UnkleRukus wrote:
ghettoperson wrote:
Hunter/Jumper wrote:
define irony if you can and explain how Working there ( not for *) would be so.
*about 4 sentences, yet you had some trouble didn't you.
I assume he means because you seem to be the antithesis of everything the UN is about.
that shut her right the fuck up, didn't it.
Shhh Cybargs is still googling Irony, He gave up using the Dictionary at ( B )
It was only 5 lines of text but
UnkleRukus couldn't retain this part. "
Heading to the United Nations today "
Doesn't seem to know who he's talking about either.
F-n Sad really. Scary when he gets a drivers licences. Luckily we still have quite a few years of safety.
Ghetto needs to crack a book or two on the U.N. and it's accomplishments to date. Other than that, Way to try and derail a thread.
Shouldn't you be starting a New
" OMG FOX ! " thread about now anyway ? been a week or so !