Flaming_Maniac wrote:
Diesel_Dyk wrote:
The OP presupposes that all animals in the stock are necessary for breeding.
No he didn't. Then later you laughably twisted my argument into presupposing the same thing.
Diesel_Dyk wrote:
Which is why he squeals when someone shreds his argument.
I dunno what you think you did, but you were far, far from "shredding" his argument.
JohnG@lt wrote:
Flaming_Maniac wrote:
More directly towards the OP I think is more a kind of urban sickness. I am hesitant to use "sickness" because of the prejudice against gays it implies, but as you stated if you presume at least one of the purposes of an animal is to continue its species then there is something wrong with them. Of course the exact same sentiment could also be expressed about suicidal people or anti-social people, and you will note all three of those groups are disproportionately likely to occur in urbanized settings - at least that we know about.
I don't think it's a built in population control, I just think it is a product of our animal brain's deep-rooted inability to cope with our increasingly social/unnatural world. Too many inherent contradictions within the social construct viewed against a purely logical/instinctual world.
Because New York and San Francisco have large gay populations? Don't be silly. Most of them came from elsewhere and just congregated in a place where they were accepted instead of being subjected to torture in their small towns.
More like put a chart of urbanization in America and number of gays in America next to each other and not be surprised at all.
Correlation does not imply causation, but there is a correlation and if I had to pick a hypothesis as to why it would be that one.
If you ignore everything else from the past forty years, sure. I know you're on a city hating kick lately but urbanization has absolutely nothing to do with the number of out-of-the-closet gays. Considering there is massive evidence that gays have existed throughout the history of the human race why would you suppose that it has increased?
No. A century ago a man would've been forced to hide his gayness or he would've faced ridicule and humiliation at every turn. The gay community in San Francisco and New York would've been systematically targeted by the police and thrown in jail for sodomy and other 'crimes'. It wasn't until the 70s that gay communities started forming in places they felt safe: Miami, New York, San Francisco etc. Notice that those three cities are also the most liberal and tolerant of people that are 'different'. Then we finally come to Pedro and the Real World which became the tipping point and pushed gays and gay issues (and AIDS) into the mainstream media. Before then it was taboo.
So, nothing has really changed aside from the fact that people no longer live in fear for their lives (outside of Appalachia and Texas) if they are gay. They can find a community where people are like them and live life as they please instead of facing ridicule and torture. That's freedom baby!