I'd say even if you hate him go see it anyway.:blacKOut: wrote:
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. 9/10.
Even though Michael Cera played that quintessential quirky teenager, this movie was great. The story line was one-of-a-kind and the eclectic mix of characters made the film. The digital effects (ex. pee bar, hearts, thonk, etc..) also grabbed my attention when they were thrown in because, after all, you don't see any of that stuff in Hollywood. It was a good change from the norm. IMO, all of this stuff ended up making the movie really funny, i laughed pretty much throughout the whole movie. However, If you hate Michael Cera, then avoid it; if you don't hate him, go watch it. I enjoyed the movie a lot more than I thought I would.
EDIT: spelling...
I'd forgotten he was even in it after the action started. If you know what I mean. He's perfect for Scott.