If i can get there, sometime during a round on Wake, if im USMC i'll get a boat and get on to that Abandoned boat near the PLC arty it provides excellent cover and a wide Fov, great if you have captured north base or either the Beach or South base the only times i have been killed there is via a very persistent guy in a chopper and some queer who joined my squad and teamkilled me with a knife.....
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Got to check that spot out.A mere Shadow|= wrote:
If i can get there, sometime during a round on Wake, if im USMC i'll get a boat and get on to that Abandoned boat near the PLC arty it provides excellent cover and a wide Fov, great if you have captured north base or either the Beach or South base the only times i have been killed there is via a very persistent guy in a chopper and some queer who joined my squad and teamkilled me with a knife.....
+1 for that.
I found a wierd place yesterday. It's really not a good sniper spot but anyway, a prone on the crashed pick up on Karkand. On the small street were the US storm in.
But this was on an emty server with some freinds and they didn't see me.
But anyway, I use to lay down in bushes or under things, so I'm hard to spot.
soldier of wasteland i know the place behind the power station on the ridge you over look three flags with really long shots average of 250m good place and no one looks for you there
I have no idea, there's a good chance your right. 'Course I'm in America, so maybe it's an Atlantic thing.baune2377dk wrote:
I believe the real military tern of this is CQB not CQC.... Close Quater Battel, I think your version stands for Close Quater Combat...Flaming_Maniac wrote:
CQC sniper.
Sorry to correct you, and please correct me, if I'm wrong...
(Danish army and the ones I've been working with, all call it CQB, so I believe it is the NATO term - I'm a Sergeant)
Though I was just thinking, and my friend found that at the Karkand Hotel, the second bush on the road as MEC with the SVD is a ton of fun. US can't really see you, and I can't tell you how many pieces of armor have rolled past us both.
Last edited by Flaming_Maniac (2006-04-29 13:25:13)
ty for the +1Kratos Aurion wrote:
Got to check that spot out.A mere Shadow|= wrote:
If i can get there, sometime during a round on Wake, if im USMC i'll get a boat and get on to that Abandoned boat near the PLC arty it provides excellent cover and a wide Fov, great if you have captured north base or either the Beach or South base the only times i have been killed there is via a very persistent guy in a chopper and some queer who joined my squad and teamkilled me with a knife.....
+1 for that.
I found a wierd place yesterday. It's really not a good sniper spot but anyway, a prone on the crashed pick up on Karkand. On the small street were the US storm in.
But this was on an emty server with some freinds and they didn't see me.
But anyway, I use to lay down in bushes or under things, so I'm hard to spot.
i forgot summat to get on you need to drive the boat along on its left side up to the AB and tap F3 other wise you just fall into the water when getting out >_< and i usually destroy the boat after with grenades so no-one notices a empty boat and suddenly clicks as to where that last headshot that killed him came from.....
On Warlord, at the security Office, there is a balcony, you have to zip from the nearest high point to get there, but its a great spot since no one will know you are there. And you dont have to move and inch, you can sit back and relax while taking shots at the mounted gunner at the palace. Also you are immune to artty. Who says I dont share my tips?

Tried this last night. did'nt get high stack of kills, but it is a fair place (see pic, for precis detail)EvilMonkeySlayer wrote:
Good spots are where your silhouette is broken up, for example;
Stairs often provide a good way to break up the silhouette.
+1 If I could! But I dont have ten yet! Gimmy gimmy!
Last edited by baune2377dk (2006-04-30 03:12:36)
I get tonnes of kills on top of the hotel on sharqi, you just have to get the pilot seat in the chopper, land on the hotel, and no one ever sees me, and you can kill people at the construction site, hotel, and surveillance thingy...
I know fucking karate
Just tried it. Easy to get to. Nice FOW good kille... But it took 45 sec and then thay knew where I was... Could not kill me though, But I could nither kill them...A mere Shadow|= wrote:
on Wake, if im USMC ;get on to that Abandoned boat near the PLC arty it provides excellent cover and a wide Fov, great if you have captured north base or either the Beach or South base the only times i have been killed there is via a very persistent guy in a chopper and some queer who joined my squad and teamkilled me with a knife.....
But nice place If u use it right +1 , If I could. Up ME!!!
Cracking spot on karkand, at beginning of the road in the water towards the train accident. Theres a scrap heap which you can crawl under.
Poke your nose out of it and you've got a great spot for defending that flag
Its a classic when guys run past and you stab the poor fools in the back
Poke your nose out of it and you've got a great spot for defending that flag
Its a classic when guys run past and you stab the poor fools in the back
Last edited by -={Cpt}=-Nico (2006-04-30 04:32:23)
thats like telling people where my best fishing hole is
I unfortunately dont stick to te usual sniper stereotypes by putting up a tent and getting the kettle on. Im capturing flags and killing at the same time. On sharqi i always check the usual spots, crane and that bottom flag near the water.
Best spot.....hmmmmmm...anywhere you are not being shot at.
best places are together with team mates... behind ur infantry. think about it. that way u have less chance of being shot at. never climb cranes or places that EVERYONE looks at to see if there are any snipers.
Yeh nice one, i'l keep that in mind.usmarine2005 wrote:
Best spot.....hmmmmmm...anywhere you are not being shot at.
When looking for spots i always look for cover off rocks or low walls, so i can just pop up and get a few shots off without getting seen. Always need a bush though
Last edited by -={Cpt}=-Nico (2006-04-30 05:06:53)
There are loadsa cool sniping positions and other handy BF2 info at www.secretsofbattlefield.com
Try it
Try it
It's not a secret if everyone knows.....shhhhhhhhAvarice wrote:
There are loadsa cool sniping positions and other handy BF2 info at www.secretsofbattlefield.com
Try it
The best sniping spot in the game?
Why... In the middle of the battlefield.
Why... In the middle of the battlefield.
Alpha as fuck.
Get back on BF2 so I can shoot ya up a bit, you were on some server I was about to join! Need to keep that ego of yours down
Last edited by Towelly (2006-04-30 10:17:11)
That is the first place I look when countering a sniper on Sharqi. Bad spot!Lamsey wrote:
I'm no sniping expert, but the crane on sharqi looks good. You can see half the map from up there, and the only way up there is the ladders (hello claymores ).
+1 for "only koreans got seoul". lmfao. meant to do it earlier, couldn't stop laughing. +1...Citizen One wrote:
On Warlord, at the security Office, there is a balcony, you have to zip from the nearest high point to get there, but its a great spot since no one will know you are there. And you dont have to move and inch, you can sit back and relax while taking shots at the mounted gunner at the palace. Also you are immune to artty. Who says I dont share my tips?
http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/9623 … 4181pq.png
As a few others have said the crane on sharqi is a bad idea, I always check it and once got 12 kills on 3 guys in one squad up there (They never got me ).
Anyway I'd say the best spots would be anywhere that gives you a good view of a flag or heavily fought over area, while still giving you some sought of cover.
Anyway I'd say the best spots would be anywhere that gives you a good view of a flag or heavily fought over area, while still giving you some sought of cover.
it really depends whap part of the crane you are on, some parts of the crane are really concealed, i got 12 kills in a row from one at kubra dam today.
well not for a long session or anything, but immediately running to the edge of the hill on the right from USMC spawn on karkand is always fun. lay there and pick off some folks who run through that little entrance...
then after a while run down that hill behind buildings and lay inbetween some, especially the one that lines up with MEC spawnpoint..... >_>
then after a while run down that hill behind buildings and lay inbetween some, especially the one that lines up with MEC spawnpoint..... >_>
Don't lie down - a good shot with the MG36 or another smart sniper can dodge out and take your head off if you're stationary. Most experienced Karkand players won't run out blindly, in fact I would hope nobody would be silly enough to do that more than onceMrKamikaze wrote:
well not for a long session or anything, but immediately running to the edge of the hill on the right from USMC spawn on karkand is always fun. lay there and pick off some folks who run through that little entrance...
I stand (almost no difference in accuracy for the sniper rifles) back a bit so I can just see over the edge, strafe side to side and crouch/prone to make myself a hard target. If you're just lying there it's also very hard to respond fast enough to a well-thrown grenade.
Yeah, that one's good - if you're near to the limit of visibility it's very hard to be countersniped directly but you do have to watch out for people advancing from the two gaps in the fence. One also has to watch out for smart players on MEC sneaking up on your north flank though - it sucks being knifed if you don't hear them comingMrKamikaze wrote:
then after a while run down that hill behind buildings and lay inbetween some, especially the one that lines up with MEC spawnpoint..... >_>
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- What is the best sniping place in the game?