Spearhead dont confuse man-made things with natural things. AIDs wouldnt be around if everyone waited til marriage. Global warming wouldnt be happening if we didnt pollute so much. Floods are part of nature and its not a mess up of creation if we build houses where there are floods.
So skruples, you cant prove how prophecies happened but say things like people shared the food and jesus didnt make it. Its impossible to prove unless we go back in time so i guess we will disagree.
There is this dude called satan, he tries to mislead people away from God any way he can. When people are desperate for religion and this guy claims to have talked with and angel from God people will believe him. But dont forget that most muslims dont get to study any other religions and are pretty much forced to obey one religion for life.
How do people believing john edwards talks to dead people compare to over 500 people seing Jesus after He died and some people touching his hands and feet? I said it before, i know if some people REALLY were searching for Him they might see him but over 500 people and some touching His hands and feet....
Theres a difference between the isrealite
slaves who devouted their entire life to God(litterally) and the jewish people who rejected Jesus.
Your editing all the things God did to make it look like Hes a bad guy.
Only God can judge and send people to hell. People do need Jesus to get to heaven but i doubt if people cant understand it He sends them to hell. Your saying " It doesnt say children go to heaven and it does say that you need Jesus so kids must go to hell". When we die our physical age might not even be the same. I believe that you need to be able to understand things before you get judged on them.
skruples wrote:
Not that I agree with or even know where that statement came from, but even if there were millions of advanced civilizations in the galaxy we would have no idea; the galaxy is a big place. This is exactly the reason I said the numbers in that video are not proof that we are the only life in the galaxy. For all we know, every star in this galaxy has some kind of life in orbit, and even if it were true the only way to find out would be to go there and look.
Its possible that there is some bacteria life on planets but not advanced life. We need to be in a good spot in our galaxy so we dont get sucked into a black whole or thrown into deep space by a passing star,(we are in a perfect spot in our galaxy thats perfect for studying where we are) also we need to be a certain distance from the sun so we dont get killed by solar winds or freeze and we need gas giants to protect us from asteroids. We need to be orbiting a certain type of star. There are only so many places and our galaxy where its possible. Then on top of that there needs to be good conditions on the planet so that life can survive. They gave a 1/10 chance to every trait. Thats next to impossible in itself and they still came up with that huge number.
Cells cant come together when they are being radiated and blown up and toxic gases are everywhere. But you can say "well we cant be there to prove it so it can". That can be your argument on how life can form everywhere if you would like. Technically life cant come together at all by itself out of nothing. Even in perfect conditions it doesnt happen.
Last edited by JaMDuDe (18 years, 8 months ago)