It might have made us all feel better if the Muslim community stood up and denounced the attacks and made a visible presence in the fight against terrorism and the hijacking of their so called "peaceful religion".Spearhead wrote:
The people who attacked us were EXTREMISTS, who make up much less than 5 percent of the total muslim population in the middle east. Hating Muslims and Middle Easterns because of 9/11 would be like hating Germans because of WW1 and WW2. You're right, we should go after those motherf*ckers who attacked us on 9/11.. I don't have a problem with our military presence in Afgahnistan at all. I am not against the war on terrorism, I am just saying that we are approaching it the wrong way. Instead of trying to communicate and possibly make alliances with the arab/middle east/muslim population, many Americans are just saying "Fuck these ragheads, all of them are responsible for 9/11".lowing wrote:
Uhhhhhhh wasn't it Muslims and Middle Easterners who attack us?Spearhead wrote:
The United States basically said "Fuck you" to the UN--that gives every country in the world a right to be pissed about Iraq. Gung-ho right wingers will then cry all day about how the USA is a victim of the rest of the worlds hatred, but then behind the scenes their doing shit that's borderlining Nazi Germany's standards. And please don't be a tard and say "hey, we're not killing millions of jews!", you're right, we're not. But what we are doing, (and it's being fueled by the media) is increasing nation-wide hatred and discrimination against muslims and middle-easterns, becoming more and more nationalistic, and saying anyone who doesnt agree with Bush is un-American and according to Bush, at war with the United States "You're either with us, or you're against us". <-- VERY typical facsist/nationalistic statement. Bush just declared war on half the world! Isn't that great! I mean, no shit, no wonder why they are so many insurgents.
I don't think anyone who doesn't agree with Bush is "un-American"..... I think it is un- American to NOT want to stand up and defend our country against ALL agressors who seek and plan to destroy us and our way of life. I guess 5.5 yrs is long enough to forget what watching our countrymen die on CNN was like.
You've got to understand, the hijackers, (and almost all of the insurgents) are EXTREMISTS. All Germans were not nazi's, and all middle easterns are not responsible for 9/11.
you only responded t othe first part of my statement. How do you feel about the rest of it?
If it is only 5 % of the Muslim world are "extremist", then by my math 95% of the Muslim world should easily get a handle on this problem wouldn't ya think???
Last edited by lowing (18 years, 8 months ago)