+194|5326|Markham, Ontario
Wed. May 26/10                                Pace51

Real Outer Space Facts: Moons with Water and Liquid

     The below article was made using research sources found on the web, the National Geographic and NASA web sites. However, it is my own writing and those sources were used only to get information, and the articles are not plagiarized. Anyways, I found them incredibly interesting. Enjoy! Space is AWESOME

Titan (Saturn)
Enceladus (Saturn)
Moon (Earth)


     Titan is Saturns largest moon. In fact, it is so massive that it is bigger than Mercury, and some of the smaller planetoids. It is the second biggest moon in our solar system. On one expedition, the Cassini Sattelite orbited closely nearby Titan. Scientists discovered lake-like fissures in the land scape, located in valleys. Coming down into the valleys from higher ground were streams of liquid. Some of these lakes were absolutely massive, almost 40 kilometres in diameter! The moon also had a cycle that greatly resembled Earths water cycle. However, these lakes weren’t filled with water, but with liquid methane which helps keep the moon incredibly cold. There are even methane reservoirs that act like the Earths water table under the crust of Titan. So just think, we say we have a methane problem? Titan’s got it worse, although theirs is the opposite. Global cooling instead of global warming, liquid instead of gas, and no annoying former vice-presents making videos that can put a guy drinking 6 cans of red bull an hour to sleep. The moon also has methane formed by cryo-volcanoes, which are intensely cold volcanoes.


     Enceladus is the primary target in the search for alien life forms. In fact, reports have come forth claiming that cellular life forms have in fact been found in the planet, but these may not yet be confirmed. Unlike Titan, this moon actually contains good old H2O. Nasa thinks that the pockets of liquid are key to the search for ‘s because they are similar to those found on the hydrothermal pockets of Earth. Wwhen the Cassini satellite orbited Enceladus, scientists spotted large plumes of what appeared to be a steamy substances coming from the planet. They thought underground ice reservoirs may have been the cause of these. Then, they realized that what they witnessed were actually liquid-water geysers, and not just plumes of water vapour. Apparently, there are sources deep inside Enceladus which produce heat. These will then melt the ice beneath and water geysers will come out. The crust of the surface of Enceladus is very icy. However, the pressurized jets will shoot right of the surface. Shortly after, it freezes and ice particles are distributed.

The Moon

     Using India’s Chandrayaan-1 Satellite, scientists located deposits of water and ice near the north pole section of the moon. More than 40 craters were found, all filled with ice. There is an estimated 600 million tons of water ice, and the craters range from about 2-15km in diameter. The satellite produced pictures of the north pole of the moon which is invisible from Earth, as well as images of its two craters that are permanently shrouded in darkness. Apparently, water in varying states has been discovered on the moon, such as water vapour and ice.

Sources: … aturn.html … orth-pole/ … titan.html

Last edited by pace51 (2010-05-26 16:25:02)

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6812|The darkside of Denver
uhhh oh..... ROSF.

* does liquid methane smell like shit?  Could Titan posses the REAL bog of eternal stench?

Last edited by SonderKommando (2010-05-26 15:31:47)


this is going to end badly . . . getting around "Real World Facts" by posting other worlds is a bitch move .
+194|5326|Markham, Ontario
Just read and comment on the post please.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6812|The darkside of Denver

burnzz wrote:

this is going to end badly . . . getting around "Real World Facts" by posting other worlds is a bitch move .
Holy shit, could pace have done this just to spite bf2s? Like a sick little joke?  Pace I demand an answer to these allegations and to the question in my above post, post haste young man!
+3,611|6774|London, England
Actually Europa would be the main target for any life in the Solar System, and the heat generated which causes the geysers on Encaladeus is tidal/gravitational energy between the moon and Saturn, or some shit like that. … trial_life
+194|5326|Markham, Ontario

SonderKommando wrote:

burnzz wrote:

this is going to end badly . . . getting around "Real World Facts" by posting other worlds is a bitch move .
Holy shit, could pace have done this just to spite bf2s? Like a sick little joke?  Pace I demand an answer to these allegations and to the question in my above post, post haste young man!
No. All my articles with real facts have titles like that. Only if their about fictional items do I drop the RWF or ROSF.

don't tell me how to post - you evangalize on "ignore it if you don't like it". well son, that road runs both ways
+194|5326|Markham, Ontario

Mekstizzle wrote:

Actually Europa would be the main target for any life in the Solar System, and the heat generated which causes the geysers on Encaladeus is tidal/gravitational energy between the moon and Saturn, or some shit like that. … trial_life
Really? Cool. Jupiter can have waters. Venus cannot into water.
+3,611|6774|London, England

burnzz wrote:

don't tell me how to post - you evangalize on "ignore it if you don't like it". well son, that road runs both ways … ura001.jpg
oh shit, a picture of a road... and it runs both ways!


There's a series on the BBC called "The Sky at Night" or something, it's quite good. You should download and watch some episodes if you're into that

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2010-05-26 15:36:25)

Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6812|The darkside of Denver
what bout liquid methane smelling like shit, could titan have giant smelly lakes?
+194|5326|Markham, Ontario

SonderKommando wrote:

what bout liquid methane smelling like shit, could titan have giant smelly lakes?
Haven't been there...

But it has giant lakes, and if methane smells, well then your theory is correct!
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6812|The darkside of Denver

pace51 wrote:

SonderKommando wrote:

what bout liquid methane smelling like shit, could titan have giant smelly lakes?
Haven't been there...

But it has giant lakes, and if methane smells, well then your theory is correct!
well we fart methane, and i dunno about you my farts are stinky.
+3,611|6774|London, England
The only way to truly know is to build a smelloscope

'course, smells can't travel through the vacuum of space (or can they?) and I doubt the reason farts stink is cos of the methane
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6812|The darkside of Denver
Do a ROSF about mutlidimensional string theory, oh and do one about youranus.
+3,611|6774|London, England
holy shit, some futurama fanpage suggested that the smelloscope works by analysing the chemical makeup of its target and then reproducing the calculated smell to its user, that's some clever shit

well it's not real, but the theory is solid, surely

The sad thing is that copy/pasta from wikipedia gets your threads closed, so one has to resort to copy/pasta from a real-life book. Except it's a massively larger waste of time than a simple ctrl+c, ctrl+v.

Last edited by mtb0minime (2010-05-26 15:43:41)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6874|Sydney, Australia

SonderKommando wrote:

pace51 wrote:

SonderKommando wrote:

what bout liquid methane smelling like shit, could titan have giant smelly lakes?
Haven't been there...

But it has giant lakes, and if methane smells, well then your theory is correct!
well we fart methane, and i dunno about you my farts are stinky.
That's from Hydrogen Sulfide.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6812|The darkside of Denver

mcminty wrote:

SonderKommando wrote:

pace51 wrote:

Haven't been there...

But it has giant lakes, and if methane smells, well then your theory is correct!
well we fart methane, and i dunno about you my farts are stinky.
That's from Hydrogen Sulfide.
Damn, I was hoping for fart lakes.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6874|Sydney, Australia

SonderKommando wrote:

mcminty wrote:

SonderKommando wrote:

well we fart methane, and i dunno about you my farts are stinky.
That's from Hydrogen Sulfide.
Damn, I was hoping for fart lakes.
Let's look for some Hydrogen Sulfide lakes!
Northern numpty
+194|6600|Boulder, CO
Mek's right (for once <3 Mek), it is Europa that is by far our main focus when it comes to extraterrestrial life. Simply as it seems to have a truly vast ocean of liquid under its ice surface that could well indeed contain some form of life even if (as it is most likely) that this life is microscopic or algae like. He's also right when he says that its the action of Saturns gravity that heats the water in its moon. This is as the moon actually expands and contracts slightly with its orbital cycle due to the gravity, this causes a release of heat and the ice to melt. Its a very odd system but its been found to actually cause a tiny moon (i think its one of jupitor's) to have an active volcanic system even though it would have lost all of its residual heat long ago.

EDIT: at Mek's next post.

Yeah, that idea for a smelloscope would actually work if it weren't for the problem of space being a vacuum . You could probably get it to work on Earth though if you have a powerful enough computer and the ability of software and hardware to determine the exact compositions of gases in milliseconds. If you could do that then it would be a simple matter of whacking a radio or microwave transmitter onto it and beaming the data about chemical concentrations to your home version which would replicate the smells with a store of chemicals it would have and thus...Smellovision!

Last edited by Noobeater (2010-05-26 15:52:43)

Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5941|Catherine Black
The only interesting topic you've ever written.
O' HAL naw!
+470|6731|Columbus, OH
New direction I like BUT I am on chapter 515 of JSnip's memoirs no time right now

Mekstizzle wrote:

burnzz wrote:

don't tell me how to post - you evangalize on "ignore it if you don't like it". well son, that road runs both ways … ura001.jpg
oh shit, a picture of a road... and it runs both ways!
Surely all roads run both ways?

Also Pace, do you really think it's gonna be well received by mods that you've been told to keep all your fact threads to one thread, you've had ones closed in other sections of the forum and this is just a ridiculous attempt to get around it. Pathetic. It's not even original content...

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