lowing couldnt format a post for shit, hj does italics and stuff
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
It wasn't a compliment so much as it was an observation. I don't think you are lowing going off your posting style and formatting. The hard right american was just an example of the similarity between you two, other examples include the same "interest" in islam, age, having kids, opinions,etc.Hunter/Jumper wrote:
it seems left handed to shut this down but I think I got what I need.jord wrote:
Well lowing goes and a guy that hasn't posted in 2 years starts regularly posting. Its quite a coincidence. Moreso they are both hard right americans that frequent dst.
Maybe I will try and find a Really skewed one also ?
for your information..
thats 1 child per year " Hard Right American "* Thank you ! This is what I am. I never try to hide it or Claim to be something else to give my opinion any kind of spin. * Bumper Sticker ! mabye with a picture of a Rifle in the backround !
Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-09 16:30:01)
Last edited by Macbeth (2010-09-09 16:34:20)
what in the sweet name of fuckHunter/Jumper wrote:
woof ! better hope some artist Doesn't decide to float a koran in a jar of urine and ask for
National Endowment for the Arts Funding !
note ( Italics ! )
Well some one went Berserk and derailed the post for 30 minutes or so if you remember.Uzique wrote:
what in the sweet name of fuckHunter/Jumper wrote:
woof ! better hope some artist Doesn't decide to float a koran in a jar of urine and ask for
National Endowment for the Arts Funding !
note ( Italics ! )
is this guy a schizophrenic or something?
first he wants scholarly sources for objective and honest koran study...
now he's thinking up post-modernist installation pieces a la damien hirst?
Whoa !Uzique wrote:
do you have video-cameras in slovenia? are they powered by mules in harnesses walking around a generator?
Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-09 16:50:56)
On my old pc I use to have the KJV Bible. I think it was called eSword. Being that these old books are essentially public domain, you most certainly will find something. Also what macbeth said.Hunter/Jumper wrote:
best Idea yet - in a dearth of credible responses, I have an electronic book. But I am afraid I might get a vanilla version or one that makes an effort to highlight errors and reinterprets it to show secret conspiracies, violence or some such stuff. I have seen those advertised. " Joe blow Exposes the koran etc. " just looking for the best example of an accurate translation.Phrozenbot wrote:
I bet you could find it for free online.
I love this distinction. It's like stating you are comfortable with being a bigot because you haven't made any discrimination against skin colour or place of birth (although that last one is still very flimsy).Hunter/Jumper wrote:
Racist ? I didn't know islam was a Race.
Last edited by Shahter (2010-09-10 03:53:32)
I was under the impression HJ is Horseman 77. He certainly isn't HoS in his normal form, that guy was seriously articulate and seriously left-wing.Macbeth wrote:
According to m3th, HJ is HunterofSkulls. If that's the case he's been here for ages.
OT: Isn't the Koran, the Old Testament/Torah + New Testament + Mohammad's stuff? In any case there are several websites online where you can request one and they will send it to you for free. Also your local Mosque would give you a copy, even if you're not a Muslim.
" tho shalt tease or gode anyone but a muslim. " Hassan CHOP !Uzique wrote:
damn, man, you've really got me there.
making jokes in EE about slovenian forum members is totally on par to trying to 'debate' with any pretense of sincerity an issue that just blatently encourages insulting islam and portraying it as a barbaric religion. im not sure whether to be complimented or freaked out that you have done such intensive research on my posting habits!
as for the art-display part... i really have no idea where that came from, nor what it has to do with anything. would i approve of suspending a copy of the koran in a jar of urine... ? erm...
I'm assuming you're christian?Hunter/Jumper wrote:
" tho shalt tease or gode anyone but a muslim. " Hassan CHOP !Uzique wrote:
damn, man, you've really got me there.
making jokes in EE about slovenian forum members is totally on par to trying to 'debate' with any pretense of sincerity an issue that just blatently encourages insulting islam and portraying it as a barbaric religion. im not sure whether to be complimented or freaked out that you have done such intensive research on my posting habits!
as for the art-display part... i really have no idea where that came from, nor what it has to do with anything. would i approve of suspending a copy of the koran in a jar of urine... ? erm...
Show me that I am a bigot please - I love this.Jaekus wrote:
I love this distinction. It's like stating you are comfortable with being a bigot because you haven't made any discrimination against skin colour or place of birth (although that last one is still very flimsy).Hunter/Jumper wrote:
Racist ? I didn't know islam was a Race.
facts and figures presented by me and disproved by you are where ? Looking for a pat on the head were we ?eleven bravo wrote:
hunter is a combination of this forum's dumbest members and former members.
Thanks for your input and effort.Shahter wrote:
as with any other piece of poetry, it is impossible to accurately translate koran. add to that its purposefull ambiguity and self-contradiction, and you may as well just forget it. even those who speak the language all their life, if they wish to become an imam and enter one of the islamic theological schools - medresse's they are called i think - still have to study arabic language and literature for, iirc, three bloody years before they begin on the subject. so, unless you wish to do that - don't bother.
were you?Hunter/Jumper wrote:
facts and figures presented by me and disproved by you are where ? Looking for a pat on the head were we ?eleven bravo wrote:
hunter is a combination of this forum's dumbest members and former members.
if you need more time off, say to study the koran, i'd be happy to relieve you of the duty and post everyday in your place.Hunter/Jumper wrote:
Apparently It was my duty to post every day on BF2S.
If there are 10 people with Alarmingly Similar Points of View and Sameness of Thought and One person shows up and presents vastly different views than theirs - Would youeleven bravo wrote:
were you?Hunter/Jumper wrote:
facts and figures presented by me and disproved by you are where ? Looking for a pat on the head were we ?eleven bravo wrote:
hunter is a combination of this forum's dumbest members and former members.
Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-10 08:27:25)
Hunter/Jumper is Horsman77Macbeth wrote:
According to m3th, HJ is HunterofSkulls. If that's the case he's been here for ages.
OT: Isn't the Koran, the Old Testament/Torah + New Testament + Mohammad's stuff? In any case there are several websites online where you can request one and they will send it to you for free. Also your local Mosque would give you a copy, even if you're not a Muslim.
what am i apologizing for?Hunter/Jumper wrote:
your a total hypocrite and a frothing apologist.Uzique wrote:
hunter there's so much stupid in your posts that you make me want to stage a lowing reunion get-together