
Who attends church regularly? Or tries to.

i do10%10% - 14
i dont, but im christian29%29% - 40
i dont, im not christian60%60% - 83
Total: 137
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
I see no reason to delay genetic engineering further. "We shouldn't play god" is the most annoying delay to progress ever.

I want some new organs when I'm 40, I want an elephant the size of my dog and I want to go to jurassic park. Now.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

Beduin wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

Beduin wrote:

For me religion is out of the equation. People will always have their own culture with or without religion.
We can talk about common practises, as praying 5 times a day or fasting ramadan, but those are religious practises, not culture.
Islam is a reflection of the culture.
Islamic culture is a reflection of Islam.
how can you say that when we both know how much an influence nomadic desert life on the arabian peninsula had on the formation of Islam and the doctrines that are held sacred?
Tu Stultus Es
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6837|United States of America
So we've diluted religion to "belief in God" again? Damn it all. Even so, there's many things we've believed in for centuries until something proves we're wrong. That's the beauty of science. You said yourself about how personal of a matter religious views are, and those generally won't interfere with the life of anyone else until you get massive organization that tries to control people as a result (i.e. the Catholic church trying to dictate to people their own views on political matters). Intelligent design isn't science, either. It's a piss-poor attempt, in spite of evidence to the contrary, to take the Bible as a literal work, which is moronic to start with.
i dont see why we need a god figure anymore in our society or civilization

man's reach exceeds his imagination!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6837|United States of America
We probably don't need one. Then again, we definitely don't need a lot of things.

Life is worthless anyway. Nothing matters, everything ends.
gee that's a good point you have there. solid defense. might drop by my local latter day saints church tomorrow, actually.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
So is anybody with me on the whole genetic engineering thing..?
be nice
+2,646|6606|The Twilight Zone

Macbeth wrote:

Life is worthless anyway. Nothing matters, everything ends.
you might as well end it now if that's how you think

Macbeth wrote:

Life is worthless anyway. Nothing matters, everything ends.
that's even more reason to abandon the religious pursuit of banking everything on an 'afterlife'.

if you're all nihilistic and existentialist and tres-nietzschean, transcend religious dogma and be your own master.

christians spend all their life from birth repenting for shit they never even did, to hope it gets them into some disneyworld of the afterlife.

i'd rather live in the present, ta.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6837|United States of America

Uzique wrote:

gee that's a good point you have there. solid defense. might drop by my local latter day saints church tomorrow, actually.
Unless you're speaking to Mac, I'm not suggesting you or anyone else become born-again Christians or anything (especially since those people are often intolerable), I'm simply proposing that religion has a useful place in our world. Everyone is entitled to his or her own thoughts.
+3,611|6774|London, England

Beduin wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

Beduin wrote:

For me religion is out of the equation. People will always have their own culture with or without religion.
We can talk about common practises, as praying 5 times a day or fasting ramadan, but those are religious practises, not culture.
Islam is a reflection of the culture.
Islamic culture is a reflection of Islam.
It's still based on Arab culture, how can you not possibly understand this. I don't know why you refuse to beleive that. All you have to do is look at the Koran. It's not in Swedish is it? What language is it in? Where is everything important based? Where does everyone important come from?

Ramadan. It means the ninth month in Arabic, and has meant that for Arabs long before Islam was invented. Muslims all around the world use the same word, yet somehow it's not a reflection of Arab culture at all? Illogical

The Kabaa in Mecca, used to be a holy site for Arabs before Islam, so it naturally was a holy site for Arabs after Islam came (with some tweaks),  hundreds of millions praying around the world in that direction everyday, and it has nothing to do with Arab culture whatsoever it's just part of Islam. Yeah ok.

DesertFox- wrote:

Uzique wrote:

gee that's a good point you have there. solid defense. might drop by my local latter day saints church tomorrow, actually.
Unless you're speaking to Mac, I'm not suggesting you or anyone else become born-again Christians or anything (especially since those people are often intolerable), I'm simply proposing that religion has a useful place in our world. Everyone is entitled to his or her own thoughts.
thoughts are private, personal, a personal liberty.

organized religion is an extortion-circuit, an abusive and controllive establishment, a retardation to human progress.

'attending church regularly' denotes religion of that form; not private home worship and personal beliefs.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
Well you certainly are persistant mek.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6837|United States of America
You won't see me arguing with you on that. Some other people will, but they're the ones who have the Sunday school and church picnics and such, which always seemed a bit far out for my liking. I've said many times that the unity of religious groups is a facade, because no group of people all believe the same things to the same extent. Someone's seriously working those puppet strings if they can decide your own opinions for you.
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid

eleven bravo wrote:

how can you say that when we both know how much an influence nomadic desert life on the arabian peninsula had on the formation of Islam and the doctrines that are held sacred?
That is what some would call islamic culture. I say it is religious practises. It then creates a culture that should be common in all the followers, but that is not the case. people do create/keep/modify cultures as it suits them.
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
Previously known as CC-Marley
Never been there.
Psy squad
Not really an active church goer, haven't even been baptised....
+3,611|6774|London, England

Beduin wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

how can you say that when we both know how much an influence nomadic desert life on the arabian peninsula had on the formation of Islam and the doctrines that are held sacred?
That is what some would call islamic culture. I say it is religious practises. It then creates a culture that should be common in all the followers, but that is not the case. people do create/keep/modify cultures as it suits them.

I'm done with this shit.
11 Bravo
+965|5390|Cleveland, Ohio
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6598|The Land of Scott Walker
I've always found interesting that some assume attending church/mosque/temple/etc causes one to abandon all independent thought.  It doesn't any more than attending a Cowboys game.  Oh geez, you must have been raised a Cowboys fan, what a brainwashed sheep you are attending those games.  Someone must be influencing you against your will.  Hasn't anyone ever told you that reading books by yourself is a far more intellectual pursuit?  Mindlessly enjoying those games with others will cause your mind to atrophy!
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
Ive always found it interesting how defensive and personal the super religious get when the ideas of doctrine and practice are criticized

Last edited by eleven bravo (2010-09-06 17:34:51)

Tu Stultus Es
i read books by myself for hours a day and i never go to church

im basically a polymath
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

Beduin wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

how can you say that when we both know how much an influence nomadic desert life on the arabian peninsula had on the formation of Islam and the doctrines that are held sacred?
That is what some would call islamic culture. I say it is religious practises. It then creates a culture that should be common in all the followers, but that is not the case. people do create/keep/modify cultures as it suits them.
so i guess meccas being stuck in the middle of the desert has nothing to do with arab culture.  gotcha.  its just a coincidence
Tu Stultus Es
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX

eleven bravo wrote:

so i guess meccas being stuck in the middle of the desert has nothing to do with arab culture.  gotcha.  its just a coincidence
Its not going to be in Beverly Hills now is it?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

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