
Is it fair to be kicked/banned for what happened here.

Yes34%34% - 83
No65%65% - 159
Total: 242
+304|6748|New York City baby.
#1 - if you are going to quote the rules at least make sure you know the rules.

The following is straight from the Oman rules:

No uncapturable base Camping:
Oman's love-it-or-leave-it rule states that you cannot attack the uncappables with a vehicle's weapons. It is simple and straight forward at its core, but here it is in more detail:
So if you were in my shoes you would hit throttle and ram the APC ?
exact location of APC was on left take off lane directly crossing where UAV is,  I really want to know what you would do ? according to rules I would have to go out of su and c4 the apc for which I had only 1 c4 pack left .
Noobie1 Canoli

alpinestar wrote:

#1 - if you are going to quote the rules at least make sure you know the rules.

The following is straight from the Oman rules:

No uncapturable base Camping:
Oman's love-it-or-leave-it rule states that you cannot attack the uncappables with a vehicle's weapons. It is simple and straight forward at its core, but here it is in more detail:
So if you were in my shoes you would hit throttle and ram the APC ?
exact location of APC was on left take off lane directly crossing where UAV is,  I really want to know what you would do ? according to rules I would have to go out of su and c4 the apc for which I had only 1 c4 pack left .
Like the rules say...when you go in you know what you are up against. You knew the risks.

Ram him with the plane.

Run and hide.

C4 the plane and run behind the wall...detonate as he's going past and the plane and C4 explosion might take him out.

Run, get into another APC or tank and ram him for the final blow after using your 1 C4.

Call an arty strike.

Ask for a crate.

Look at the radar or UAV to see if they're being repared and use their own crate to resupply.

Go kamikaze on his ass!...Attack him with the knife while yelling your head off...you never know, he might run! 

You don't necessarily have to break the rules...be creative within the rules and always be aware of the limitations imposed around the uncaps. The rules are there for everybody, not just you, bro. It's not really a limitation on anyone in particular as it is a team balancing strategy that makes the game a bit longer and harder fought, while giving everybody a fighting chance to make a comeback. That keeps the game more interesting than catering to the score-whores who like to camp and use tactics like switching from a losing team to a camping one just to rack up points. We like our players and care too much about our servers to allow that. It is no fun and in Oman we found it to be impossible to recover from. You have to understand that we cater to all levels of players, not just elite tournament masters who might be able to pull together and overcome something like that.

If I didn't care about the server or the people in it I wouldn't go to the trouble of explaining all this in detail to you. I hope you can appreciate that and realize that clan server admins who abuse their powers don't do stuff like that. If I didn't care I wouldn't help to pay for the cost of the server that you came here to diss. If Moongamers didn't care we would get some cheap ass rig on some crappy connection. It would be cheap, but it wouldn't be up to our standards. Moongamers is a gaming community, not a clan. We have players of all skills and ages from all over the world, that is why we have these rules in place...to keep it fair and fun for everyone. Our Admins don't admin for themselves but for the server and the players. If we keep the field as level as possible within our abilities everyone has a chance to have a good time and that is all we are looking for.

Last edited by Noobie1 Canoli (2006-05-04 17:57:22)

+304|6748|New York City baby.

Noobie1 Canoli wrote:

alpinestar wrote:

#1 - if you are going to quote the rules at least make sure you know the rules.

The following is straight from the Oman rules:

No uncapturable base Camping:
Oman's love-it-or-leave-it rule states that you cannot attack the uncappables with a vehicle's weapons. It is simple and straight forward at its core, but here it is in more detail:
So if you were in my shoes you would hit throttle and ram the APC ?
exact location of APC was on left take off lane directly crossing where UAV is,  I really want to know what you would do ? according to rules I would have to go out of su and c4 the apc for which I had only 1 c4 pack left .
Like the rules say...when you go in you know what you are up against. You knew the risks.

Ram him with the plane.

Run and hide.

C4 the plane and run behind the wall...detonate as he's going past and the plane and C4 explosion might take him out.

Run, get into another APC or tank and ram him for the final blow after using your 1 C4.

Call an arty strike.

Ask for a crate.

Look at the radar or UAV to see if they're being repared and use their own crate to resupply.

Go kamikaze on his ass!...Attack him with the knife while yelling your head off...you never know, he might run! 

You don't necessarily have to break the rules...be creative within the rules and always be aware of the limitations imposed around the uncaps. The rules are there for everybody, not just you, bro. It's not really a limitation on anyone in particular as it is a team balancing strategy that makes the game a bit longer and harder fought, while giving everybody a fighting chance to make a comeback. That keeps the game more interesting than catering to the score-whores who like to camp and use tactics like switching from a losing team to a camping one just to rack up points. We like our players and care too much about our servers to allow that. It is no fun and in Oman we found it to be impossible to recover from. You have to understand that we cater to all levels of players, not just elite tournament masters who might be able to pull together and overcome something like that.

If I didn't care about the server or the people in it I wouldn't go to the trouble of explaining all this in detail to you. I hope you can appreciate that and realize that clan server admins who abuse their powers don't do stuff like that. If I didn't care I wouldn't help to pay for the cost of the server that you came here to diss. If Moongamers didn't care we would get some cheap ass rig on some crappy connection. It would be cheap, but it wouldn't be up to our standards. Moongamers is a gaming community, not a clan. We have players of all skills and ages from all over the world, that is why we have these rules in place...to keep it fair and fun for everyone. Our Admins don't admin for themselves but for the server and the players. If we keep the field as level as possible within our abilities everyone has a chance to have a good time and that is all we are looking for.
On that note yes you are right about your rules however there are certain things you can do to avoid your servers loosing their reputation in the gaming community, for instance give a warning before BANNING, and coming back to what would you do in my shoes, I put in close to 1000 hrs in battlefield 2 and from my personal experience when you run away from APC you will get shot 9/10 adding few more MECs around you that 9/10 drops to 9.9/10 not to be Anal about this situation but everything I said in my post was very true and making a poll for that matter I wanted people to see if it was fair and I do not think 70% can be wrong on other hand if majority would say Yes I would just swallow it and go about my business without beeing a drama
Noobie1 Canoli

alpinestar wrote:

On that note yes you are right about your rules however there are certain things you can do to avoid your servers loosing their reputation in the gaming community, for instance give a warning before BANNING,
We tried that before. Like I said: "Whether we warn, kick or ban, and the length of the ban, will depend on the general environment of the server at the time". That means that most of the time people don't respond to warnings. If, let's say, there are 10 rule breakers screwing around in the server with no regard for others who want, and are, following the rules...and the first couple of kicks don't serve as a warning to the others...those guys are too dense or too intent on what they're doing to respond to warnings. You bet your ass there will be a rash of temp bans coming their way. If, on the other hand the server is running pretty smoothly with only the occasional case, there will be warnings and kicks before anyone is banned. Lengthy or even permanent bans will be handed out liberally, however, if we catch people TKing on purpose.

alpinestar wrote:

and coming back to what would you do in my shoes, I put in close to 1000 hrs in battlefield 2 and from my personal experience when you run away from APC you will get shot 9/10 adding few more MECs around you that 9/10 drops to 9.9/10
May be true, but doesn't alter the fact that you have to follow the server's rules. You don't want to be in that position or can't handle a virtual death (it's a friggin computer game, after all)? Stay away from the uncap and play the other bases. Oman is huge and has a bit of everything. You can play it in many different ways. All you have to do is adapt to the circumstances while playing within the server rules.

alpinestar wrote:

not to be Anal about this situation but everything I said in my post was very true and making a poll for that matter I wanted people to see if it was fair and I do not think 70% can be wrong on other hand if majority would say Yes I would just swallow it and go about my business without beeing a drama queen
That is their opinion, you big drama queen. They are entitled to it. But this is our server we are talking about. It is private property. The rules we created are within the guidelines set out for private ranked servers and have passed multiple scrutiny from EA, so we have every right to enforce them. It comes down to that. Like I said, anyone who is willing to play our server by the rules will have nothing to fear. We don't pick on people for no reason. We don't kick for skill or killing of admins or anything else that players may be subjected to on other servers. Anyone who alleges that is doing so out of ignorance, envy or spite. I can post on our forums asking for people who enjoy playing by the rules to come here and vote on the poll, but the poll is immaterial. The fact remains that you have to abide by the server rules, period. I pretty much created the rules and monitor their application. Like I said, I stand by the Admin's decision, given the circumstances that you described yourself. In case of a dispute my word is final. So, I guess that settles that.

João AKA Noobie1 Canoli
Mongamers BF2 Senior Admin

P.S. - getting back to the poll I have to tell you that I would rather have 20 people that follow the rules playing the server than 40 that don't. Yes I like a full server but I like seeing the players enjoying the game much more. We don't mind being a minority and don't force anyone to play our server. All we ask is...you know...the rules thing..

Last edited by Noobie1 Canoli (2006-05-04 20:07:44)

+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
you stole the vehicle legit and protected what you stole... it's a-ok in my book.
Noobie1 Canoli

Rizen_Ji wrote:

you stole the vehicle legit and protected what you stole... it's a-ok in my book.
Not legit by server rules. That's all that matters. That's like telling the referee in a soccer game that the offside ruling shouldn't count because the goal was an amazing shot. It doesn't matter if you had to break the rules to do it. Try doing it within the rules and taking those variables into account. It takes more skill and can still be pulled off. I should know. I've stolen plenty of vehicles from both uncaps without breaking the rules.
+304|6748|New York City baby.

Noobie1 Canoli wrote:

Rizen_Ji wrote:

you stole the vehicle legit and protected what you stole... it's a-ok in my book.
Not legit by server rules. That's all that matters. That's like telling the referee in a soccer game that the offside ruling shouldn't count because the goal was an amazing shot. It doesn't matter if you had to break the rules to do it. Try doing it within the rules and taking those variables into account. It takes more skill and can still be pulled off. I should know. I've stolen plenty of vehicles from both uncaps without breaking the rules.
noobie rules are rules and the game is made this way and there is nothing you can do about it but ban a person for doing it which i call abuse of authority maybe you should add "Do not steal vehicles" to your rules of server?
Just to let you know if EA didn't want us to steal vehicles they would give each team a set of keys for them and well a locksmith perhaps ? There are certain exceptions you should re-think before banning a person for doing what is completely legit to my opinion, but yes you have your opinion and you are entitled to it.
bad touch

dont let the man get you down. i feel that kick/bans are a sign that you are doing too good and they feel threatened... or i yell fuck too many times for PB to handle
Holy Smokes! That's one long list of rules. How can anyone remember what the rules are? Do you have to print them out and hang them from your monitor to check before reacting? Sheesh.

I would have done the same thing alpine.
Noobie1 Canoli

alpinestar wrote:

noobie rules are rules and the game is made this way and there is nothing you can do about it but ban a person for doing it which i call abuse of authority...
Just so we are clear. No, it is not legit to break server rules. They apply to everyone equally and you are not above them.

As for the ban, there are situations where a ban without warning may be justified. Whether it was in this case, I don't know yet. I haven't had a chance to clear it up with the Admin but will at the earliest opportunity. So, to recap, he was right to slap you on the wrist. Now it just remains to be seen if he slapped you too hard.

I have 2 questions for you. Can you get into the server now? Have you registered with our forums  and setup Teamspeak? Teamspeak shold be your first option if you need to reach an Admin immediatelly. The forums can also be useful to sort something like this out or ask for an admin to come into Teamspeak with you. Using other forums to spread half-truths and sour grapes isn't really helpful or an efficient way of solving the situation and moving on. I'm just saying that because you mentioned at one point that you do enjoy our server and would like to keep playing there.
The New Johnnie Cochran
Which is why I never play on the moongamers server. I don't want to have to put up with crap like this. I feel an admin has to be more intuitive with his decisions, as each scenario is different.

Last edited by Elamdri (2006-05-05 11:25:14)

+79|6776|Las Vegas
If I had my own server......the rules would be:

#1.  Play the fucking game!

That is all.

¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

Noobie1 Canoli wrote:

alpinestar wrote:

Here's the story:
Server : Moongamers ranked Mostly gulf of oman
Sever rules: do not Base Rape with any equipment jets tanks etc or you will get kicked/banned
#1 - if you are going to quote the rules at least make sure you know the rules.

The following is straight from the Oman rules:

No uncapturable base Camping:
Oman's love-it-or-leave-it rule states that you cannot attack the uncappables with a vehicle's weapons. It is simple and straight forward at its core, but here it is in more detail:

- bomb or shoot at the uncappables with planes, including people, the Anti-Aerials, the artillery, UAV and Radar
- shoot any weapons from any vehicle - be it an APC, tank or dune buggy - at anyone or anything in the uncappables, including planes, AA, UAV, radar or any other vehicles
- attack any planes or helos that are on the ground. You must attack them only when they are airborne past the limits of the uncappable and have executed a flight manoeuvre (turn left or right, for instance)
- shoot back if you are being shot at from the uncappables. You go there at your own risk and aware of the conditions and you must afford others the same protection from spawn camping that you also should enjoy on your uncappable

You MAY:
- use vehicles as transport to and out of the uncappables, including stealing vehicles from the uncappables
- use commander artillery on the uncappables
- camp to your heart's content as infantry and destroy the objectives with C4
- use vehicles to run people over (including wingclipping with jets)

Passenger Kills:
If you are a passenger or co-pilot that is flown or driven into an uncap, any kills you get in the uncappable from that vehicle will net you a kick or ban, up to a permanent ban, pending an evaluation on the next Core Advisory Board meeting to decide if it should stay or be commuted. If you were attacking or defending is irrelevant.

So, as you can see there is no "no base rape" rule on our server. All bases can be raped but the uncaps have  been afforded some protection from vehicle weapons to make the map more even for both sides and gameplay more enjoyable for all.

#2 - By your own admission you broke the rule and the admin acted on it only when you broke the rule. It doesn't matter if it was the admin or a player in that APC you attacked. The rules are the same for all. He witnessed it first hand. He did his job well and will be commended for it. Whether we warn, kick or ban, and the length of the ban, will depend on the general environment of the server at the time as well as our assessment of the player's experience in the server/knowledge of the rules. As it is also stated on the Oman Rules:

"Any rule breakers will be dealt with accordingly. Regular players, who should be more familiar with server rules and procedures, will receive harsher penalties."

I understand that in the heat of the battle shit will happen. It happened to me also...twice. One time was bad enough that I banned myself for a few hours, so try to guess how much slack I or my Admin team are going to cut you or anyone else who breaks the rules.

Now, if you enjoy the server and want to play by our rules you are welcome anytime, if not, there are plenty of servers with no rules out there. If you come back do me a big favour, though. The next time you break a rule on our server and get handed a kick or ban don't go whining about it elsewhere or quoting the rules to serve your argument. That's lame. We have our own forums where you can request that a ban be lifted if you believe it wasn't fair.

If there is a next time, please come to us and we will look into it.

Also, Moongamers Admins do not abuse their power or they won't be with us for very long. We have to follow rules in applying the server rules. Not much is left at the discretion of Admins here, so there is no abuse as much as there is pretty good, fair and consistent application of rules to the best of our abilities. Mistakes do happen. We are human, after all. But we also listen to our players and shorten or lift bans in such cases and are not above apologizing for an incorrection on our part.

To answer someone else's comment: yes sometimes a lot of stuff slides by exactly because we want to be fair to all. We don't kick or ban on earsay. We have to witness the situation. That means we can't be everywhere at once, so if there is only one or two admins and a lot of rule breakers it's impossible to catch it all, but we do try our best.

To answer someone else's comment: to say that Oman admins have low points, that is why they get rid of players is a pretty retarded argument. If that worked we would not have low points, would we!? Maybe ghosting in the map to catch rule breakers is the real reason why even the good players see their stats drop when they join our admin team. Think about it. We don't pick people based on their gaming ability excatly because we don't want score-hungry people. We pick Admins based on personality, character and their commitment of time and effort to keep the server fun and fair for all. Our Admins go through a week of reading about all the rules before they are even allowed to use the server adminning application or wear Junior Admin tags. After a period as Junior Admins their performance is evaluated again before deciding if they don't make the cut, if the training period is extended or if they get full Admin. So, don't make up stories or get your nose bent out of shape because you don't like the rules and were kicked or banned for not following them. There are plenty of other servers where you can base rape to your heart's content. Please go be happy somewhere else. However, many have learned to love and live by our rules exactly because they make it fun and fair for all.

Visit our forums, check out our server rules, join us in Teamspeak and you will see for yourselves.

Your rules are a bunch of BS.  I voted no, "no baserape" rules are only there to protect n00bs who can't play the game and must hide behind self-made barriers.  This is a game, yes, thats why I hate cheaters.  But this is a WAR game.  Kill or be killed, if you have to have rules to protect you then stop playing the game because you suck.

    Oh, and guess what?  DICE put commander assets in uncappables.  DICE made uncappables attackable.  DICE even programed the bots to attack uncaps.
No-skill noobies need a place to play too!

alpinestar wrote:

Here's the story:
Server : Moongamers ranked Mostly gulf of oman
Sever rules: do not Base Rape with any equipment jets tanks etc or you will get kicked/banned

And now im on USMC as spec op going for their assets so I have my squad leader drive me to their base in a car
5 seconds later uav and scanner are gone And I see SU-34 on runway so I said to my self alrite why not steal it
as I get in it I see C4 on windshield beeing dropped so I get out and politely kill the MEC with m4 I get back in it
and I see APC heading towards me on runway so I get in Passanger seat get lock on him and drop the apc with laser guided, next thing is I easily take off with stolen SU-34 and as I go to carrier to fix it up a little bit I get kicked/banned for that specific rule of the server Admin was ADMIN VRtrooper something
Now I want a honest opinion on this because I have yet another footage of this on fraps and I want to report that server because it is infact not first time I get kicked from there for doing similiar thing. Never based rape though
It's silly, but fair. Server rules like that pretty much declare up front that you can't kill at uncaps. Many servers like this issue bans against jets defending themselves against uncap-based happy IGLA campers firing into the center of the map, while their own jets flee to uncaps for their pretty illusions of safety. Playground rules, basically. Another thing about no-uncap-attacking is it means, in some cases, that while one team's assets are fair game, the other's are "no-touchy." The no-uncap-attack thing, if enacted, should be kept limited to kicking people just sitting around and butchering/bombing spawners, not people with the intent to hijack vehicles or wipe out satellite TV...

Just avoid these kinds of servers and spare yourself the headache of angsty admins whinging about raids and resultant self-defense.

Noobie1 Canoli wrote:

Visit our forums, check out our server rules, join us in Teamspeak and you will see for yourselves.

Unless I really like a server, I'm not about to go open firefox and stain my brain with quirks in its particular list of "you-can't-do-that," "you-gotta-play-this-way" rules. Anything not denied up front is fair game, in my mind. If I'm kicked, I just find somewhere else to play. Nothing against Moongamers, since I don't remember ever playing there, but this is my general policy.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-05-05 14:55:02)

Good Points unnamednewbie!

What a pain it must be to try to memorize so many rules.  I definitely won't be frequenting this server.  I also believe that rules are created by the weak, and it sounds like this particular player was banned for owning the admin.  A good admin always issues a warning, at least admins that want to populate their respective servers with the best players.

Pearl Harbor was the biggest "base rape" in history.  But here's the kicker:  Instead of crying about it, and trying to make rules about it, the US simply raped the Japanese back, and that was that.
+6|6719|PA, USA

Noobie1 Canoli wrote:

alpinestar wrote:

Here's the story:
Server : Moongamers ranked Mostly gulf of oman
Sever rules: do not Base Rape with any equipment jets tanks etc or you will get kicked/banned
#1 - if you are going to quote the rules at least make sure you know the rules.

The following is straight from the Oman rules:

No uncapturable base Camping:
Oman's love-it-or-leave-it rule states that you cannot attack the uncappables with a vehicle's weapons. It is simple and straight forward at its core, but here it is in more detail:

- bomb or shoot at the uncappables with planes, including people, the Anti-Aerials, the artillery, UAV and Radar
- shoot any weapons from any vehicle - be it an APC, tank or dune buggy - at anyone or anything in the uncappables, including planes, AA, UAV, radar or any other vehicles
- attack any planes or helos that are on the ground. You must attack them only when they are airborne past the limits of the uncappable and have executed a flight manoeuvre (turn left or right, for instance)
- shoot back if you are being shot at from the uncappables. You go there at your own risk and aware of the conditions and you must afford others the same protection from spawn camping that you also should enjoy on your uncappable

You MAY:
- use vehicles as transport to and out of the uncappables, including stealing vehicles from the uncappables
- use commander artillery on the uncappables
- camp to your heart's content as infantry and destroy the objectives with C4
- use vehicles to run people over (including wingclipping with jets)

Passenger Kills:
If you are a passenger or co-pilot that is flown or driven into an uncap, any kills you get in the uncappable from that vehicle will net you a kick or ban, up to a permanent ban, pending an evaluation on the next Core Advisory Board meeting to decide if it should stay or be commuted. If you were attacking or defending is irrelevant.

So, as you can see there is no "no base rape" rule on our server. All bases can be raped but the uncaps have  been afforded some protection from vehicle weapons to make the map more even for both sides and gameplay more enjoyable for all.

#2 - By your own admission you broke the rule and the admin acted on it only when you broke the rule. It doesn't matter if it was the admin or a player in that APC you attacked. The rules are the same for all. He witnessed it first hand. He did his job well and will be commended for it. Whether we warn, kick or ban, and the length of the ban, will depend on the general environment of the server at the time as well as our assessment of the player's experience in the server/knowledge of the rules. As it is also stated on the Oman Rules:

"Any rule breakers will be dealt with accordingly. Regular players, who should be more familiar with server rules and procedures, will receive harsher penalties."

I understand that in the heat of the battle shit will happen. It happened to me also...twice. One time was bad enough that I banned myself for a few hours, so try to guess how much slack I or my Admin team are going to cut you or anyone else who breaks the rules.

Now, if you enjoy the server and want to play by our rules you are welcome anytime, if not, there are plenty of servers with no rules out there. If you come back do me a big favour, though. The next time you break a rule on our server and get handed a kick or ban don't go whining about it elsewhere or quoting the rules to serve your argument. That's lame. We have our own forums where you can request that a ban be lifted if you believe it wasn't fair.

If there is a next time, please come to us and we will look into it.

Also, Moongamers Admins do not abuse their power or they won't be with us for very long. We have to follow rules in applying the server rules. Not much is left at the discretion of Admins here, so there is no abuse as much as there is pretty good, fair and consistent application of rules to the best of our abilities. Mistakes do happen. We are human, after all. But we also listen to our players and shorten or lift bans in such cases and are not above apologizing for an incorrection on our part.

To answer someone else's comment: yes sometimes a lot of stuff slides by exactly because we want to be fair to all. We don't kick or ban on earsay. We have to witness the situation. That means we can't be everywhere at once, so if there is only one or two admins and a lot of rule breakers it's impossible to catch it all, but we do try our best.

To answer someone else's comment: to say that Oman admins have low points, that is why they get rid of players is a pretty retarded argument. If that worked we would not have low points, would we!? Maybe ghosting in the map to catch rule breakers is the real reason why even the good players see their stats drop when they join our admin team. Think about it. We don't pick people based on their gaming ability excatly because we don't want score-hungry people. We pick Admins based on personality, character and their commitment of time and effort to keep the server fun and fair for all. Our Admins go through a week of reading about all the rules before they are even allowed to use the server adminning application or wear Junior Admin tags. After a period as Junior Admins their performance is evaluated again before deciding if they don't make the cut, if the training period is extended or if they get full Admin. So, don't make up stories or get your nose bent out of shape because you don't like the rules and were kicked or banned for not following them. There are plenty of other servers where you can base rape to your heart's content. Please go be happy somewhere else. However, many have learned to love and live by our rules exactly because they make it fun and fair for all.

Visit our forums, check out our server rules, join us in Teamspeak and you will see for yourselves.

You can't shoot back if you're being shot at from the uncappables?  That's the most retarded rule I've ever heard.  If I'm being shot at by anyone, I don't care where they are, I'm shooting them back right the face!  What's to stop a bunch of camping snipers from setting up shop at an uncappable base and bumping off everyone they see?  Stupid.
+31|6976|St. Louis, MO
Although they can legally enforce those rules,I don't agree with them.However, if the server rules were posted I would have respected them.

Last edited by YoBabysDaddy (2006-05-05 15:37:49)

Interesting.  You can rape the bases, but not blow up assets or did I read that wrong?  So, a team of snipers, perched on a hill, hitting the only noncapflag left, with everything they have, not letting the other team even IN a vehicle let alone off the base is fine....  as long as the snipers don't base-rape from a vehicle.......  hmmmm

Yep, the 70/30 ration seems correct.  Shame there are so many young kids as admins. Just make sure to stay away from reverend moongamer servers..  I know I will....
+304|6748|New York City baby.
Using other forums to spread half-truths and sour grapes isn't really helpful or an efficient way of solving the situation and moving on. I'm just saying that because you mentioned at one point that you do enjoy our server and would like to keep playing there.
I asked politely to post the log from that day but no one would do it ? And anything I said in here is true no need to call me a liar that includes the part about EA making the game this way and
yes I do like your server for only one reason it does play my favorite map gulf of oman 24/7!!!! and I am still banned. I would try at your forum first guy but if you have same admins running the forum as you have the server I would be in a shit of surprise don't you think ? So I sort of reached out at the biggest BF2 community bf2s.com for their opinion in that matter.

Last edited by alpinestar (2006-05-05 16:54:13)

Noobie1 Canoli

alpinestar wrote:

Using other forums to spread half-truths and sour grapes isn't really helpful or an efficient way of solving the situation and moving on. I'm just saying that because you mentioned at one point that you do enjoy our server and would like to keep playing there.
I asked politely to post the log from that day but no one would do it ? And anything I said in here is true no need to call me a liar that includes the part about EA making the game this way and
yes I do like your server for only one reason it does play my favorite map gulf of oman 24/7!!!! and I am still banned. I would try at your forum first guy but if you have same admins running the forum as you have the server I would be in a shit of surprise don't you think ? So I sort of reached out at the biggest BF2 community bf2s.com for their opinion in that matter.
Makes perfect sense. The next time I have a problem with my Visa card I'm going to call Mastercard and see if they can solve it for me.

I've said what I had to say on this subject and that's the end of that. You want your problem solved? Come to our forums.

Goodbye all and remember that noone forces you to play a server if you don't agree with the rules, but if you choose to play it, you have to play by the rules. If you like our rules come on over, if you don't stay away. Simple.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6873|Sydney, Australia

alpinestar wrote:

I see APC heading towards me on runway so I get in Passanger seat get lock on him and drop the apc with laser guided

admin rules wrote:

shoot back if you are being shot at from the uncappables.
So if alpinestar had waited to be fired upon, it would be fine?
+23|6783|Chicago, IL
Their server, their rules, been booted from some too. Pick another one, everyone has a specific type of version they play, like poker. No big loss only a thousand other servers. Cheers.

Last edited by BallisticallyYours (2006-05-05 18:30:15)

Everything's Eventual
+9|6723|USA - North Carolina

YoBabysDaddy wrote:

Although they can legally enforce those rules,I don't agree with them.However, if the server rules were posted I would have respected them.
There is no way those rules are completely posted at the server load screen.  The load screen has a very limited amount of text it can use.  Most players do NOT open a web browser to check the server's website for complete rules upon joining the server.

As someone said earlier, you only go to the server's site to read up on those things if you really liked the server and you frequent it alot.

I'll keep my vote to myself, as this is the point I'm trying to make.

mcminty wrote:

alpinestar wrote:

I see APC heading towards me on runway so I get in Passanger seat get lock on him and drop the apc with laser guided

admin rules wrote:

shoot back if you are being shot at from the uncappables.
So if alpinestar had waited to be fired upon, it would be fine?
No.  He cannot shoot back if he was being shot at from the uncappable.  So, he was just a sitting duck.

I just find it interesting that Noobie1 Canoli thinks that the jet ramming the APC would have killed the jet.  It sounds like he's playing a different Battlefield 2 than we are.

Last edited by Slacker317 (2006-05-07 15:03:17)

Don't play on Moongamer's server.

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