I like how all the avatars on this page are sports teams
until now
until now
Yeah, nap time (class) is over.tuckergustav wrote:
wake up sleepyhead
best check your facts, MOKMekstizzle wrote:
yeah i know, fucking 11 Bevo gets to make ee chats. What about me, what about zeek. What about GS and the real 11 Bravo instead of this fake nigga 11 Bevo
I call december chatsBevo wrote:
best check your facts, MOKMekstizzle wrote:
yeah i know, fucking 11 Bevo gets to make ee chats. What about me, what about zeek. What about GS and the real 11 Bravo instead of this fake nigga 11 Bevo
It's not, it's more of a "status" thingBlade4509 wrote:
Why is it so important to make a chat thread and why does everyone want to?
redneck? boy you best watch your mouthMekstizzle wrote:
i wouldn't have posted in no terrorst ee thread, rather some skinhead texan redneck like bevo
ahh it's all suck nowadays
that'd probably to go marchSEREVENT wrote:
what about november its the least important and least popular month
nah, my birthday's in marchPoseidon wrote:
that'd probably to go marchSEREVENT wrote:
what about november its the least important and least popular month
Last edited by SEREVENT (14 years, 6 months ago)