Again, exceptionalism isn't unique. It's just exceptional.
Shahter wrote:
there, you have just proven everything i said in this thread.
I could always say you've just proven everything unhealthy about bananas, but it wouldn't make much sense.
Shahter wrote:
unnamednewb, yourself, and others who claim usa have any moral superriority over the rest of the world - condoned the use the methods you described above for the purposes mentioned, as soon as you admitted all that stuff, you lost this agrument.
Didn't I just say that self-preservation was the motive of the firebombing and nukes? Japanese lives potentially saved is an aside, but this was WW2. The immediate objective was to win. I can see why the method was taken if it was seen to diminish the nightmarish casualty rate, but I think more Americans regret the subsequent suffering than is widely believed. That's the last time I'm going to address nukes in this thread.
Uzique wrote:
i feel very very disappointed that a number of supposedly 'intellectual' and 'philosophic' D&ST readers are incapable of reading one, very easily deciphered paragraph of a book. im furthermore disappointed that you guys that like to consider yourself well-read, erudite, well-thought and well-reasoned haven't even fucking read Tocqueville's 'Democracy in America' in the FIRST fucking place. is that what it means to be a 'smart' thinking person in america nowadays? to read pundit-blogs, watch fox news and 'debate' on internet forums by throwing around your misinformation, miseducation and idiocy in threads you know nothing about?
you americans here sure make a great case for an intelligentsia. fuck me. literally 8 pages and some of you don't grasp the basic precepts of an ALREADY SIMPLE political ideology.
I can scarcely believe the content of that quote, considering you spend a significant amount of time here calling entire groups of people inferior, bragging about your stellar video game skills and experience and how high brow your reading choices supposedly are.