"It's Recharging!"

Ag3nT-()r@ng3 wrote:

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

CMDR_Dave... what is that "thing" in your signature? It is highly annoying.. I can't stand seeing it...
Well, i guess u definately need 'more cowbell' then

Another German Mod
+6|7125|Lake Constanze, Germany

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

Ag3nT-()r@ng3 wrote:

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

CMDR_Dave... what is that "thing" in your signature? It is highly annoying.. I can't stand seeing it...
Well, i guess u definately need 'more cowbell' then

ROFL.....ok, i give u a lil tip: Voodoo said something about this clip.
Try the search - i help u, if u find nothing....

just nothing
Blue Oyster Cult ftw
Another German Mod
+6|7125|Lake Constanze, Germany

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Blue Oyster Cult ftw
Shhht Trig, don't give away everything.....


PS: Got PM, Trig?!
+66|7159|Missoula, MT
Yeah, just give "more cowbell"!! 

chuyskywalker wrote:

woot for my dual raptors in raid 1
why wouold you mirror 2 10k drives? or did you mean raid0?
I think a lot of the load has to do with HD's and MEM. I just recently installed a new 200 gig from my old 20gig and have noticed a huge jump in load times. I am now one of the first to get in every time. Make sure your RAM is clear from any running programs in the back ground. I have 1gig and only run BF2 when i play on my comp.
Finnish bush-man
I jsut bought 512 ram and i now have 1gig. Before i was almost always in the last ppl on the server, suddenly im one of the first! The loading time went dowd like to 1/3 of the loading time with 512. 1gig ram rulz. Oh and btw, i keep all graphs at medium and AA 2x + range 100%

Hello Snooooooowmaaaannnnn.....Im gonna MAKE a snowman on my backyard before you get here....its gonna be winter soon eh?

Last edited by Landepaukku (2005-10-09 07:59:36)

i think it has mostly to do with the amount of ram
because by the time client verification starts lots of memory has been used up by all the map data loaded before
thus the files aren't in the cache anymore and need to be read from the disk again (and some memory might even be swapped out)

with 1gb ram i had verifiation times around a minute, with 2gb it takes about 15 seconds on first load and 2s on subsequent loads

Dnamaster wrote:

chuyskywalker wrote:

woot for my dual raptors in raid 1
why wouold you mirror 2 10k drives? or did you mean raid0?
Ah, yeah, right. Sorry, RAID 0. Must have gotten confused. ^shrug^
+0|7110|Omaha, Nebraska

Sn0wMan wrote:

In an attempt to figure out why "Verifying Client Data" varies so much from one user to another, I've created a survey. Once enough people fill it out, I'll post the results in this thread and on the survey. You can add your email at the end to be notified of the results if you wish.

The hardware listed is above the recommended specs for the game. If your hardware is not listed, please pick the closest matching hardware. Thanks and hopefully this will shed some light on this issue!

--> Take the survey!
Took the survey.  The largest HD you have in the servy is 200GB I am using a 300GB 16mb cache Maxtor.  But I am also using two 80 GB HD's in RAID 0 for the game.  The game actually uses both.  The cache for BF2 is on the boot drive 300GB Maxtor (in my Documents) and the rest of the game is installed on the RAID drive.

See rest of config in sig.

I am normally the first into any map.  I am usually capturing the first flag and or fighting that one or two others that get in first also

I believe that verify time has to deal with a persons BF2 game quality settings, HD speed, memory, processor and memory speed in that order.

Video card type has little if nothing to do with this.  And nothing to do with you internet connection speed.

Last edited by DakotaDoc64 (2005-10-09 13:20:30)

but then thats just gay, i'm at 768mb RAM, takes me 6min to verify, can't EA do something better with this, or take this awaym because it's just plain gay.
Hmm - I thought I would register to point out what I have found out... Might not be strictly admittable, but its just what I have discovered..

I have got a resonable system - AMD 3000+ with 1GB Ram and 256mb geforce 5500 (or something like that).

Its not great, but plays BF2 OK and works most other games..

My 'verifying client data' was taking *AGES* as someone else pointed felt, I was always the last into a game, missed the helicopters/jeeps/tanks and always end up running for miles before getting sniped... sigh.. anyway.. my point..

Before buying BF2 I.. ummm.. aquired.. a 'backup' version, just to make sure EA hadn't screwed it up..
Now before judgeing me, i was gonna buy it anyway (almost certainly) and I bought 1942 (great) and BF Vietnam (rubbish), so i just wanted to make sure..

Anyway, I'm sure you all understand what I mean.  If not then a quick torrent search will help.

God, i keep drifting off topic - I installed that 'backup' version, including the crack - found the game to be shocking in SP mode, but realised its potentional for MP mode, and so went out and bought it.
Installed the game, and the patch, all great - apart from the verifying client data times..

Anyway, PC went tits up at the weekend, so wanted to rebuild - searched around for files which I might want to save, and found a 500mb temp file, seemingly created by BF2!

Trashed PC, rebuilt it - reinstalled BF2 and 1.03 patch, and all works amazingly!  Quicker loading, far, far, far quicker to verify client data.. from about 2.5 mins to about 20 seconds, if that.. its almost the same as the SP loading times..

My point, finally, is a question.  Do people experienceing large loading times have another, not-quite-as-legal version on their PC beforehand?  Also, the people who go in straight away - did you install the game firstly from the bought version?

Wow.  Long first post..

I've been lurking around for a while, this is a great BF2 site!! Well done!  I was first attracted by the 'What-you-have-to-do-to-get-medals' pages, but soon found the forums intresting and fun to browse!
Also, I like the 1.03 patch - I like the fact BHs are no longer flying death machines and can be destroyed.
I like the way special forces get credit for blowing up resorces.
I like the way the server list works properly.
Anyway, I'm intrested in your loading time issues, so I'll stop going on about it.

You can kill me as grr_boy, usually in the EA UK Offical servers, but hang around any strike at karkand maps..  I suspect most of you have already.. sob...
well, could the demo have to do anythign with it, thats what i had installed beforehand the original
same here demo first, to make sure it ran than bought it and those varafie times are killer.

system specs:
7200RPM 120GB*2 (RAID 0)
1gb ram
barton 2500+ OCed to 3000
9800 Pro 256MB
same here demo first, to make sure it ran than bought it and those varafie times are killer.

system specs:
7200RPM 120GB*2 (RAID 0)
1gb ram
barton 2500+ OCed to 3000
9800 Pro 256MB
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX
Maybe I'm blind but were the results of this survey benchmark ever published in this thread or any other thread? I think it either got lost or was forgotten.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
no offence, but my verify times for the demo.. there were no verify times !!! 5 sec max

This guy dissappeared. Makes me sad.
Flying Solo
+98|7088|Canada, Ont
My Friend is always the first person in the game he says when a New Game starts, so he gets First Pick of Planes and Choppers and Tanks and Im Jelous, lol...anyway, I got better Computer then him ALL Around EXCEPT!!!!!....he has 2 Gigs of Ram and I got 1 Gig... so The Solution is More Ram, Faster Verify Time .

Cram your Survey Yo, I Got Your Answer Fo Shizzle ^^
From what I have heard the verification times should be fixed in the next patch.
+66|7159|Missoula, MT

HG_TheTank wrote:

From what I have heard the verification times should be fixed in the next patch.
Next Patch..... Oct.17/07
Nope, actually quite soon.
I think when it verifies the data it is going through the entire hard drive for anything that would alter the game in anyway. I recently Bought a second HDD and reinstalled BF2 onto that one and it being the only thing on it cut verifying times to just as fast if not faster than the load time, so basically if you clear your hard drive of anything unnecessary it should cut it down...

ps...the survey didnt have an option for 300gig HDD :-\

Last edited by ZZZargo333 (2005-10-23 04:53:38)

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