suck it up whiner
lol, ft'd the same tourney twice today
My fucking headphones have fucking broke! Why does all my shit break when I can't afford new shit. Fucking shit fuck.
suck cumRTHKI wrote:
suck it up whiner
Wouldn't know how.
Step 1: Identify in what way they are broken
well im off, night all
cya Surgeons
liquidat0r for tech team
liquidat0r for tech team

There is no sound when the cable is in certain positions, and i have to move the cable to get sound, sometimes the sound has no low frequencies, sometimes it just sounds like reverb.liquidat0r wrote:
Step 1: Identify in what way they are broken
Oh, well at that price I might not fuck around with them myself. Warranty?
I will look for it in the morning. Somehow I hadn't though of that already
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Wiring on the inside is probably fucked. I lost a great pair of wireless headphones that I had for several years due to a problem like that
that happened to my headphones, so i just cut the wire off and re-soldered it, worked fine.

my shure earphones had that so i sent them back and got some brand new ones for free a week later
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
what a voice
what a bunch of gibberish
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
(again lol )
(again lol )
I liek poop xd
can i eat it lol
Gooners wrote:
can i eat it lol
i know, i know, i gotta get up outta here ya know, gotta pay these bills, gotta show the dude
craig david ♥