Well, if we could sell off New York, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Illinois, and Florida - then 'American' wouldn't need qualification.
As it currently stands, the overinflated sense of entitlement and generally Orwellian nanny-state culture in California, Chicago, and New York makes it embarrassing to claim them as part of the same United States as the rest of us.
Unfortunately, we cannot divest ourselves of irresponsible over-indulgent non-self-sufficient states. So, in that respect, the US Constitution is a suicide pact. We have to keep those boat-anchor states, even if they're going to sink the country.
As it currently stands, the overinflated sense of entitlement and generally Orwellian nanny-state culture in California, Chicago, and New York makes it embarrassing to claim them as part of the same United States as the rest of us.
Unfortunately, we cannot divest ourselves of irresponsible over-indulgent non-self-sufficient states. So, in that respect, the US Constitution is a suicide pact. We have to keep those boat-anchor states, even if they're going to sink the country.