prince of insufficient light
lowing you are making an absurd amount of assumptions on the slippery slope.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

lowing you are making an absurd amount of assumptions on the slippery slope.
such as?
prince of insufficient light
How the level of "censorship" would differ from what we have now, the idea that people that frequently engage in personal attacks are not taken seriously, and how we would be "stifling" the threads made to contain 1-1 debates.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6692|Texas - Bigger than France
I would think stricter enforcement of the rules would work fine.  Hell, the mods wouldn't have to do it all the time...just enough so people are aware of the rules, no?
prince of insufficient light
Well at the moment we don't do it all the time, but you know what the current state of DAST is. It's not complete anarchy (it's not even THAT bad imo), but it doesn't keep people in line all the time or anywhere close.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6692|Texas - Bigger than France
Do what you think then

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

How the level of "censorship" would differ from what we have now, the idea that people that frequently engage in personal attacks are not taken seriously, and how we would be "stifling" the threads made to contain 1-1 debates.
Oh well then let me speak for myself, I do not take those that constantly engage in personal attacks seriously. You can if you wish.

If the level of censorship would not differ, the nyou are wasting your time then aren't you?

How do you suppose you will maintain a 1 on 1 debate? People are going to go in there and say what they will.
prince of insufficient light
I didn't say I do either. But the point is there are lot of people that (quite reasonably) would like to have a conversation with other people without a bunch of useless idiots chiming in about nothing.

The 1-1 threads don't have to stay that way, the point is to keep the original threads from being bogged down and other people discouraged from jumping in rather than in a 1-1 cage match. A thread could start as a continuation of the dispute between two people and end up involving many more, but the point is not everyone wants to see the endless back and forth so this would be a way that they could ignore it more easily.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

I didn't say I do either. But the point is there are lot of people that (quite reasonably) would like to have a conversation with other people without a bunch of useless idiots chiming in about nothing.

The 1-1 threads don't have to stay that way, the point is to keep the original threads from being bogged down and other people discouraged from jumping in rather than in a 1-1 cage match. A thread could start as a continuation of the dispute between two people and end up involving many more, but the point is not everyone wants to see the endless back and forth so this would be a way that they could ignore it more easily.
Forgive me, but I thought PM's were invented for just such an occasion.

Do what I do, skip all the bullshit, and go to the post that responses to YOU, or to the poster you enjoy reading. If you wish to respond in turn you may do so, if you wish to ignore you may also do that. Can't be that difficult.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Maybe have a "garbage" forum for those threads that turn into just endless semantic/flaming/going around the same points for pages.
You can still post in the garbage forum where the thread goes, but the thread is automatically deleted after a number of days.

+194|5323|Markham, Ontario

Jaekus wrote:

Maybe have a "garbage" forum for those threads that turn into just endless semantic/flaming/going around the same points for pages.
You can still post in the garbage forum where the thread goes, but the thread is automatically deleted after a number of days.

We do have a garbage forum. EE.
prince of insufficient light
Nothing is going to be deleted unless something is actually wrong with it.

The idea is to put make it easy for people to find the information they want to see. Whether you want to watch/take part in debate or comment on an OP.
+194|5323|Markham, Ontario

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Nothing is going to be deleted unless something is actually wrong with it.

The idea is to put make it easy for people to find the information they want to see. Whether you want to watch/take part in debate or comment on an OP.
Suscribing and bookmarking usually works fine, unless you want to look for new material with a certain theme.
The X stands for
+1,813|6256|eXtreme to the maX

JohnG@lt wrote:

lowing wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

How is any of that censorship?
How is cutting off people, codes of conduct to the point of stifling, or deletion, NOT censorship?
Because FM has a god complex and can't understand why people won't conform to what he wants them to be. For all his talk about freedom, in the end he's nothing more than Dilbert_X with a 'badge'.
This is the problems with trolls on this forum, failing to address the issue and attacking the individual over some perceived slight - who in the case of FM is trying to improve the site as opposed to ruin it.

Just delete all personal attacks and maybe they'll get bored eventually.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-06-04 17:57:32)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,738|6887|Oxferd Ohire

Dilbert_X wrote:

Just delete all personal attacks and maybe they'll get bored eventually.
seems like that might get tedious
+3,936|6650|so randum
1)More mods (cough SERE cough)
2)More visible mod action (if you delete something, say who did it and why)
3)Earlier action on threads going sour - when a thread reaches 12 pages or so of purely two people slinging mud it needs to be killed
4)Possiby an application system to posting. IE you PM a mod in to ask for posting rights in this forum, and why you should have them. Sounds rather facist but it works wonderfully on other forums i use
5)Pace please stop recycling other peoples ideas and posting here in a vain attempt to be relevant.
6)That was an insult
7)Possibly make DST chats a month experiment on the flamewar thread, see if it alleviates tension in other threads
8)Bump Kmar up to admin
9)Ban meks mums vagina
10)That was also an insult
11)Not sure about the sticky ideas, it could devolve into 1 or 2 people posting the latest RSS hit followed by a page of assine comments and a picture of someones penis
12)teds 4 supreme overlord jus' sayin'

tl;dr, punch meks mum in her cock.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Create two sub-forums.


Serious talk.

You're not going to debate a science thread by saying No, the Hubble telescope isn't in space!

And debate threads should be pretty obvious what you'll see in that section...
11 Bravo
+965|5387|Cleveland, Ohio

AussieReaper wrote:

Create two sub-forums.


Serious talk.

You're not going to debate a science thread by saying No, the Hubble telescope isn't in space!

And debate threads should be pretty obvious what you'll see in that section...
ya id say that it a good idea tbh.
prince of insufficient light
What is "Serious Talk" really though? Yeah it is obvious that some threads should be in a section like that (such as the Hubble example) but I think there are a lot of "Serious Talk" type of topics that do end up as a debate in one way or another.

What about "Politics & Current Events" and "General Discussion"? That seems to appropriately serve the purpose of letting people who don't want to see the obama/global warming/ME/etc. etc. to avoid it but making the line more clear between the two.
the problem is that you can politicize and contextualize any 'serious issue' or matter of debate

when you have people with such over-bearing political views and radicalisms frequently debating, their partisanship is gonna permeate every topic

therefore dividing it between 'politics' and 'general discussion' would end-up with every thread in 'politics', anyway.

especially with some of the crazies here and their ardent contrivance to relate every single issue to a political agenda.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
11 Bravo
+965|5387|Cleveland, Ohio

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

What is "Serious Talk" really though? Yeah it is obvious that some threads should be in a section like that (such as the Hubble example) but I think there are a lot of "Serious Talk" type of topics that do end up as a debate in one way or another.

What about "Politics & Current Events" and "General Discussion"? That seems to appropriately serve the purpose of letting people who don't want to see the obama/global warming/ME/etc. etc. to avoid it but making the line more clear between the two.
serious talk is not "rate the skank above you" or "guess the poop" or "vote for some stupid shit please" etc.............

some of us would like to talk about things without massive quote trees.

Last edited by 11 Bravo (2010-06-06 11:27:40)


11 Bravo wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

What is "Serious Talk" really though? Yeah it is obvious that some threads should be in a section like that (such as the Hubble example) but I think there are a lot of "Serious Talk" type of topics that do end up as a debate in one way or another.

What about "Politics & Current Events" and "General Discussion"? That seems to appropriately serve the purpose of letting people who don't want to see the obama/global warming/ME/etc. etc. to avoid it but making the line more clear between the two.
serious talk is not "rate the skank above you" or "guess the poop" or "vote for some stupid shit please" etc.............

some of us would like to talk about things without massive quote trees.
A few months back I made this thread, apparently FM, KJ, and Kmar all thought it was DST enough to leave it in the section and post constructively in it. A little while later, you made a thread in EE that linked that one and Hurricanes Pentagon thread and used it as reference to how much DST had gone to hell.

My thread about Stephen Colbert was better than most of the crap in EE in terms of seriousness and content, and would have not have flown in EE. Would you still consider it EE crap or would a thread about something like a comedian that someone wanted to seriously discuss be allowed to go on in DST?

Just curious as to see if you still considered it EE crap.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5409|foggy bottom
Tu Stultus Es
+5,233|6679|Global Command

JohnG@lt wrote:

lowing wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

How is any of that censorship?
How is cutting off people, codes of conduct to the point of stifling, or deletion, NOT censorship?
Because FM has a god complex and can't understand why people won't conform to what he wants them to be. For all his talk about freedom, in the end he's nothing more than Dilbert_X with a 'badge'.
Out of retirement to make this statement;

fm does have a God complex; he has driven many of the good and moderate moderators away ( see kmarion for an example ).

From day one, when I became moderator he was acting all tough guy in the mod section, jumping anyones shit if they didn't mod exactly his way. God forbid that they should have a personal issue with a user, he was on that like stink on shit.

Well, now he has a personal issue with me, and he sees fit to allow users to comment about my wife and family.

FM, the best thing you could do for this website is stop coming here.
Nobody likes you, you are not respected, you are an over active goon that has made favoritism and selective enforcement of the rules the norm.

One of the main reasons I quit as moderator is because FM makes sport of complaining about everything, yet offers no solutions.

This lame ass thread is evidence of the guilt he feel at sucking so hard, and is his pathetic attempt at offering a solution way too late.

Candian Loser, I will see burnzz again soon and I will give him the around the world package and he can send it; take my name off the list, I aint interested anymore.

chuy should realize there is a cancer in this forum, and its name is flaming_maniac.
FM is a bit of a douche. he's like everything i parody when im feeling troublesome, only in dead serious.

and he doesn't realize half the time that the joke is on him.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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