Right fine points by all.
Sapper5000, in game, main menu->BFHQ-.Leaderboards->scores->kit equipment->sniper rifle (etc).
Michael82- for me personally la, the 24 hands down w/out hesitation. Incontravertible makes some fine and coincedentally 100% true statements of the sub-classes of long rangers, each has a specialty tobesure. The wonderful elation I'v felt a dozen or so times from taking down pilots is truly a savage feeling, high on the barley all night happy.
However they're too far and all be it, few between. Kinda like this one cute little lady friend I dated a few years back from present. Man when the blue moon was overhead we bryds and bees'd like you only read about. However the utter joy of that crazy passion was shortlived and was soon forgotten by the weeks without a headshot through the cockpit.
I found that the bad times far outweighed the great times, therefore I had to track down a "red" lady and switch kits.
Never looked back and ran quite a few rounds with the new kit ( a rale tall lass at that, coupla metres in height) She was tall enough to put some damage on me health bar, but not tall enough to use my parachute.
Bhoys, don't be mis-understandin me, the 95 tis a fine weapon platform and got meself 2000+ kills w/ it, I personally however increased my tango takedown's by two-fold per round since the switch back to the 24. Lately I'm averaging 25+ kills per sharqi/mash/dragon/wake and ~15-20 IAR per Karkland. I donot have cement shoes, 2-3 kills and I'm movin. but thas just me.
ps. The tall lass? u ask: Well lets just say she was on me favorite servers list until I found out her dear, great building of a man, father, was the Commander. Let's just say he was dropping all ARTY directly on my 1 man squad and no Supplies.....My uav musta been down b/c I had no idea he was in the other room when the map started:)
and started...and started again..and again. I had her speaking Swahili for awhile.
Last edited by [GDC]SinnFein (2005-10-23 13:01:18)