last EMP I got was a few weeks ago on Rundown. Decided to use that since I got bored of nukes. Anyway it was Headquarters and the round started off ok. I was mostly camping outside getting FMJ penetration kills to unlock extended mags for my uzi. Well then this little tool started tubing so I was like fine you wanna start tubing, we can start tubing. So then I switched to my tubing class which is called Skill Launcher because I'm facetious like that. It's got an ACR (used to have SCAR but I already got 2500 kills with that so I switched to something else) with a grenade launcher (obviously) with One Man Army Pro, Danger Close Pro, and SitRep Pro (on the off chance I might blow up a Claymore or C4 or something) with some stun grenades and a claymore. So anyways then I started owning people and the match lasted really long because no one was able to cap the headquarters with me constantly tubing it. My killstreaks were a 7-11-15, which is cool talk for Harrier, Chopper Gunner, EMP. Rundown is great because the Harriers and Chopper Gunners completely own on that map. You can easily get like 2 nukes in a row with a single chopper gunner. So anyway I was tubing the shit out of these people and they were getting all pissed off and yelling at me, a few of them even quit. Shame I didn't have the nuke on because I could've gotten that too, but like I said, I was bored of nukes. Then this one guy who was killing all my dumbass teammates acts all cocky and starts chatting it up bragging about his AC130 and how he's gonna own us all and their team will finally be able to capture the headquarter. He calls it in and I tell him in chat that he's not so cool anymore and that I'm the real cool guy. Before he even has a chance to fire off a round I drop the EMP and his poor little AC130 falls from the sky. Then the whole team raged quitted and I high-fived my teammates for the 15 seconds of "enemies forfeiting" bullshit.Gooners wrote:
the last EMP
So yeah, that was the last EMP for me.