Fission Mailed

Parents are finally deciding to ditch the P4 and have me build them a dual core system. How does this look for a web browsing/e-mail checking/solitaire playing computer?

Intel E5400 Pentium Dual Core

Gigabyte GA-G41MT-ES2L Motherboard

Kingston Value RAM 1333MHz DDR3

Antec Earthwatts 380W PSU

I can salvage the rest of the parts from the current PC.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5940|Catherine Black
Looks good. Why the E5400 though? Isn't it just a 5200 with more multi?
Fission Mailed

Finray wrote:

Looks good. Why the E5400 though? Isn't it just a 5200 with more multi?
E5400 seems to be replacing the E5200 in all the computer stores around here. It was the cheapest 775 dual core.

ghettoperson wrote:

... you've gotta hunt down the fucking text file - which naturally is in a really obscure place - and copy paste part of the image URL in. It's crazy. How the hell do other people deal with this?
Windows?  Try a shortcut on the desktop or Quick Launch.

ghettoperson wrote:

EDIT: Also, I think having to physically go into a text file and add any adblock settings I want is ridiculous. It's like the motherfucking 1930's or something. This shit should be integrated into the browser. The settings you can find on the internet work fine, but as soon as you go to a slightly lesser well known site/advertiser, all the ads are back and you've gotta hunt down the fucking text file - which naturally is in a really obscure place - and copy paste part of the image URL in. It's crazy. How the hell do other people deal with this?
You should have a "Block Content" button in the context menu. That should allow you to add hosts straight to the list from there.

Ahah! Got it. I was clicking on the image when right clicking, when in fact I was just supposed to click on the page. Thanks.
prince of insufficient light
So should I get a 16:10 24" or a 16:9 24"? Mostly for gaming/pc use now, some movies, but the ability to stick a console in if I get one would be nice.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5940|Catherine Black
16:10 for gaming/pc work, 16:9 for console/films. Choose what you'd use more.
+1,010|6437|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

So should I get a 16:10 24" or a 16:9 24"? Mostly for gaming/pc use now, some movies, but the ability to stick a console in if I get one would be nice.
Is the choice 1920x1080 vs 1920x1200 ?

I'd go for the latter if all other specs were identical...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+718|6672|Austin, Texas
Is it easy to change the heats where your laptop fans change speed? My lappy runs pretty hot, I'm not having any issues i'd just like to not BBQ my cpu
Have you propped the back of the laptop up with a book or the like yet?
+718|6672|Austin, Texas

[HOF]Mercenary wrote:

Have you propped the back of the laptop up with a book or the like yet?
no, i'm not necessarily having heat-issues as far as the computer functioning. I just want the fans to set off earlier
I believe RivaTuner should work.
+1,510|6281|Carnoustie MASSIF

Bevo wrote:

Is it easy to change the heats where your laptop fans change speed? My lappy runs pretty hot, I'm not having any issues i'd just like to not BBQ my cpu

yeah, you don't want that happening
+718|6672|Austin, Texas

CammRobb wrote:

Bevo wrote:

Is it easy to change the heats where your laptop fans change speed? My lappy runs pretty hot, I'm not having any issues i'd just like to not BBQ my cpu

yeah, you don't want that happening
that actually made me questions what my lappy CPU was running at

It idles at a startling 60C, tops out around 95C but from what I've seen, once it reaches about 90 the high fan speed kicks in and drops it back down to 70 or so.

@rivatuner: cheers
+1,510|6281|Carnoustie MASSIF

Bevo wrote:

CammRobb wrote:

Bevo wrote:

Is it easy to change the heats where your laptop fans change speed? My lappy runs pretty hot, I'm not having any issues i'd just like to not BBQ my cpu

yeah, you don't want that happening
that actually made me questions what my lappy CPU was running at

It idles at a startling 60C, tops out around 95C but from what I've seen, once it reaches about 90 the high fan speed kicks in and drops it back down to 70 or so.

@rivatuner: cheers
yeah I think my fan died, it's getting RMA'd soon. >100c and the bottom of the laptop burns skin...
+718|6672|Austin, Texas
It appears rivatuner only changes GPU fan speed.

Anyone got anything else?
There is.
+1,380|6842|Devon, England
http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/cpus/2 … u-review/1

Over 100% of an overclock.

Mighty lil CPU.
+1,510|6281|Carnoustie MASSIF

FFLink wrote:


Over 100% of an overclock.

Mighty lil CPU.
nice maths...
Field Marshal | o |
+142|6872|Ireland | Monaghan

Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5940|Catherine Black

CammRobb wrote:

FFLink wrote:


Over 100% of an overclock.

Mighty lil CPU.
nice maths...
Yeah 2.8 > 4.6 is 65%.

Last edited by Finray (2010-07-01 05:05:36)

There is.
+1,380|6842|Devon, England

Finray wrote:

CammRobb wrote:

FFLink wrote:


Over 100% of an overclock.

Mighty lil CPU.
nice maths...
Yeah 2.8 > 4.6 is 65%.

Aha ha, how th- I don't even know what I was thinking

FFLink wrote:

Finray wrote:

CammRobb wrote:

nice maths...
Yeah 2.8 > 4.6 is 65%.

Aha ha, how th- I don't even know what I was thinking
i did 100%+ on my celly

Last edited by menzo (2010-07-01 09:44:25)

+1,338|6326|Sydney | ♥


Overclock is looking good. Mega Shadow is a real trooper.

Next thing to OC is my ram to 2000.

will do that later. frikkin x58* does not like vcore vs qpi/vdimm


sleepy time now

Last edited by tazz. (2010-07-01 10:14:58)

everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously.

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