i liked the infantry only option tbh. cant stand cunts standing around the hangar/helo pad teamkilling and acting like tards. but yes when it takes a full clip of a m249 saw to kill some bunnyhopping cunt it speaks volumes for the game.Uzique wrote:
yeah i was just about to say...
playing bf2 was like being married to a difficult woman for 25 years
there were a lot of constant annoyances and a few things just didn't work, period... but you put up with it for the rare special gems
also it was the first/only game with a large-scale, vehicles and stats-r-lyfe... but a pretty shitty FPS as far as 'skill' goes, imo
non-ranked inf only... prob spent 1000hrs playing that on leagues
whenever i played pubs it involved 3 things: a) city-map medic/support whoring, b) camping spawns and flag-rotating in vehicles as engi, c) raping wake/air maps with jet/helo and decent joystick. im pretty sure i only managed like 500hours of pub play. it was too messy and spam-shit everywhere.
whenever i played pubs it involved 3 things: a) city-map medic/support whoring, b) camping spawns and flag-rotating in vehicles as engi, c) raping wake/air maps with jet/helo and decent joystick. im pretty sure i only managed like 500hours of pub play. it was too messy and spam-shit everywhere.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
i want some of yo brown sugar
509 hours your stats say.

"like 500 hours" = ~500 hours = 509 hours
shit at fps games all of yours sayFinray wrote:
509 hours your stats say.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
I was only saying, you seemed quite doubtful of yourself

hey mek how are u
So I was walking behind some Azn chicks today (ugly, short ones ) and one girl was complaining about a guy or some shit and that he had a bowl haircut, and when I walked by the other chick said something along the lines of that she shouldn't be discussing that at that point in time. As I was the only one around, I rather thought she was referring to me. So I said "Bitch, I ain't got a bowl cut just because my hair is down as opposed to up. Get your shit straight, you ugly cunt!"
But in actuality, I just pretended like I didn't hear/care.
But in actuality, I just pretended like I didn't hear/care.
desertfox get a new fucking haircut
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Uzique wrote:
desertfox get a new fucking haircut
Meks pubes are longer than the hair on his head
Surgeons wrote:
Meks pubes are longer than the hair on his head
My dong is longer than my legs
Your legs got blown off in vietnam and you have a chode.

No they're not, I have a good head of fresh, smooth silky straight hair on me, you
but not emo straight, ffs
screw you all
but i did condition my hair, using tre'semme (no, i'm only trolling surgeons with that, really it was herbal essence)
why does this have to be on the new page
but not emo straight, ffs
screw you all
but i did condition my hair, using tre'semme (no, i'm only trolling surgeons with that, really it was herbal essence)
why does this have to be on the new page
Last edited by Mekstizzle (14 years, 6 months ago)
Herbal Essence is much better...Mekstizzle wrote:
but i did condition my hair, using tre'semme (no, i'm only trolling surgeons with that, really it was herbal essence)

I need a fucking job.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Sorting glass not paying well these days?King_County_Downy wrote:
I need a fucking job.
Gooners how was your MC'ing btw?