Urgh, the iPad released here the other day. I am so sick of the hype. I saw an ad for it "A revolutionary magical product..." Okay fine, I'll give them revolutionary if they want even though it is just a big iTouch but magical? Fucking Hell, Apple isn't getting a bit of a big head now is it? Futrthermore i actually tried the thing today, a demo model in a store. Just a bigger, clumsier version of my iTouch.
I'm not an Apple hater, as previously mentioned I have an iTouch and it's a really great device. But the relentless hype around this gimmick - it's ridiculous. I suppose this comes a bit from disappointment, when I heared that Apple was releasing a tablet I expected something like a tablet laptop arrangement - and if Apple were to release something like that I probably would buy it. But the iPad is nothing, I can see no use or it aside from it being a status symbol for someone who wants to feel important and modern. Furtehrmore in a couple of months we'll hear abou the iPad 2G being release and all the sad cunts who lined up otuside of store across the world, (and here in NZ, not sure about other places, Apple swore stores to secrecy over whether they'd stck the thing or not, leading to the hilarity of people waiting in lines outsidestores that didn't stock the thing,) will be miserable, and rightly so. You shouldn't just buy the latest flashy thing because it's the latest flashy thing, you should reseach into a purchass, find out if it's the best product for what you want to do with it, find out what it could be used for, (in the iPad's case... buh?)
I shouldn't care what people choose to throw their money at but I hate idiocy in all it's forms and especially en masse as Apple fandoms promote.