lowing wrote:
Varegg wrote:
So do you live in Ohio lowing?
And how much(%) of your salery goes to taxes?
Just curious ...
I lived 3/4 of my life in Ohio, I paid into Ohio welfare and since the federsal govt. has shelled out more money to the states for welfare benefits, I still am paying for it.
hard to tell, I am in a 30% tax bracket, so right there I loose a third, I pay taxes when I buy shit, I pay property taxes, I pay taxes to own a fuckin car, I pay taxes on what I save.
Hmmmm pay on what you make then pay on what you spend and then pay on what you save, then pay on what you own....I dunno but it would appear more than half of money goes to the govt. in one tax or another. watcha think? Any objections to me keeping more of what I EARN for myself? I mean since I am the one doing all of the leg work for it and all. Appreciate it.
Hm ... I pay around 30% tax myself + tax on goods I buy, property tax etc etc ... pretty much just the same as you ...
So what do I get in return for that money?
*It pays the salery for cops, firemen, doctors, nurces, soldiers, other various government people ...
*It pays for the roads I drive on, traintracks ect etc etc
*It pays for social benefits like: unemployment if I ever becomes one, free hospitals if I ever becomes sick, a cheaper kindergarden (don't need that now but I have in the past), it pays for free education, for libraries where I can lend books for free, for museums (most of them have free entrance), it pays for conservation of nature and culture and it pays for a place where I can live when I get so old that I no longer can take care of myself.
The list is long and much longer than what I just listed ... I think I get a great deal for my tax money, it's also encouraging to think about that some of what I pay in tax also can help others ... what an empathic thought indeed
I trust my government to spend whatever tax I pay wisely and in general they do an awsm job ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................