
What Religion is Barack Obama?

Christianity47%47% - 41
Judaism3%3% - 3
Buddhism2%2% - 2
Islam19%19% - 17
Hinduism3%3% - 3
Other5%5% - 5
No religion17%17% - 15
Total: 86
+2,382|6832|The North, beyond the wall.
There's a religious and non religious oath for the british military.

Still had to take it facing a picture of the queen though, lols.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Topics like these just go to show how much people still can't see the separation between church and state.

It doesn't fucking matter. If you elect someone based upon their religious beliefs then you've missed the point entirely from the start.
+354|6153|Vortex Ring State

Jaekus wrote:

Topics like these just go to show how much people still can't see the separation between church and state.

It doesn't fucking matter. If you elect someone based upon their religious beliefs then you've missed the point entirely from the start.
people don't WANT seperation between church and state sometimes here in the states

it's not as bad as italy though
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Trotskygrad wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Topics like these just go to show how much people still can't see the separation between church and state.

It doesn't fucking matter. If you elect someone based upon their religious beliefs then you've missed the point entirely from the start.
people don't WANT seperation between church and state sometimes here in the states
Yeah, I know. To me that's a big problem, but I guess to 20% of the population in the US whom are evangelists they're all for it.

it's not as bad as italy though
Really? I know nothing of their government, is it that bad?

Phrozenbot wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

1' The Muslim / Christian thing doesn't really bother me.

  My problem is that the media is so blatant in its attempt to cover for him.
That is an issue with the media, not the president then. Is he supposed to chastise the media for that? His religious beliefs should be personal.
My post centered around the effects it had and should have had in a Presidential Campaign. It's important to note that.When responding.
They are personal Beliefs but During the Campaign If he is deliberately misrepresented himself, he is a liar.
The Electorate usually shies from that image.
My point was The media is culpable for the problem if it even exists. How did you miss that  "  My problem is that the media " <--- Did you miss that ?

In politics especially elections a cover up is often worse than the crime

H/J wrote:

2. He needs that Christian title to really carry the black vote in its entirety

Phrozenbot wrote:

Why just black people?
Because the Black vote has a Heavy slant toward Christianity in there beliefs, obviously some are atheists some are Muslim but the majority are Devote Christian and take it very seriously. The may abandon him if they believe him to be insincere, it could cost him re-election.

Phrozenbot wrote:

Anyways, it doesn't matter what his religion is as far as being an effective president goes.
No kidding I was referencing the manipulation of his Religion to run his campaign successfully See above.  Also Do you view him as effective has he kept his promises Do you like the Economy now ?

H/J wrote:

3. He converted at the start of his political aspirations.

XXXX wrote:

uh oh, lets see. His dad was a Muslim- so by their thinking he is a Muslim.  He was raised a Muslim,  went to a Muslim school - as an adult ran around in the dress and hat they wear as well as pose for photos in it, and became a Christian when he went to work for acorn. He has referred to himself as a Muslim more than once.  They say it was his wife who convinced him to run as a Christian. I can't even remember where I heard that- might be false.
did I loose anyone ?

H/J wrote:

4. He slips and refers to himself as a Muslim. ( I never Accidentally call myself a Jew )

XXXX wrote:

It must really bother you if he is Muslim. Goodness forbid a Muslim be the leader of the free world.
again from above 1' The Muslim / Christian thing doesn't really bother me.

  My problem is that the media is so blatant in its attempt to cover for him.

Ps ever slip and refer to your self a Girl, Patriot or a Conservative ? 

I have never slipped and called myself Jewish or American Indian. and I know there are 50 states too lol

H/J wrote:

5. We weren't allowed to hear his Pastors sermons during the Election. ( we were Racist !  )

XXXX wrote:

I don't really care.
would you care if he is racist ? He lists Rev. White as a mentor, teacher and source of strength.

If Palin even drove past a KKK rally or had a Neighbor who was racist we'd hear about it.

You are looking more and more as an apologist.

If Racism in a Candidate doesn't bother you what does ? And would it cut both ways ?

H/J wrote:

6. He also thinks there are  59 States in The United States of America.


  Clearly there was a deep Flaw in his Education Process.

XXXX wrote:

Everyone has their dumb moments. Embarrassing, yes,
" Dumb moment "why are you bending over backwards for this guy ?

Dumb or Very Tiered  is " I forgot where I parked my Car ? "  This is Forgetting what a Car is. you don't want people like that in control of our National Defence or even 1 Nuke.

What about his weighing in and criticizing before he has all the Facts " the police acted stupidly " or

Not knowing the " Constitution " from the " declaration of independence " The Constitution states all men are created equal "  http://www.breitbart.tv/did-obama-confu … ependence/

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Phrozenbot wrote:

lol, you new to the internet? I don't pretend to be tough behind a computer screen.
would you speak like that face to face  ? if not, Then avoid it here it tend s to make people look - feeble a best and hard to take serious and it sidelines the thread.

Phrozenbot wrote:

Face to face about what? That I'm not arrogant and brutish? Uh... I guess. You clearly missed the point. If you mistook me as an internet tough guy, I was attempting to clarify that I'm not and I'll make more of an effort not to come off that way.
Ok sorry,

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-08-30 14:34:21)

eleven bravo
+1,399|5413|foggy bottom
Tu Stultus Es
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid
who is XXXX?
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
Germans did 911
+427|6835|Disaster Free Zone
Who gives a flying fuck.


oh and he loves his hot dogs too so

be nice
+2,646|6607|The Twilight Zone

AussieReaper wrote:

Phrozenbot wrote:

Does it really matter?
It does because citizens of America should know what religion their president is and according to media approx. 1/4 of Americans think he's a Muslim.
Good thread Harmor but I think it should be U.S. only.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Apparently a considerable portion of US citizens can't find their own country or many other countries on the world map so I don't think statistics such as these are really helpful to your argument...

Jaekus wrote:

Apparently a considerable portion of US citizens can't find their own country or many other countries on the world map so I don't think statistics such as these are really helpful to your argument...
Speaks volumes, I have met people like this,  Even at Universities. I'm starting to think he is one of them.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
LOL what speaks far greater volumes is the clear fact some of you can't even conceive the idea of an objective world view, let alone try to see from one.

Last edited by Jaekus (2010-08-30 14:46:11)


His mother was said to be agnostic or atheist. His father was an atheist. It wouldn't surprise me if he was an atheist and just going through the motions of being a Christian for the sake of votes/convenience.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6599|The Land of Scott Walker
Think you're right here, Macbeth.  Except he isn't even going through the motions anymore ...
+3,936|6654|so randum
politicians spinning their personal life and outward persona to influence voting oh my
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

FatherTed wrote:

politicians spinning their personal life and outward persona to influence voting oh my
I know, like it never happens at all, anywhere...
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6933|Great Brown North

Stingray24 wrote:

Think you're right here, Macbeth.  Except he isn't even going through the motions anymore ...
he will soon, he can't afford to lose the religious vote

and there are a loooot of people that would vote just on that alone regardless of anything else
+721|6734|the dank(super) side of Oregon

krazed wrote:

he will soon, he can't afford to lose the religious vote

and there are a loooot of people that would vote just on that alone regardless of anything else
those people would never and have never voted for someone with a name like Barack Hussein Obama.
O Canada
+1,596|6559|North Carolina

Stingray24 wrote:

Think you're right here, Macbeth.  Except he isn't even going through the motions anymore ...
You say that like it's a bad thing....
11 Bravo
+965|5391|Cleveland, Ohio

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

says you.  i dont agree.  /discussion over
Why does it matter if someone believes in evolution or not in the grand scheme of things? How does that effect their ability to govern a war or keep congress in check?

I don't believe in god myself, but I don't let it effect my personal relationships or my view of others. If they want to believe, fine, it doesn't have any impact on my life either way (until they start trying to legislate morality).
Give up.

USM is using this as a way to justify the fact that he doesn't vote, as well as give himself a reason to feel superior to most other people.
go away troll
plundering yee booty
+510|5627|Ventura, California
Without reading through five pages, my response to Harmor is: Does it matter what religion he is?
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Zee Ruskie
+295|6929|Moscow, Russia

.Sup wrote:

according to media approx. 1/4 of Americans think he's a Muslim.
what "media"?
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
be nice
+2,646|6607|The Twilight Zone

Shahter wrote:

.Sup wrote:

according to media approx. 1/4 of Americans think he's a Muslim.
what "media"?

Zee Ruskie
+295|6929|Moscow, Russia

.Sup wrote:



if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

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