I don't hear anyone complaining about the immigration laws of Japan or Saudi Arabia.
Until then, I really don't give a damn if Germany or Switzerland want to limit the number of
unintegrating immigrants they let into the country.
(Germany managed to reabsorb 16
million East Germans, as a counterpoint to exemplify
integrating 'immigrants'.)
their country.
They get to pick who they let in. They have a culture they're happy with, that works for them - they get to decide how many cresent shaped pegs they let into square-hole land.
I just don't get it. If you don't want to assimilate into your new homeland, and you want to make your new home just like the Islamic Paradise you left,
then why did you leave?. Oh, right.. because it was an oppressive shithole, with draconian laws, no freedom of speech, and a fucked up economic/social structure.
Yay! let's turn the whole world into an Islamic Paradise! They've done such a wonder-fucking-ful job on the middle east. Peaceful coexistence, goodwill towards neighbors, equitable class structure, fairness to ethnic groups, equality for women, religious tolerance, diverse economic development, outstanding educational programs...
Does the potential immigrant have a useful educational or professional skill that is underfilled in the new country?
Does the potential immigrant speak the predominant language(s) of the new country?
Can the potential immigrant successfully integrate into the new country's culture, laws, and society?
If yes to all three, you
might get in.
This is Canada's basic immigration policy, and they're about the nicest people on the damn planet.
And the whole "Sharia/Islamic law supercedes Constitutional or secular law"?
Fuck off, go away, and rethink that idea.
Until you can play by
our rules, you don't need to be in
our countries.
Enough Islamic states to pick from, go immigrate to one of those states if "Islamic law over secular law" is your desire.
Edit: and to be clear, I don't care what your skin tone is, I don't care what your accent is, I don't care which make-believe father figure in the sky you pray to. If you're going to become a citizen of a country, do your homework and pick one that you can adapt to. Don't expect the country to adapt to you.
you're asking to be let into
their country, as a favor to you - not the other way around.
Last edited by rdx-fx (2010-09-09 12:23:02)