oh wow,i got a -1 for telling the truth.
Sounds like some cool new features were added!!

Last edited by K-milk (2006-05-02 16:50:13)

Check out my new Modern Warfare 3 Website!
+0|6696|New York, NY
i'm sure it's been said before, but i'm guessing some of these patches are to test some of the game play Dice plans to release in BF 2142.  i don't mind the changes since it will help out in the long run, but i'll be sorry to see BF2 replaced in the fall...before i can make an officer rank.  (do you think the ranks will carry over in BF 2142, or do i get to look forward to never making officer there either.  lol!)  bf2 is my first fps online and i have to say that i'm happy to see the attention from the developer and the community in this release!
Hey all

My idea of a change to the 1.3 patch is to have a different "locked upon" sound to each source ; a tone for the AA, another tone for planes lock, and so on..

what do ya' say ?

Absinthe wrote:

Hey all

My idea of a change to the 1.3 patch is to have a different "locked upon" sound to each source ; a tone for the AA, another tone for planes lock, and so on..

what do ya' say ?
That would be cool, but makes too much sense for EA to change it
Junglist Massive

malarkeycoon wrote:

The squad changes are going to make the squad leaders job a lot more important. They therefore need to make their point scoring system different. To stay alive they need to stay out of the action a bit more and will therefore have less ability to get kills and rack up points. I think they should therefore be given a small percentage of team points for every point that a squad member scores. This would have course have to be regulated by something. I'm not really sure what.... maybe the number of times squad members use them as a spawn point away from your own bases? Or maybe their number of deaths in that round (they should have very few). Who knows.
What if squad leaders got command points based on the average scores of the squad (like the commander does for the team), and the commander got the aggregate of the squadleader scores (instead of the average of the whole team including lone wolfs)?
+27|6879|Dundas, ONT, Canada
Still want to see note for a pilote in bomers from his/her co-pilot that he/she got lock on the target. Sick and tired dropind bomb load on a target that had been destroyed by my co-pilote.

Last edited by l=l-Oneill-l=l (2006-05-03 04:58:23)

What kind of vehicles are we talking here that will be dropped?

The day I see a t-90 decend from the sky via parachute I will throw my pc out the window!
+37|6680|Chicago, Il

dannydee223 wrote:

What kind of vehicles are we talking here that will be dropped?

The day I see a t-90 decend from the sky via parachute I will throw my pc out the window!
Dont worry too much..  They might land on a Peble and take 50% damage before anyone can get in it...

dannydee223 wrote:

What kind of vehicles are we talking here that will be dropped?

The day I see a t-90 decend from the sky via parachute I will throw my pc out the window!
Hehe, I would assume light-weight vehicles only, such as DPVs.
If they wanted to change the squads they should have made it so that you have to parachute in on your squad leader.

As for vehicle drops, they should be dropped on a skid from a low altitude aircraft and have a set amount of time before they are usable.

The changes would be a little more realistic that way.
+269|6626|Marlton, New Jersey.
Still raping squad hopping
Air dropped vehicles gonna be fun as shit, haha go the the carrier ask for a hummer and get on the 50 cal and spawn rape
I earned my expert knife badge too all 18 kills(heh obviously before patch 1.2 because i coould prone and jump all over the place) so if they change it i might be kinda angry
It's going to be fun watching people getting squished by an air dropped vehicle.  I can just see it now..  LanceSavage28 <air dropped truck> Opponent
+48|6735|United States of America

Absinthe wrote:

Hey all

My idea of a change to the 1.3 patch is to have a different "locked upon" sound to each source ; a tone for the AA, another tone for planes lock, and so on..

what do ya' say ?
I dont think that would be fair... if your in a jet flying around you shouldnt know what is locking on to you. It makes it more challenging

SiMSaM16 wrote:

Absinthe wrote:

Hey all

My idea of a change to the 1.3 patch is to have a different "locked upon" sound to each source ; a tone for the AA, another tone for planes lock, and so on..

what do ya' say ?
I dont think that would be fair... if your in a jet flying around you shouldnt know what is locking on to you. It makes it more challenging
what difference does it really make in evasion?
Gam Man

Shadow_Omega wrote:

SiMSaM16 wrote:

Absinthe wrote:

Hey all

My idea of a change to the 1.3 patch is to have a different "locked upon" sound to each source ; a tone for the AA, another tone for planes lock, and so on..

what do ya' say ?
I dont think that would be fair... if your in a jet flying around you shouldnt know what is locking on to you. It makes it more challenging
what difference does it really make in evasion?
Pro:  Its realistic.  Starting with the F-15A, planes can identify the source that is locking them.

Con: The game is crap -  keep it crap.  At least with 2142 they have an excuse to be unrealistic.
Airborne Clan

Sgt.Gene wrote:

i seen this server : … 2.2:16577/   playing a map called Operation Road Rage

new map for BF2 or maybe for armored fury
"Operation Road Rage" is a map taking place on an Interstate Freeway, consisting of APCs and Tanks. Every map in Armored Fury takes place in the United States.

Last edited by 0mikr0n (2006-05-03 20:45:54)

laff @ internetz
Still no mention of the name bug?
The Photographer.
+81|6747|Central Valley,California
I hope it's out soon. I'm dying for it
Deeds, not words.
+311|6648|Greenwood, IN
IMHO people will get over it and still play the game.  I don't see a reason to really complain about the patch cause EA are not going to change it just cause you don't like it.  And if you play with friends or on your favorite servers whats really going to change?  You will still own if you good and you will get owned if you bad.

Edit: Grammer/Spelling(I failed 2nd grade. LOL)

Last edited by Brizzzer (2006-05-03 22:40:06)

All We Need Is Capture The Flagg

Bring Capture The Flag Back!!!!!
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
I simply think co-op is a waste of time!
CTF would be fun to try though!
After going through all 10 pages I've come to this:


Pro: It pushes the issue of the squadleader being more important, making him/her be more careful in theyre actions, thus resulting in a more gratifying teamwork based round.

Con: If your playing with friends, you will not be able to spread squad times out during rounds effectively...

Con: The squad leader will end up being more like a comander in that he is elected at the start of the round, the only problem with this is, there is no election other than who loads in the fastest, giving the fast loaders first pick on squads.

Con: There are people that create one-man squads,and they lock them up right at the start of the game to go and snipe and ask for supply drops and such.

Con: I have been in many rounds where there was not an "acceptible" squad to join becuase the current squads available were all attacking the wrong flags at the wrong times, hanging out to be struck by arty wondering where to go next...etc...etc... You need to use the "slow folk" to move around sometimes just to get things done, without being able to hop squads your kinda screwed if your one of the few that know whats goin on...

Conclusion: Though it radiates teamplay from the idea, evryone will want to be a leader, leaving the rounds to consist of a bunch of one, or two-man squads, and, if an ample skilled Clan of 4-5 comes in on the opposing team, your fooked to say the least.

Clan up and get on TS or vent folks!!!
And make sure you have plenty of RAM to get loaded in the fastest to grab up that squad-leader position!!

I would have LOVED to have read this in theyre patch fix...

"The long awaited tag bug issue has been addressed, no longer will BRAND NEW players CONSISTANTLY KILL you or your teammates because they have NO CLUE what in the hell a tag glitch is....we're sorry for this MINOR inconveniance"

Dropping vehicles has its pros/cons, and though they've all been covered, I will add my 2 cents anyways...

Great concept, nice if your AT in a tank and another tank forces you out of yours and you take the enemy tank out and have no transport.... or like that dude said about your chopper bout to esplode, your squad hits the water only to hear the leader say "Friendly boat needed!!"

And of course... the con... OOOHHH I just wasted a perfectly good vehicle on one idiotic useless sniper out in the boonies by dropping the friggen thing on his head!!! Now, when a squad leader REALLY NEEDS that humvee drop, THAT ASSHOLE comander is gonna say "Negative on your much needed vehicle, I'm a fucktard, over."

Great....people are cheating in this game with the comander hacks and all, now we're gonna have a billion trucks everywhere...

All I see is lag out of all this....I don't want to see some big ass cargo plane come drop a frikken hummer and lag my shit

They keep patching and patching... when does it stop? I mean i understand the need to upgrade...but these upgrades are kinda weak....

WHY...OH WHY...can I NOT jump out of a ground floor window in the paalace at Warlord.....
and yet, there is not ONE window in regular BF2 like the ones in Warlord....

Wich in turn brings me to the bunnyhopping patch fix.....

I just got here and will NOT I repeat, WILL NOT search endlessly through these forums for bunnyhopping threads as I assume there are hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of paragraphs...

Alongside not being able to shoot while in the air... why not just limit the players sprint more affectively...

SO: Each time you jump it takes a certain portion off of the meter, lets say 1/3...

This A: Forces the player to conserve his/her sprint,

       B: Keeps idiots from jumping all over the place by not letting them jump when no sprint is left.

And don't reply with "That would suck because I can't control my game enough to jump onto/off of certain objects...

I almost always have half my sprint full and watch it rather closely as I am not a bunnyhopper, instead of jumping like mad when you  run out of ammo, you actually have ebough sprint left to get away to reload and not have to resort to the pistol in the case your clip is emptied in your primary whilst many enmeies are around you...
the air dropping thing is cuse in real life, that can be done and dices idea was to make it as near to real as pos from the start, so its a good idea especially for squads that actually work as a squad, like the real spcial forces as for the badge changes, ive heard from my friend at ea that its gonna be time changes and expert requirements r gonna drop a little, like the 7 knife in a round might drop to like 4 or 5 but not sure on the number right now, but the main thing will be the time, like the service medals and sf, ef and aff medals, so u can get the medals sooner, cause the us medal is hard when u playing ef and like wise when playing af it will be impossible to get the euro medal so the time requirements are gonna come down to acomadate that.

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