Here's the latest 2142 trailer from EA, showing off their recently announced "Titan" mode.

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Heh, file stolen from

Last edited by Mabec (2006-05-07 16:02:17)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
ZOMG coolness
Nice, but did anyone else find the corridor bit in the titan a bit reminiscent of star wars?

I'm more interested in the sniper class, I heard there is some kind of cloaking/stealth field for it. But it can only be used when you're not firing.

I hope you have a guille suit too, i'd hate to uncloak only to be immediately spotted and killed.

When's the release date for this? My calendar for the month of June is taken up by HL2 Episode 1.

cloaking/stealth field............What is this Mickey Mouse shit?

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-05-07 16:17:18)


prince of insufficient light
Have to say that doesn't look so good for me, infact increasing my biggest fear about it. How will you be able to stop the mechs? EA has been saying tanks will be able to, but it showed one taking a tank hit with no problem and then taking the tank down with ease. It didn't show a mech going down the whole time. How are you supposed to kill one as a lowly infantry?

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Have to say that doesn't look so good for me, infact increasing my biggest fear about it. How will you be able to stop the mechs? EA has been saying tanks will be able to, but it showed one taking a tank hit with no problem and then taking the tank down with ease. It didn't show a mech going down the whole time. How are you supposed to kill one as a lowly infantry?
Lol......Accuracy by volume.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6713|NYC / Hamburg

noo .. why destroy such a nice game. if i want sci fi i play some star wars. Now iit looks like star trek & star wars mixture with some tiny elements from the original bf series

to repeat myself... why? oh why?

Last edited by max (2006-05-07 16:22:42)

once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.

max wrote:

noo .. why destroy such a nice game. if i want sci fi i play some star wars. Now iit looks like star trek & star wars mixture with some tiny elements from the original bf series

to repeat myself... why? oh why?
I know man, I don't get it either.  Why not make BF3 an Invasion of Iran, or Iraq, or Afghanistan or those damn Canadians ?  I think some type of modern combat that we all can relate to in some way would be very popular.  I wish all the people who made mods would get together and make a video game.

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-05-07 16:30:02)

is drunk and crazy
I'm still undecided on this. Although I'll probably buy it anyway because I can.

If it's shit I'll sell it on ebay and go back to bf2.
what program do I have to have to play that file?
prince of insufficient light

LockerFish wrote:

what program do I have to have to play that file?

Mabec wrote:


Heh, file stolen from
Funny you mention that. We host the all files for the network. I was given this file to use on as well.
+27|6917|Atlanta, GA USA
Nice.  Looks pretty damn cool.  It'll be nice to play a game without somebody complaining "but in real life the xxx does this much damage", etc.

max wrote:

noo .. why destroy such a nice game. if i want sci fi i play some star wars. Now iit looks like star trek & star wars mixture with some tiny elements from the original bf series

to repeat myself... why? oh why?
Destroy?  I don't understand.  It is a new game based on the Battlefield franchise.  Where else would they go from here?  WWI?
Negative Ping
That just looks sick...I personally am looking forward to this game.  Loved the end when the craft starts to blow up...and just watchin a dozen or so ppl jumpin for dear life off the deck of the thing. 

usmarine2005 wrote:

max wrote:

noo .. why destroy such a nice game. if i want sci fi i play some star wars. Now iit looks like star trek & star wars mixture with some tiny elements from the original bf series

to repeat myself... why? oh why?
I know man, I don't get it either.  Why not make BF3 an Invasion of Iran, or Iraq, or Afghanistan or those damn Canadians ?  I think some type of modern combat that we all can relate to in some way would be very popular.  I wish all the people who made mods would get together and make a video game.
BF3 is already in the planning stage already from the rumours i heard. But no rumours on about what year and war it will be about.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6836|Tampa Bay Florida
two words:

Battlefront two

Looks cool. The cloaking thing is some sort of power up and while you have it on you can't shoot, but I don't think it's only limited to snipers.
+164|6911|Normal, IL
i was really iffy about the game, but the trailer and recent news release about it eases some of my fears..... it seems like no really futuristic weapons (lasers and whatnot are out), and looks pretty cool. i will prolly still play bf2 unless im sick of it by then, but im excited now
+27|6917|Atlanta, GA USA

usmarine2005 wrote:

max wrote:

noo .. why destroy such a nice game. if i want sci fi i play some star wars. Now iit looks like star trek & star wars mixture with some tiny elements from the original bf series

to repeat myself... why? oh why?
I know man, I don't get it either.  Why not make BF3 an Invasion of Iran, or Iraq, or Afghanistan or those damn Canadians ?  I think some type of modern combat that we all can relate to in some way would be very popular.  I wish all the people who made mods would get together and make a video game.
Couldn't they just do that with an expansion pack for BF2?
+1,128|6788|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
i dont think it looks that great to be honest..

but i'll get flamed for saying that..

why cant they just concentrate all their work into.. oh wait... they're already "fixing" BF2..

my bad
Mod Incarnate
I'm looking forward to it, but I believe Quake Wars will be released first. I guess it will come down to who does a better job, Dice or Activision. Or maybe I'll just play both.

I do think Dice could have spent a month or two making a new playing style for BF2 first. Titan mode is all well and good, but CTF or some other mode for bf2 would have been nice.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6737|Your attic
ooook, downloaded this and tryed to open it in quicktime and I get this

Error -2048:this file is not a movie file??

Tryed MP, DivX even RAD (yea pointless I know) can't get it to work though,

We need support do you copy??
yeah it says that to me too

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