liquidat0r wrote:
I think you might need a bit more than £7000 to do that ...
Yeah not a brand new one dipshit
Uzique wrote:
£7k. nice bmw. does not compute.
people that buy old bmw's that have been crashed 3 times for £350 cash to be in the 'owners club' piss me off.
That's not what I meant you pleb. My mate drives a '99 328i, spanking condition, 85k miles on the clock, leather interior, rapid car, £2k. and he just turned 21. It's his 4th car as well. And he's at uni.
PrivateVendetta wrote:
CammRobb wrote:
Surgeons wrote:
I'd sell a kidney for beer.
After the hangover I had on Wednesday I highly doubt I'll be drinking much again this year.
Still have to get back into beer after an episode 4 weeks ago..
I see it taking me longer than 4 weeks
Last edited by CammRobb (2010-08-13 09:09:42)