ohai blade
If you went to a fast food restaurant in Montreal, please relate your experience. Every time you enter a Quebec fast food place and you speak english, you come out with a story to tell. EVERY TIME.Superior Mind wrote:
Back from Montreal. Helluva fucking town.
hey man how is it going how is it in Cinci havent been there in foreverRTHKI wrote:
ohai blade
bye, bed
yeah its been hot up here 2 surprisingly, well they said it would rain all day today.... no rain at lol...RTHKI wrote:
lightning storms last week and now its supposed to get in the 90's..great
heh tomorrow is suppose to be 100F
It's supposed to feel like 90 with the humidity for most of this week.
Don't think the heat hit quite this early last year, around August.RTHKI wrote:
usually that hot?
ya we've had that for a couple of weeksebug9 wrote:
It's supposed to feel like 90 with the humidity for most of this week.
Triple post.................
Spoiler (highlight to read):
and I'm out for tonight
Spoiler (highlight to read):
and I'm out for tonight
oh man
just picked up a bunch of pot. finally
what kindCanadianLoser wrote:
just picked up a bunch of pot. finally
My first job finished four and a half hours early today so I decided to catch a movie before my next job. Saw The A Team. It was pretty good eh.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
where the fuck are those creepy simpsons pics aussie posted
G'night BF2s <3
Nearly 6 hours?

Echo, echo, echo...
Serious Flex
sup everyone ... watched the War of the Worlds (ton cruise) late last night, that movie was annoying as fook to watch. The little girl screaming her head off every five minutes, an ornery, emo teenage son, a father trying to shelter his kids the the obvious. Wait a sec.....sounds like a typical dysfunctional family. I see wat they did there, still annoying to watch.
yeah, it was the same with 2012... i hate it when they throw families into films like that. you always know if the film features a little white girl then nothing bad or surprising is going to happen
lol it took an alien invasion and human extermination to bring them together.