked with some 1900+elo players and one of them carried us really hard as a Mundo. He was pretty much 1v5'ing their team by the end. They nerfed Garen, Morde and Olaf but forgot about Mundo, they need to increase the cd on his ult or something....
+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Aries_37 wrote:

I think mundo is OP now. I was playing ranked with some 1900+elo players and one of them carried us really hard as a Mundo. He was pretty much 1v5'ing their team by the end. They nerfed Garen, Morde and Olaf but forgot about Mundo, they need to increase the cd on his ult or something....
Ye, the new boots and the must-have +20% healing item gives you 30% cooldown redux if you specced the mastery aswell... combine that with the low CD of his ulti and you are unstoppable unless their entire team has ignite
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+93|6949|Alaska, mother fucker.
mundo is retarded. had a mundo last who had FoN, 3x warmogs and the cd reduc boots. he was, quite literally, unstoppable
+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Mundo goes where he pleases

Though I don't think that is a particularly great build for him

Last edited by FloppY_ (2011-01-09 18:06:20)

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+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Fuck this game so bad....

Can't wait untill I find something better to do
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+93|6949|Alaska, mother fucker.
Lol, bad game?  I love playing horribly (1-6 as twitch) then somehow getting the other team to surrender.
+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

iceman785 wrote:

Lol, bad game?  I love playing horribly (1-6 as twitch) then somehow getting the other team to surrender.
more like 5 bad games in a row
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Whats my age again?
+91|6629|Troy, New York
Played an epic 4v5 last night. My cousin was visiting me and my two brothers here in NY so we had the four of us and jumped into a game. Our team was Karthus (me) Chogath, Mundo, Gangplank (Spank plank, super high damage crit build) and a Nidalee that dropped. We were doing ok but getting super pushed in the four v five until about 25 minutes, where we decided to grab baron for the heck of it. After that we just sort of steam rolled the enemy team, despite them having a super fed akali.
Fun Game
Whats my age again?
+91|6629|Troy, New York
Made it to 1400 elo in 3s after starting yesterday. Cool beans. I think im at 1360-ish, but im still in the finding elo stage for 3s so it fluncuates quite a bit.
+1,010|6562|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Hello I'm ELO1000 in 5v5 solo

I haven't dared play since I got it back up to 1000... lol
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