The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

11 Bravo wrote:

Beduin wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

i dunno dude.  we can play the quote game but i hate all religion so it will just anger me. 
Read history then... Read how non-muslims lived under Islamic rule.
idc about history when it comes to religion.  i care about present day and how religion fucks up our world.
But you focus on muslims, christians and jews are the other corners of the triangle.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
11 Bravo
+965|5398|Cleveland, Ohio

Dilbert_X wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

Beduin wrote:

Read history then... Read how non-muslims lived under Islamic rule.
idc about history when it comes to religion.  i care about present day and how religion fucks up our world.
But you focus on muslims, christians and jews are the other corners of the triangle.
the fuck i do.  i constantly bash the catholic church.
'Light 'em up!'

oug wrote:

As for reasoning, let's see how yours works. You're always assuming things. You take it for granted for some reason thet the Israeli government is incapable or erring, you seem certain as to how a "normal" activist would act in the given situation, and worst of all you seem certain that these people would easily sacrifice themselves in order to make Israel look bad. All those assumptions you make just seem to me like a desperate attempt to take the blame off the Israeli government and I can't help but ask why.
And you're always assuming it was Israel's fault.

Allow me to clarify.

Blockade is in place because of Hamas, as a means of containing them and preventing them for trying anything worse than what they already do.

So-called activists decide it'll be a good idea to run a military blockade.

Warned they'd be stopped, ignored.

IDF boards, is attacked by the 'peaceful' group.

IDF commandos injured and taken hostage, IDF commando moves into defensive position and executes his right to self-defence.

Now given how often these people say Israel is heavy-handed they were either incredibly stupid not to expect a show of force, or as its been said countless times, decided to put themselves into the furnace for a bit of publicity.

In short, they put themselves in the situation and paid for it. The situation was created by the flotilla and the casualties were created by its passengers, forcing a soldier to open fire in order to protect himself. The Rachel Corrie was, sensibly, redirected as per Israeli request and nobody was killed or injured. Everything could've been avoided if the original flotilla cared more about their apparent cause than simply trying to make Israel look bad.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

11 Bravo wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

idc about history when it comes to religion.  i care about present day and how religion fucks up our world.
But you focus on muslims, christians and jews are the other corners of the triangle.
the fuck i do.  i constantly bash the catholic church.
Fair enough then
Now just need to hear you say the only cure for Catholicism is to be mown down with DU bullets and we're done.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-06-07 06:26:06)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid

11 Bravo wrote:

Beduin wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

i dunno dude.  we can play the quote game but i hate all religion so it will just anger me. 
Read history then... Read how non-muslims lived under Islamic rule.
idc about history when it comes to religion.  i care about present day and how religion fucks up our world.
Makes no sense to me, but what ever makes you happy
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

MOAB wrote:

Blockade is in place because of Hamas, as a means of containing them and preventing them for trying anything worse than what they already do.
It not always so simple, Hamas are a reaction to Israel same as Hezbollah.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
'Light 'em up!'

Dilbert_X wrote:

MOAB wrote:

Blockade is in place because of Hamas, as a means of containing them and preventing them for trying anything worse than what they already do.
It not always so simple, Hamas are a reaction to Israel same as Hezbollah.
And modern AQ is a reaction to the Saudis not letting OBL play in the sandbox 19 years ago, the difference is AQ doesn't get elected.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
So? Palestinian support for Hamas is a reaction to Israel.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Well, I didn't notice if any posted this as I'm not going back to trace and see where the relegious circular jerk y'all got going on here started, but on topic:

IRAN offers escort service

Think this will happen?  I wonder what Israel would do...
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
The Iranians have just as much right to break the blockade as the Israelis do to impose it.
Can't see this ending well, esp with troops in Iraq.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

The Iranians have just as much right to break the blockade as the Israelis do to impose it.
Can't see this ending well, esp with troops in Iraq.
Iran really has no business interveining in this.

Who wins?  Iranians now have those super fast speedboats (I made a thread about it a long time ago), but the Israels have a bit more of a proper Navy.

Fallout?  Air war?  Is the timing right with Irans missle program and its nukes?
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
'Light 'em up!'

Dilbert_X wrote:

So? Palestinian support for Hamas is a reaction to Israel.
Then a lot of blame can be directed at them for the current situation.
Calmer than you are.

nukchebi0 wrote:

Honestly? Are we serious right now? You ask other people about a certain person, you consider their background and personal affiliations, and you are able to get a reasonable picture of who they are, in an accurate manner. That is exactly what the reporter did.

Perhaps, if you cared to analyze the reporter's words, you'll see she was trying to minimize the emphasis on their religious beliefs and conservatism throughout the interview, concluding with her subjective statement describing them as just humanitarians. The guy interviewing her had to tease out some of the details regarding their religious views.

That's touching. It's just that the "they're just" completely alters the implicit meaning of the statement, moving it from factual observation regarding their actions to subjective conclusions regarding the entirety of their motives. (In other words, she stops her factual reporting and substitutes a personal opinion intended to minimize the effect of the reality she just presented.)

If you'd bothered to read, you'd understand I'm using their background as factual evidence (which they are, see above for a reread in case you still can't comprehend it) to buttress my belief the activists were looking for a fight, and to use such an incident to malign Israel. I can't know for sure, but my conclusion seems reasonable in light of the facts we know. The pictures released today by IHH seem to confirm Israel's story of the events, lending further credence to my theory.
So their religious beliefs and their conservatism are evidence enough for you that they had the intention of harming Israel even if that meant losing their lives. Well. As it is I just happened to personally attend an interview of several of the activists yesterday. They spoke at a venue 5 minutes from my house. Of course it was only Greeks - so no conservative religious people, just plain old commie hippie liberals - but they did confirm that they were beaten, imprisoned and generally ill-treated despite the fact that they did not resist in any way. Maybe that wasn't the case in all ships, and sure enough some of the commandos were attacked, but this reaction was only because the IDF stopped them in international waters, where the activists thought at the time that the IDF had no juristiction to board the ships.

nukchebi0 wrote:

As for reasoning, let's see how yours works. You're always assuming things. You take it for granted for some reason thet the Israeli government is incapable or erring,
No. It just doesn't seem likely given the obvious ability to analyze outcomes of the situation.
But it does seem likely to you that the activists would just die as if it's no biggie, just to irritate Israel.

nukchebi0 wrote:

you seem certain as to how a "normal" activist would act in the given situation,
What is a normal activist? It certainly seems people more concerned with aiding the Palestinians would assent to the offer of berthing in an Israeli port in order to undergo cargo inspections. The MV Rachel Corrie is a nice contrast, isn't it?
"Normal" was ironical and it was refferring to your idea of docile activists. As if only the Rachel Corrie reaction is indicative of real activists. The rest are war-mongering terrorists

nukchebi0 wrote:

and worst of all you seem certain that these people would easily sacrifice themselves in order to make Israel look bad.
Again, honestly? Do we lack the historical basis for the plausibility of such a concept?
Wow, nice generalization there. I did explain what kind of people these activists were. But then again if you think that they're all suicide bombers then what can I say...
Btw if you're into history, you might want to look at Israeli gaffes of the past, just to make sure that it is actually very possible for Netaniahu to overreact...

nukchebi0 wrote:

I'll happily blame Israel for things they deserve to be criticized for, and those certainly exist, but it doesn't seem as if this current "crisis" is cause for the zealous vilification so ubiquitous in the Israel and Palestine debate.
I'm curious. Name one. If the imprisonment of 2 million people in Gaza and the illegal effort to detter even aid ships to reach them doesn't deserve to be criticized, then I urge you to name one that does.
Calmer than you are.

FEOS wrote:

And laws outlast governments and "powerful interests". And they are not subjective.
Powerful interests use the law to wipe their ass. That is when they're not busy writing it.

oug wrote:

FEOS wrote:

It was pretty clearly explained a couple of pages back. A defined blockade zone doesn't have to be in the blockading country's territorial waters. In fact, that makes no sense whatsoever. The blockade zone must be where the blockade needs to be in order to be effective (again, see the Cuban Missile Crisis). The blockade zone is defined and clearly announced. Anyone who enters it knows they are entering a blockade zone and what the rules are. Even in international waters.
So any nation can define any blockzone it wants under the pretext that it is engaged in hostile action with a percentage of its population? I don't think so. And the Cuban Missile Crisis is no example I can take under consideration seriously because who would go up against the US over a matter such as this? (Again let me say I have no idea what exactly the law says about this, it just doesn't sound right at all...)
Gaza is an autonomous entity, ruled by its own government. They are not, in effect, part of Israel any longer, but part of the Palestinian Authority. The Israelis are not blockading their own population, but the region governed by Hamas, due to the actions of Hamas. And that is legal under international law.
Since Gaza is not a seperate country and it still belongs to Israel, how is it legal to perform a sea blockade due to internal problems? If that is legal as you say, then it's a huge loophole. It could be used by anyone as a pretext to control more than their share of sea would it not?

FEOS wrote:

As to the Cuban Missile Crisis,  it is a perfect example of a legal naval blockade of one entity of another in international waters. I can see why you would want to ignore it.
That was genuinely funny FEOS! I lold hard

FEOS wrote:

oug wrote:

FEOS wrote:

The "fuss" is about agreements. And living up to them. That means actions, not just signatures.
Um, no. The fuss is about nuclear weapons FEOS.
Um, no. When it comes down to it, the fuss is about agreements made WRT nuclear weapons, not the weapons themselves.
How's so? Honestly I don't get it. 

FEOS wrote:

Suspicion =/= knowledge.
Yes well... South Africa apparently didn't see any harm in letting everyone know about the transaction. So despite the fact that Israel keep their mouth shut about it... You know it, I know it and sure enough the US govt know it.

FEOS wrote:

Why should any country be pressured into signing and ratifying a treaty except under terms to end a war? I'm not talking about Israel here, I'm talking about sovereign nations in general.

But I forget...different rulesets apply when it comes to Israel.
Oh I don't know FEOS, you tell me. Why is Iran being pressured to drop their nuclear program? Why is the NK?

FEOS wrote:

Where do I stand on what from a moral viewpoint?
forget it...

Dilbert_X wrote:

Calling for a country to be bombed =/= genocide.
If they're calling for the Israelis to leave first it certainly isn't.
That was sarcasm, Dilbert. 
There is no small print on those posters.

And, yes, it is genocide.  The international legal definition of genocide is, in part, "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such"

With that part of the definition in mind, let's revisit a few of those posters;

"God will send the mushroom cloud on Israel"

"Death to Israel"

'Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth'

Seems like it pretty well meets the above definition

Edit: reference Link

Last edited by rdx-fx (2010-06-07 12:18:09)

Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6635|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Lulz. Ehud said that Israel isn't Finland or Canada ergo they can't let in every sailing ship becuase they have Hamas Hummus ETA DDT whatever AT&T doing naughty things there. Too bad. If they were, they wouldn't have atleast such idiots controlling their country ordering attacks on aid vessels. They'd just have a bunch of sheep going baa-baa when big bad neighbours raise their voices. Meh. Idc what happens to that region unless it escalates into a bigger war.
+354|6160|Vortex Ring State

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Lulz. Ehud said that Israel isn't Finland or Canada ergo they can't let in every sailing ship becuase they have Hamas Hummus ETA DDT whatever AT&T doing naughty things there. Too bad. If they were, they wouldn't have atleast such idiots controlling their country ordering attacks on aid vessels. They'd just have a bunch of sheep going baa-baa when big bad neighbours raise their voices. Meh. Idc what happens to that region unless it escalates into a bigger war.
it will not escalate until a arab country gets cocky and decides to do a repeat of the 6 day war.

TBH, Israel's nukes are just plain stupid, if you want to have a denial strategy, just leave it in the open, is it really that hard?

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Ehud said that Israel isn't Finland or Canada ergo they can't let in every sailing ship becuase they have Hamas
he's right
Arabs got no love for the Palestinians.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

oug wrote:

FEOS wrote:

And laws outlast governments and "powerful interests". And they are not subjective.
Powerful interests use the law to wipe their ass. That is when they're not busy writing it.
International law is written and agreed to by multiple countries where "powerful interests" do not hold sway.

oug wrote:

oug wrote:

FEOS wrote:

It was pretty clearly explained a couple of pages back. A defined blockade zone doesn't have to be in the blockading country's territorial waters. In fact, that makes no sense whatsoever. The blockade zone must be where the blockade needs to be in order to be effective (again, see the Cuban Missile Crisis). The blockade zone is defined and clearly announced. Anyone who enters it knows they are entering a blockade zone and what the rules are. Even in international waters.
So any nation can define any blockzone it wants under the pretext that it is engaged in hostile action with a percentage of its population? I don't think so. And the Cuban Missile Crisis is no example I can take under consideration seriously because who would go up against the US over a matter such as this? (Again let me say I have no idea what exactly the law says about this, it just doesn't sound right at all...)
Gaza is an autonomous entity, ruled by its own government. They are not, in effect, part of Israel any longer, but part of the Palestinian Authority. The Israelis are not blockading their own population, but the region governed by Hamas, due to the actions of Hamas. And that is legal under international law.
Since Gaza is not a seperate country and it still belongs to Israel, how is it legal to perform a sea blockade due to internal problems? If that is legal as you say, then it's a huge loophole. It could be used by anyone as a pretext to control more than their share of sea would it not?
Gaza is, in effect, a separate autonomous entity. It does not belong to Israel, as it is not governed by the Knesset in any way, shape, form, or fashion. It is governed by Hamas and Hamas only. The only "internal problems" WRT Gaza are with the Palestinian Authority, not the Israeli government. The Israeli government has no authority over Gaza, period.

oug wrote:

FEOS wrote:

As to the Cuban Missile Crisis,  it is a perfect example of a legal naval blockade of one entity of another in international waters. I can see why you would want to ignore it.
That was genuinely funny FEOS! I lold hard
Funny that you would ignore a perfect example of a legal naval blockade in international waters? Not really funny. Sad. Predictable. But not funny.

oug wrote:

FEOS wrote:

oug wrote:

Um, no. The fuss is about nuclear weapons FEOS.
Um, no. When it comes down to it, the fuss is about agreements made WRT nuclear weapons, not the weapons themselves.
How's so? Honestly I don't get it.
Obviously. What countries are held to are their agreements, their treaties. Those become international and domestic law. When they violate those treaties, they violate the law. If it isn't a treaty, it isn't anything other than a good idea and doesn't bind them in any way. Just like you or I, the fuss when you violate the law is the violation of the law itself--the action you took. 

oug wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Suspicion =/= knowledge.
Yes well... South Africa apparently didn't see any harm in letting everyone know about the transaction. So despite the fact that Israel keep their mouth shut about it... You know it, I know it and sure enough the US govt know it.
Now. That doesn't mean that the US knew about it definitively beforehand. There's still more to come out in the wash on that, I'm sure.

oug wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Why should any country be pressured into signing and ratifying a treaty except under terms to end a war? I'm not talking about Israel here, I'm talking about sovereign nations in general.

But I forget...different rulesets apply when it comes to Israel.
Oh I don't know FEOS, you tell me. Why is Iran being pressured to drop their nuclear program? Why is the NK?
Iran is a signatory to the NPT.

nK was a signatory to the NPT and dropped out. This was all covered a while back in this thread.

oug wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Where do I stand on what from a moral viewpoint?
forget it...
No...seriously. There are a couple of issues here, the aid convoy and Israeli actions and nuclear weapons (nice derail, btw). I don't know which one you're talking about.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
the thing that amuses me is the shit that western-puppet governments can get away with, in the eyes of the western world- their governments and their press. israel is a fucking crime against humanity (i don't care what your reasoning is, it was a blundering democratic mistake and most jews will denounce all that zionist bullshit). other leaders in the arab world are conveniently let off for being equal bastards, e.g. hosni mubarak and his crooked, nepotist regime in egypt- allowed to operate and fuck with human liberties to sell out to corporate western liberalism.

im not sure how 'informed' or entitled to argue any of us, as westerners, can be to this situation. we part created it, and we endorse and finance it every fucking day. even when obvious humanitarian crimes are committed, we can do little other than just this - to gripe and moan in public channels of communication. at the end of the day, their lobbies and their governments are still getting support to continue in their fucked-up ways.

Last edited by Uzique (2010-06-08 05:14:51)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique wrote:

the thing that amuses me is the shit that western-puppet governments can get away with, in the eyes of the western world- their governments and their press. israel is a fucking crime against humanity (i don't care what your reasoning is, it was a blundering democratic mistake and most jews will denounce all that zionist bullshit). other leaders in the arab world are conveniently let off for being equal bastards, e.g. hosni mubarak and his crooked, nepotist regime in egypt- allowed to operate and fuck with human liberties to sell out to corporate western liberalism.

im not sure how 'informed' or entitled to argue any of us, as westerners, can be to this situation. we part created it, and we endorse and finance it every fucking day. even when obvious humanitarian crimes are committed, we can do little other than just this - to gripe and moan in public channels of communication. at the end of the day, their lobbies and their governments are still getting support to continue in their fucked-up ways.
The holocaust guilt thing is still running - not surprisingly, and much of the west is thoroughly complicit in many horrible messes besides Israel.

Until it becomes a major election issue in the west, which it won't, nothing really will happen. The US is never going to force Israel to do anything.

The only real chance is for Israel to realise its in their best interests to make peace, fix sensible borders and stop being asshats just because god says its their divine right to.

There is a small chance media noise and the public comment of global citizenry might bring this about through influencing the opinions of Israel's citizens themselves. Its a long shot but you never know, the least extreme party 'won' the last Israeli election so it could happen.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i think it's less about holocaust guilt and more about swinging around your geo-diplomatic weight.

the western world has vested interests in the pro-capitalist arab states purely for economic and strategic reasons. they don't give a shit about the holocaust- it's the suez canal, the oil-fields, the satellite bases and the import/export deals that interest the west. it's easy to turn a blind eye to criminal acts and dictatorial, undemocratic governing when the administration and sole existence of these countries prevents the arab world from uniting as an islamic bloc.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
But the vested interests don't explain support for Israel, there are no resources there and Israel is more likely to create unity amongst the arabs than prevent it.

The only thing the US gets really is domestic votes.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-06-08 05:59:17)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
err israel is a satellite for american economic, cultural and military interests.

and they are preventing the region from unifying as an islamic front, also against american interests.

how you can say israel doesn't 'explain' anything is mind-boggling. the whole diplomatic point of creating a zionist state was to essentially seed a continued 'safe' western ally in the middle-east. israel lobbies and finances a huge part of the american, british and european political landscape; they are mutual allies in a unified goal against the islamic world, and in continued interests towards their own capitalist neo-liberal agendas. the actual political structure of israel, egypt and other middle-eastern 'friendly' states is of little interest - as long as it gets the job done. the american press even went as far as to commend mubarak's son on his capability as the potential heir to the nepotic presidency, despite him being a complete flunk with no political experience whatsoever. it's a thinly veiled game.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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