Flaming_Maniac wrote:
Thank you for the generally solid input.
Here are the main points that I think would get this going in the right direction.
1) Enforcement - We need more manpower to enforce a higher set of rules/more stringently enforce the rules that are already in place. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail here but I'm working on it. I am unemployed for about another two weeks so I do have quite a bit of time on my hands at the moment until the powers that be can be set in motion to put more people in place. Ultimately this is the second most important aspect behind member support.
2) Code of conduct - We need a set of rules specifically for this section, outlining in as much detail and clarity as possible what is acceptable and what isn't. I would much prefer that this be written by the regulars of the section and not by the staff (except obviously where the two intersect). If someone wants to make a topic for the discussion of this be my guest. There are a lot of ideas in this thread that should be seriously considered as well. I would say that it is important not just to talk about it though, someone needs to take it upon themselves to write a draft that can be a starting point to be edited to some degree and voted on.
I think these are the biggest issues right here. If there is some sort of '5-year'-esq plan, start here.
I've heard, somewhere, (from a mod i think) that "not many would want to stick their hand in the viper's nest that is D&ST"... at least i think I have (search turned up nothing... wrong phrasing, maybe).
If there were more mod action... excuse me, more
visible mod action, that might even work enough to straighten out the line a bit...
The clear code of conduct would be like the big sign - read it and follow or go home, none of this "that's ambiguous" crap... so that means all mods would have to police
the same fucking way, not 'they do it their way, i do it mine'...
blarg... brain... dying... 5am....
ok, enough musings.