liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6832|Canberra, AUS
If its so 'little known' then why, when I search, does every site assume that I DO know it?

Forunately, I do. Accretion is the steady building up of continents by tectonic forces 'pushing' small landmasses into larger ones. That's now North America was formed. For more, also search cratons. This is not a 'little-known process'. There are several documentaries on the subject - see formation of North America.

Alas, you make the very flawed assertion that Noah's flood took place - despite every single thinking geologist the world over saying otherwise. More info. AND WHERE TF DID ALL THAT WATER COME FROM?

Unfourtunately, nothing anyone says seems to make you budge from your 2000 year old view. No, make that 4000.

Last edited by Spark (2006-04-29 20:20:36)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Why isnt accretion on wikipedia if it formed north america? Its odd that all of this evidence that they are "proving" wrong on that site isnt even on the christian websites.

Heres where the water came from
Mod Incarnate

JaMDuDe wrote:

Why isnt accretion on wikipedia if it formed north america?
Because wikipedia is a user written encyclopedia. Someone has to care enough to write an entry about accretion or it will just be a blank page. I would point out that there is, in fact, a wikipedia article on accretion in the scientific sense, but the geological accretion page has not been written yet.

JaMDuDe wrote:

Its odd that all of this evidence that they are "proving" wrong on that site isnt even on the christian websites.
Perhaps because its been 'proved wrong' and is no longer evidence of anything? The scientific arguments for the global flood change with time, and ideas that are proved to be ridiculous or shortsighted are simply discarded. I would point to the 'vapor canopy' theory, which is no longer in favor because if such a canopy had existed it would have killed every living thing on Earth before the flood even occurred.

JaMDuDe wrote:

Heres where the water came from
Ah JamDuDe. I had hoped that you had seen the error of your ways, but I see you are still using christiananswers as a primary source of information. I have to postulate that if told you the sky was purple and your mother was an alien from Alpha Centauri, you would believe it without question.

JaMDuDe wrote:

What are you trying to prove? That christian websites acknowledge eachother?
I think you just made Spark's point for him. Namely, that is a christian website!!!!1! When you need a cavity filled, do you go to a priest? When you need a new tire put on your car, do you go to your local church? No? Then why do you get all your science from religious sources?!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6832|Canberra, AUS
Accretion is not so much a theory as an extension of logic. When tectonic processes can create small chains of islands (e.g. Hawaii, Iceland, Indonesia), sea-floor spreading moves those islands along. After a WHILE (a LONG while), these islands hit bigger islands - and more islands crash into them.  These 'proto-continents' are called cratons - hence the reason I told you to look it up. Go to the wiki page. Pay close attention to the third diagram. That is a big part of America, no? I would say about 5 states, and a fair bit of Canada and most of Central America.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

JaMDuDe wrote:

What are you trying to prove? That christian websites acknowledge eachother?
No, that you are only capable of using arguments that are put forth by obviously strongly biased websites.
Well when people are proving Gods existence its kinda hard to leave the God part out.  Skruples, i get my science from scientists who happen to be christian. … efault.asp … amp;id=660

JaMDuDe wrote:

i get my science from scientists who happen to be christian.
considering that 1/3 of the world is christian, its not that hard to find one of those.
Try getting your science from an atheist or an agnostic. Or a Muslim or Jew. Or a Buddhist or a Hindu...
GunSlinger OIF II

Daysniper wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

i get my science from scientists who happen to be christian.
considering that 1/3 of the world is christian, its not that hard to find one of those.
Try getting your science from an atheist or an agnostic. Or a Muslim or Jew. Or a Buddhist or a Hindu...
oh no they are all wrong and going to hell only christian scientists should be allowed to study science

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-04-30 09:52:14)

Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6780|Little Bentcock
i dont doubt my faith, i have my doubts about my faith but in generall i dont doubt my faith
I thought jamdude was gone and that I didn't have to come back here. We were having some useful arguments for once. Guess good things can only last so long.

Jamdude, as much as I like to look at your obviously biased websites, can you back up any of your claims with your own beliefs and theories, or do you just live by standards others have set for you? Many arguments have been put out there and all you do is put out information written by other people, information that clearly says that your right and others are wrong (aka biased). So do you have any personal beliefs or is it all ideals that people have given you and you have never questioned or tried to think through to change in anyway?

There are people who believe in god and have beliefs that very from other people who believe in god. Same goes for athiests and agnostics. It seems you have no unique ideas though, that all of your ideas are ones that exist in christian websites and that you believe exactly everything they say and that anyone who says anything otherwise has to be wrong. Could you please clarify this for me?
I didnt know this topic was to share our personal beliefs. I dont believe everything i see on websites. Would  you like me to say "i believe the earth is young" and not show you any proof?
+13|6809|Uitgeest, The Netherlands

Spark wrote:

ongelooflijklekker wrote:

Offcourse they made the bible an attractive book with lots of tell tale stories, just one of the earliest marketing tricks. If for example Harry Potter would be such a dull story JK rowlings wouldnt have made that much money with it.
The only problem, of course, is that you CAN'T make money from it. Is was not 'for sale' until recently - most people couldn't even read it for the majority of the Common Era!
actualy they did make a lot of money with religion look at the pope in the vatican
thats only catholics
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6832|Canberra, AUS
Can you give NEUTRAL sources?

That means NOTHING from pro-creation websites, NOTHING from pro-evolution sites.

I want evidence talked from a PURELY SCIENTIFIC point of view. That is the only way we're going to get anywhere here.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
EBC Member
+56|6812|Cambridge, England
@ atheists
do none of you find it odd how perfect our planet is and the imensly tiny chance that this would happen, why are we not on a planet that has problems. ie high levels of radiation. We have perfect atmosphere,stable weather systme, lots of water. Now if we were an average life suporting planet,like the atheists presume then why is everyday not a fight for survival why is everything so perfect.
Im not saying that it is imposible that our existance cannot possibly be luck. But just imangine how unlikly it is that it is.
just my 2 cent
The chances are 1/100,000,000,000,000 and there are 100 billion stars. But darwinism is "fact" so what we say does not mean anything.
EBC Member
+56|6812|Cambridge, England
im not saying anything on the thery of evolution, all im saying is that i dont think our existance is chance.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6832|Canberra, AUS
And you've forgotten my arguments. Again. You've forgotten how redundant those 'conditions' become, if you apply basic evolution.

wiki:Anthropic principle. One of the most debated topics in physics.

Last edited by Spark (2006-04-30 16:48:10)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
EBC Member
+56|6812|Cambridge, England
it dosnt mater where on earth you are microbs still perform best at 30 degrees C.
IF you are gona say that life can adapt to anything why is no life on venus.
Answer, because the conditions are to extreme.

Last edited by jimmanycricket (2006-04-30 16:54:21)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6832|Canberra, AUS
Here's an explanation:

That it is, according to Christian de Duve 'an obligatory manifestation of matter, bound to arise wherever conditions are appropriate'. De duve thought it likely that such conditions would be encountered perhaps a million times in each galaxy

Oooh! and an even better one!

I have brought you a long way to make a small point: a big part of the reason that Earth seems so miraculously accomodating is that we evolved to suit its conditions. What we marvel at is not that it is suitable for life but suitable for our life - hardly surprising really. It may be that many of the things that make it so splendid to us - well-proportioned Sun, doting Moon, sociable carbon, more molten magma than you can shake a stick at and all the rest - seem splendid because they are what we were born to count on. No-one can altogether say.

Other worlds may harbour beings thankful for their silvery lakes of mercury or drifting ammonia clouds. They may be delighted that their planet doesn't shake them silley with its grinding plates or spew messy globs of lava over the landscape, but rahter exists in a permanent, non-tectonic tranquility. Any visitors to the Earth from afar would almost certainly, at the very least, be bemused to find us living in an atmosphere composed of nitrogen, a gas sulkily disinclined to react with anything, and oxygen, which is so partial to combustion that we must place fire stations throughout our cities to protect us from its livelier effects.


The physicist Richard Feynman used to make a joke about a posteriori conclusions - reasoning from known facts back to possible causes. 'You know, the most amazing thing happened to me tonight,' he would say. 'I saw a car with the licence plate ARW 357. Can you imagine? Of all the livenve plates in the state, what was the chance that I would see that paticular one tonight? Amazing!' His point being, of course, that it is easy to make any situation seem extroadinary it you treat it as fateful.

So it is possible that the events and conditions that led to the rise of life on Earth are not as extroadinary as we like to think.

Last edited by Spark (2006-04-30 17:02:53)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Mod Incarnate

JaMDuDe wrote:

Well when people are proving Gods existence its kinda hard to leave the God part out.  Skruples, i get my science from scientists who happen to be christian. … efault.asp … amp;id=660
No, you get your science from christians who happen to hold degrees in science. There is a huge difference there, but you don't seem to realize it. I am amazed, however, that you linked the discovery institute. They may be one of the major proponents for intelligent design, but they also dont mention God every other paragraph. I'm proud of you JaMDuDe, though I cant shake the feeling that you just saw that link somewhere on a hardcore christian website and copied it.

JaMDuDe wrote:

The chances are 1/100,000,000,000,000 and there are 100 billion stars. But darwinism is "fact" so what we say does not mean anything.
Do you even read anything we type? Are we wasting our time here? I must have written 2 or 3 responses as to why that video is in error (or at the very least, why your interpretation of the video is in error), but you seem to just ignore anything that doesn't agree with you. Oh, and I'm still waiting on a response to my last large post, you know, before you called everyone 'n00bs' and said you were going to -karma us. That was very mature by the way, it's nice to see you can handle a difference of opinion.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6847|Tampa Bay Florida

jimmanycricket wrote:

@ atheists
do none of you find it odd how perfect our planet is and the imensly tiny chance that this would happen, why are we not on a planet that has problems. ie high levels of radiation. We have perfect atmosphere,stable weather systme, lots of water. Now if we were an average life suporting planet,like the atheists presume then why is everyday not a fight for survival why is everything so perfect.
Im not saying that it is imposible that our existance cannot possibly be luck. But just imangine how unlikly it is that it is.
just my 2 cent
I'm not going to try to explain it to you, but dude, you've got to open your mind.  Planets change.  That's why there are remnants of rivers on Mars.  Life very well could've existed on Mars, millions of years ago.  But, the planets' climate changed, and now it's a planet which is impossible to survive on.  And the same can happen to Earth. 

Earth isn't perfect.  Why are there floods?  Why is there AIDS?  Global warming?  Earth is FAR from perfect, my friend.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-04-30 17:17:25)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6832|Canberra, AUS

jimmanycricket wrote:

it dosnt mater where on earth you are microbs still perform best at 30 degrees C.
IF you are gona say that life can adapt to anything why is no life on venus.
Answer, because the conditions are to extreme.
And how do we know there's no life on Venus? There are swarms among swarms of bacteria (known as exthermophiles) which can survive temperatures of 400C AND 2C at the same time!

The only thing we know about Venus's surface is from a hour's worth of transmissions from some Soviet lander. Hardly conclusive.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Spearhead dont confuse man-made things with natural things. AIDs wouldnt be around if everyone waited til marriage. Global warming wouldnt be happening if we didnt pollute so much. Floods are part of nature and its not a mess up of creation if we build houses where there are floods.

So skruples, you cant prove how prophecies happened but say things like people shared the food and jesus didnt make it. Its impossible to prove unless we go back in time so i guess we will disagree.

There is this dude called satan, he tries to mislead people away from God any way he can. When people are desperate for religion and this guy claims to have talked with and angel from God people will believe him. But dont forget that most muslims dont get to study any other religions and are pretty much forced to obey one religion for life.

How do people believing john edwards talks to dead people compare to over 500 people seing Jesus after He died and some people touching his hands and feet? I said it before, i know if some people REALLY were searching for Him they might see him but over 500 people and some touching His hands and feet....

Theres a difference between the isrealite slaves who devouted their entire life to God(litterally) and the jewish people who rejected Jesus.

Your editing all the things God did to make it look like Hes a bad guy.

Only God can judge and send people to hell. People do need Jesus to get to heaven but i doubt if people cant understand it He sends them to hell. Your saying " It doesnt say children go to heaven and it does say that you need Jesus so kids must go to hell". When we die our physical age might not even be the same. I believe that you need to be able to understand things before you get judged on them.

skruples wrote:

Not that I agree with or even know where that statement came from, but even if there were millions of advanced civilizations in the galaxy we would have no idea; the galaxy is a big place. This is exactly the reason I said the numbers in that video are not proof that we are the only life in the galaxy. For all we know, every star in this galaxy has some kind of life in orbit, and even if it were true the only way to find out would be to go there and look.
Its possible that there is some bacteria life on planets but not advanced life. We need to be in a good spot in our galaxy so we dont get sucked into a black whole or thrown into deep space by a passing star,(we are in a perfect spot in our galaxy thats perfect for studying where we are) also we need to be a certain distance from the sun so we dont get killed by solar winds or freeze and we need gas giants to protect us from asteroids. We need to be orbiting a certain type of star. There are only so many places and our galaxy where its possible. Then on top of that there needs to be good conditions on the planet so that life can survive. They gave a 1/10 chance to every trait. Thats next to impossible in itself and they still came up with that huge number.

Cells cant come together when they are being radiated and blown up and toxic gases are everywhere. But you can say "well we cant be there to prove it so it can". That can be your argument on how life can form everywhere if you would like. Technically life cant come together at all by itself out of nothing. Even in perfect conditions it doesnt happen.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-04-30 18:14:40)


jimmanycricket wrote:

@ atheists
do none of you find it odd how perfect our planet is and the imensly tiny chance that this would happen, why are we not on a planet that has problems. ie high levels of radiation. We have perfect atmosphere,stable weather systme, lots of water. Now if we were an average life suporting planet,like the atheists presume then why is everyday not a fight for survival why is everything so perfect.
Im not saying that it is imposible that our existance cannot possibly be luck. But just imangine how unlikly it is that it is.
just my 2 cent
1. We don't have a perfect atmosphere. Ever heard of the hole in the ozone layer?
2. We don't have a stable weather system. ie-tornados, hurricanes...
3. Lots of water, agreed. But how much of it is fresh and drinkable?
4. Everything isn't perfect. We wouldn't be arguing if it was.
5. Tiny chance? So what! have you seen a lottery?...

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