Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX
So I just got to see the big funeral disruption on the world of warcraft game.  I actually find it funny.  I know, I'll get flamed for being insensitive but hey, I didn't go and massacre the entire wake.

For those who aren't familiar,  This is a Blog from Kevin Smith (Silent Bob).  He found the article and the clip.

http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea … 8a8385b56f

Aparently, a player died IRL and her friends and guildmembers held a funeral wake online in a battle zone on W.O.W.  A rival guild, (self proclaimed assholes)  raided the wake and massacred all in attendance.  To top it off, they recorded the entire nine yards, including the spy sent in at the very beginning.  He (the spy) stands in line to offer up condolences to the deceased girls avatar. (which someone has placed on the edge of a lake for the ceremony)  When he gets to the girl, he charges up a couple o sick spells and blows her away!
Then the rest of the guild storms in and decimates the rest.  They put it to bad music and man....  to me it's so sick and twisted, I couldn't stop laughing.

I saw this sometime ago, unless this is a new one.  The one I saw was bad quality though, so I couldn't really make out any of the text.  This is kinda funny though.  Those guys are jackasses for doing that, but the guys holding the service are pretty weird for doing it in a game...
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX
It probably was a while ago. The vid I saw was bad as well, but detailed enough to lmao at.

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra
haha the slaughter is pretty funny.

sad that she died in real life but i goto say that funeral was incredibly lame.

btw, im holding a funeral for my dead goldfish on wake island this saturday on the bf2s usa server, please no plane whores.
Vagine Movie Thread Creator
There was an incident in Everquest during the time I played.  I forgot which guild it was, but whomever made the writeup on the frontpage of their guild website, really sucked you in, made you feel sad for somebody you didn't even know. 

I can't remember what class he was (cleric I THINK), and one day was afk, and continued to be AFK for a very long time (week to 2 weeks).  People really started to worry, until finally, their fears came true, when they had heard of the persons death.   Was a good person, so everyone said.  Sucks to lose people like that, even in game.

It's sad she died, but WOW players are weird, and they like doing stuff like that. I must say, however weird it is, it's pretty disrespectful to them, as that's how they wanted to say goodbye to her.

the_heart_attack wrote:

btw, im holding a funeral for my dead goldfish on wake island this saturday on the bf2s usa server, please no plane whores.
+1 for ya mate.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX

Gaming_101 wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

btw, im holding a funeral for my dead goldfish on wake island this saturday on the bf2s usa server, please no plane whores.
+1 for ya mate.
lol watch out the Chinese and MEC raiding parties that might disrupt your wake on wake...

Who the hell elected you leader of this outfit?
Ok.  Funerals in WoW.  That's a new low.  I heard of Weddings and "Sex" and the like but JESUS CHRIST ON A FLAMING POGO STICK!!!!!  GET A LIFE PEOPLE.

A bunch of virtual strangers stroking each other's egos and caring about someone they don't even know.

Good for the guild lighting the place up.  Hopefully they relize the stupidity of their connection to a stranger.

I've even heard of these people calling families after tramatic incidents and talking to the family like they knew them.  The caller didn't have the phone number.  They had to hunt it down on line.  I think real friends get at least a phone number. 

Sorry, I don't have a very favorable outlook on the whole WoW, SWG, EQ, EQII, and other shit like that.
Fuck em all.  Let them burn.

I would personally say that weddings and sex were worse.

Last edited by ghettoperson (2006-05-04 11:49:11)

+3,135|7051|The Hague, Netherlands

Its all just crazy, i mean who wants a WEDDING in WoW come on. or EVEN SEX. thats just bizarrrrrrrrrrr. (hit the T button ohh yes that what i want, i mean use the brains you know, are all WoW players like that or something )

Last edited by -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| (2006-05-04 11:52:11)

Vagine Movie Thread Creator
There are weddings ALL the time in Everquest.  There will be a minister and rings and the sharing of the surname....  I raided hardcore, but never got into the game THAT deep.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX
I can just imagine the tranquilty of a funeral....  the somber faces.... the sentimental words......  the sorrow felt by one and all present.....   The Hordes of undead, Orcs, Trolls, and Beasts overrunning the vigil and killing everyone....

Like a hallmark card written by the Insane Clown Posse....

iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

Sometimes I wish it was possible to mess with peoples heads like that on BF2... Unfortunately all I can do is get the idiots kicked for swearing at me ...

Yes, I am a sick person but hey, if all those random people on WoW were actually her friends...


On a side note, my brothers started playing WoW... I've tried it and it held my interest for about three hours (you can make your dudes on that look like cheesy midget mexicans from the old western movies...). Back to BF2 after that...


Just finished that movie... That was funny... Sick, but funny...

Last edited by Flecco (2006-05-04 12:18:41)

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
BF2s US Server Admin, IRC>Forums
+157|6953|The Mind Of A Cereal Killer
+3,135|7051|The Hague, Netherlands

I just find i really stupid to do something like that, makes you wonder were the gamingindustry gets its bad name from.............

ps. Dutch ar not SCANDINAVIANS ! (source: karma page)

Last edited by -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| (2006-05-04 12:32:16)


Flecco wrote:

Yes, I am a sick person but hey, if all those random people on WoW were actually her friends...

The reason that jumps out at me would be
a) They don't actually know her
a 1/2)They weren't actually her friends, they only knew her online
b)Being on teh interweb and all that, they probably won't live even remotely near her.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

ghettoperson wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Yes, I am a sick person but hey, if all those random people on WoW were actually her friends...

The reason that jumps out at me would be
a) They don't actually know her
a 1/2)They weren't actually her friends, they only knew her online
b)Being on teh interweb and all that, they probably won't live even remotely near her.
Why hold an online funeral then? Seems pointless to me.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Who the hell elected you leader of this outfit?

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

I just find i really stupid to do something like that, makes you wonder were the gamingindustry gets its bad name from.............
What's stupid?  The Losers holding the funeral?  Or the guys who broke it up?

The MMORPG Gaming Industry gets a bad wrap because some of those folks lose perspective and lose their jobs, kids, get divorced, get into credit card debt with upgrades, meet toothless freaks from OHIO.
They're purposely developed with psychologists to make them "supremely engrossing" (AKA Addictive).

I've known people who've done the above mentioned.  I know someone who used to work for one of "the major development companies" as a "human interaction facilitation specialist."  That last bit was a nice way of saying Crack Dealer.  She studied the outlines to see what ways the interaction factor could give a hook to the game.

Also why do you think that characters can strip down to their underwear?  In reality there's no purpose.
But subconsciously we all love a leggy blonde in granny panties, or the "body modification"? It's not to individualize the character, but to make them more attractive.  How many FAT people have you ever seen in a game where they allow you to make your body fat?  NONE.  EVER.  People want to be attractive and look like heroes.  They don't want to look like they do in real life. 

Just some food for thought.  You ever wonder why you hear a chime, or music, or "You've been recommend for an award" and this never matches ANYTHING else you hear in the game?  Because it's a special condition you get attuned to.  If these awards showed up in BFHQ and not on screen, nobody would really give a damn.  But when you can take screen caps to show off to your buddies and you talk about it on chat it motivates everyone else to join in the race.  the "I Want One Too" desire.

I know for a fact from my friend that she has personally suggested and reviewed these and MANY MANY more of these "play excitement facilitatiors"
+4|7038|Tucson, AZ
Wonder what would happen if someone well known on this forum died???????  Would we have a wake on Wake or Warlord? Pause on the peninsula? or even care???

Flecco wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Yes, I am a sick person but hey, if all those random people on WoW were actually her friends...

The reason that jumps out at me would be
a) They don't actually know her
a 1/2)They weren't actually her friends, they only knew her online
b)Being on teh interweb and all that, they probably won't live even remotely near her.
Why hold an online funeral then? Seems pointless to me.
Note that I did not say that there was a point to it. I merely said the most likely reasons as to why they did not go to her funeral. But who knows, maybe they did.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

I just find i really stupid to do something like that, makes you wonder were the gamingindustry gets its bad name from.............

ps. Dutch ar not SCANDINAVIANS ! (source: karma page)
I wouldn't know... I live on the other side of the world. All the countries in Europe are so small. Besides, the Netherlands is rather close to Finland and Sweden (I think, I'm a little dodgy on Europe's geography though).

When I say close it is a relative measure, considering the nearest city to me is 700km away (which is close...) and that city is something many of you would consider a large town...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Moving Target

Badcow68 wrote:

Wonder what would happen if someone well known on this forum died???????  Would we have a wake on Wake or Warlord? Pause on the peninsula? or even care???
I hope when I die, that nothing happens on the internet.

I will come back from the dead and zombie eat all your brains if I find out there was a memorial service in any game for me.

But then again, I would have to have friends first. (joke )
+3,135|7051|The Hague, Netherlands

Flecco wrote:

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

I just find i really stupid to do something like that, makes you wonder were the gamingindustry gets its bad name from.............

ps. Dutch ar not SCANDINAVIANS ! (source: karma page)
I wouldn't know... I live on the other side of the world. All the countries in Europe are so small. Besides, the Netherlands is rather close to Finland and Sweden (I think, I'm a little dodgy on Europe's geography though).

When I say close it is a relative measure, considering the nearest city to me is 700km away (which is close...) and that city is something many of you would consider a large town...
Well ok maybe were you are its considered close but not here hehe The Netherlands is left of Germany and North of Belgium (other side of the North sea from UK point of view) Finland is far away (for us)
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6939|Britain and Damn proud of it!
Lol, they got totally pwned... Sad about the person dieing, but co'mon a frickin Online funeral? thats just asking for it really... some people take those sorts of games WAY to seriously, i read somewhere that some kid lent one of his friends some sort of uber sword, who then sold it, when the other kid found out he went around to the other kids house and stabbed him to death. also some bloke in Japan bought a Virtual Hotel for around £125,000, real cash, believing he could get money from people paying rent to stay???

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