atm I just want to get fucking paid tbh...mikkel wrote:
Haha.FloppY_ wrote:
I was planning on datatekniker, because I hate advicing people who have no clue about computers what to do...mikkel wrote:
Are you doing IT Supporter or Datatekniker?
But I gave that up as soon as we were told that we have to take the next level of cisco there -.-
I sprung for IT Supporter because I didn't have the five and a half years for datatekniker. Let me assure you that the diploma means nothing. Absolutely nothing. What matters is the apprenticeship that you get, and the people you know. After my grundforloeb, I went to work with an ISP. In the two years I spent as an apprentice before being hired full time, I designed nationwide 10Gbps backbones, designed, purchased and deployed millions of dollars worth of equipment, managed network access for 70,000 Internet, IPTV and VoIP customers, designed network and network service infrastructures scalable to hundreds of thousands of users, went on business trips to the U.S., Germany, Sweden and the U.K., and worked up a huge network of contacts in the industry that could land me any kind of job I wanted in IT. That's networking, and that might not be you. I had classmates who went to work for IBM and Sun Microsystems and went in a different direction but had equally exciting careers. Whichever you'd choose, it's a far cry from sitting in a dull classroom making two routers talk to each other, or writing a paper on the PCI bus. It's where you are, and the people you know.
When you're on campus, you're surrounded by people who're content to do small office IT, supporting a dozen users and their computers and e-mail systems. You're surrounded by people who lack ambition to a sickening degree, people who'll do everything to project the dreary reality that they find themselves in on to everyone else so that they don't feel alone in their misery. You either aim above that, or you seek out another profession. Never settle for anything less than you're comfortable with in IT.
There is no job for me, or if there is it has a sickening amount of studying to get a somewhat useless diploma first...
And beeing as antisocial as I am, I doubt I will ever be able to count on a network...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me