Phrozenbot wrote:
rdx-fx, if recruitment videos are bad, then they will fail to gain the desired recruit and possibly end up with someone undesirable. I would equate it to bad marketing.
Exactly. The current commercials are what a civilian PR wonk thinks will get the most number of mush-minded drones sold. Like most modern advertising.
A more honest commercial, likely to get more desirable recruits would be along the lines of;
"It's hard, it will suck at times, you might get killed. But someone has to do it. Can you?"or
that line from
Blackhawk Down"Look, these people have no jobs, no food, no education, and no future. i just figure that, ya know, I mean we have two things we can do. We can help, or we can sit back and watch a country destroy itself on CNN. Right? I think I was trained to make a difference."Phrozenbot wrote:
But anyways, are you saying playing sociable video games indicates how well you'll use the buddy system? lol
Teamwork oriented people will tend towards games that reward teamwork, much more often than the Soloist will tend towards such games that actively punish his preferred method of play.
Not sociable games, but teamwork oriented games.
And how well someone operates in a team, in a video game where death is but a 15 second timeout - doesn't necessarily indicate how well they'd work in a team in the military. I'd give better odds to the team oriented player, rather than the Soloist though.