+605|6701|San Diego, CA, USA
Unfortunately girls don't have manuals.

$ man woman
No manual entry for woman

But if they did what would it say under the section "Identifying Attractiveness Signals In Practice"?
Previously known as CC-Marley

ig wrote:

Psy squad
If they undress in front of you that's a pretty obvious sign

Also: they tend to spend a lot of time with you, when they see you they smile and or their eyes "sparkle", they miss getting your attention if you don't pay much attention suddenly, they like going out with you, if they tell you almost everything they feel/experience/think, lot's of affection(hugs etc).

More subtle body language: if their feet are aimed at you when talking, they often try to make eye contact....
It's 5 am so I forgot most of the subtle psych stuff they try to teach at uni.
Good luck on finding out what she needs and here's a wiki-how-not-to-do-it : http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comme … ales_gave/
Did someone say tea?
+112|6388|S.A. Australia
If she has her mouth on your penis, she might like you.....maybe....
Serious Flex
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
arent you in your 30's?
Tu Stultus Es
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

eleven bravo wrote:

arent you in your 30's?
was literally JUST about to ask this
Wiki Contributor

He already told us he is in his mid 30s and a virgin like a year ago.
Commie Killer
Dude this stuff is pretty simple, your over complicating. Go get laid.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

13/f/taiwan wrote:

He already told us he is in his mid 30s and a virgin like a year ago.
quit fucking lying
Tu Stultus Es
Psy squad
Even if he's 30 he might need advice ?

Help a dude in need or at least give him something to laugh about, no ?
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
Tu Stultus Es
There is a look a woman gives you.  I call it the 'fuck stare'.  Some here may have seen it before.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
why would anyone share that?
Tu Stultus Es
idk. thought it was a troll at first but Harmor strikes me as a weird fella.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
i havent been laid in a while and i was really feeling sorry for myself but damn.  puts things in perspective.  my life is great.
Tu Stultus Es
Wiki Contributor

lol gs you're a dick
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6494|Atlanta, Georgia
Words of wisom from my girlfriend.

Me: How do you know when a girl likes you?
Girlfriend: When she fucks you.

if you find you're one on one, if you find you're sharing yourself,
if you find that you like who your with, and you find that you
want to spend more time

just do it. log offa here, share more of yourself, and remember that
it will come to you.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

Gooners wrote:

lol gs you're a dick
I think someone needs to be shamed into getting some pussy
Tu Stultus Es
Psy squad

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

Hope_is_lost117 wrote:

Good luck on finding out what she needs and here's a wiki-how-not-to-do-it : http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comme … ales_gave/

Lickw1d wrote:

One time, a girl kissed me on a school bus without warning and told me that I could get off at her stop and we could walk to her house because her parents weren't home. I said no because I was going to miss dragonball z

joklopirt wrote:

disregard women, acquire dragonballs
So many jewels on that site ...
"Cock gets harder... then softer... harder... softer... then there are tears" describes most situations very accurately
+3,936|6653|so randum

Gooners wrote:

lol gs you're a dick
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

eleven bravo wrote:

i havent been laid in a while and i was really feeling sorry for myself but damn.  puts things in perspective.  my life is great.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6826|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

Harmor wrote:

Unfortunately girls don't have manuals.

$ man woman
No manual entry for woman

But if they did what would it say under the section "Identifying Attractiveness Signals In Practice"?
They insult you in a joking kind of way.

They flick their hair.

They squeak when they walk (if they got jeggings on) 'Squeak squeak squeak squeak'

They leave snail trails behind them.

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