Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6814|The darkside of Denver

PrivateVendetta wrote:

Here we go guys, thought i'd pay back some of the pics already posted.
What do you think? Pretty much as defined as I can be atm, did a few cheeky curls and presses beforehand to help … 201014.jpg

I'm about 168cm (5 foot 6) and 58Kg (127Lbs)..
You've got a good frame that's for sure.  You could build some size on there. 


Dude youre gonna be alright mate, I think you dont need to lose any more weight, your pretty slender.  But you need to seriously start eating well and more consistently.  If you start doing more pressups, situps, and pullups that will help tone and define your body.  But you're not going to GROW your muscles significantly until you get your ass into a proper gym and throw some weights around. If you could regularly eat 5-6 small meals a day, continue doing your running 2-3 times a week, and start a serious weight training program you'll start to fill out in the chest and shoulders, your arms will begin to become thicker, and you waist will slenderize even more.  With enough sit ups your abs will start to poke through as well
Un Moderador

Now all you need is to define that stomach
+2,187|6723|Mountains of NC

127 lbs .... not bad, at that weight you could get ripped

I curl 125lbs with chains

Zimmer wrote:

Now all you need is to define that stomach
How would I go about that? I have an abs routine but it's not much, and do a bit of cardio.
I have been trying to eat a bit more and I'm just starting to feel a bit more bloated quite a lot.
Un Moderador

PrivateVendetta wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

Now all you need is to define that stomach
How would I go about that? I have an abs routine but it's not much, and do a bit of cardio.
I have been trying to eat a bit more and I'm just starting to feel a bit more bloated quite a lot.
Alternate between an 8 minute ab workout -
25 normal crunches
30-35 bicycle crunches
18 left side crunches
18 right side crunches
20 head dips
20 oblique crunches
20 crunches

Or something like that, and then do a day with 3x12 reverse crunches (youtube it).

It will do the trick. Eat healthier as well. If you feel bloated, you're eating the wrong kind of food. I eat a hell of a lot and never feel bloated.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6311|Vancouver | Canada
Another question from me:
If you had to choose between eating lots on a workout day, or eating lots of a rest day, which would be the best?

I'm pretty financially fucked right now, so I can't afford a lot of food...or anything really.
+2,187|6723|Mountains of NC

on workout day
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on workout day
Looking for my Scooper
Zimmer, what kind of Reverse Crunches do you do? I've youtubed for them, and I've gotten 3 different results on the first 3 vids..

I've been doing these for a few days now:

Un Moderador

I do apologise. Wrong reverse crunch.

This one … -pack-abs/
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6814|The darkside of Denver

Zimmer wrote:


on workout day
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6311|Vancouver | Canada

SonderKommando wrote:

Zimmer wrote:


on workout day
M'kay, thanks guys.
Un Moderador

lrishpride wrote:

I love this thread and everything about it but every-time I post I get raged at. I understand why, but you guys could be more helpful...
But you don't. From the very beginning, I gave you advice and told you what you were doing wrong. You threw it out the window, and you even said you were positive your way worked.

Did we all really need to post a picture of ourselves to prove that we do actually KNOW what we are doing? I mean come on.

I've always posted very helpful posts towards your workouts, and you've ALWAYS chosen to ignore them. It's not my fault I get a bit pissed off when you do that. Listen more and you'll succeed.

We don't need to spoon feed you all the time. Although we are going to make a big regime/workout post anyway, that's not in response to your post. If you had just read a couple of pages back from your post, you would have learnt a lot and been able to already put it in practice. Learn from what you're given, we shouldn't need to spoon feed you all the way. I wasn't, and I'm sure neither were Baggs and Sonder.

It gets annoying when post after post after post, you get the same guys coming in and saying "This is what I did..." and you facepalm. I've put in a lot of time and effort into this thread, so expect some rage when someone doesn't listen.
@ Zim. I do apologize sir. Genuinely. I'm a bit of a twat, but you all know that by now. I do respect your opinion and what you have to say.

Again, soz mate.
Northern numpty
+194|6602|Boulder, CO
Bloody hell I'd forgotten how good a workout doing judo can be. Had a 1.5 hour training session yesterday, Can't really feel it in my pecs and abs now. I ended up doing about 10 minutes groundwork with a guy who was about 90Kg (when i'm 67Kg thats a hell of a lot) especially when he's trying to choke you and is lying on your chest. Ended up having to effectively do a sort of cross between between pushing my hips/legs up with my heels and taking my back up as well and then a sort of crunch with him on me straight after whilst pushing him away as best I could during this.

Another 20 minutes was spent doing groundwork with other assorted people (all a bit heavier than me as I'm in a club with a police officer (90kg guy) 2 bouncers (one of whom is an amateur body builder (think zimmer style) ) and is taught by a prison officer who is also a sumo wrestler and surprisingly fast as hell...

Thankfully I didn't end up with the bodybuilder

I know its nothing compared to a proper workout but I just thought I would bitch about how sore I am now from it.
+447|7002|Seattle, Washington, USA

Yeah I think the superpost idea is a good one. I think I've got my workout pretty much down now, but I still have a lot to learn in terms of nutrition and diet. I hear you guys saying all this stuff about when to eat carbs, when not to eat carbs, but I still don't know which foods have a lot of carbs, or which fats are healthy, etc.
anyone here do lunges still?

baggs wrote:

anyone here do lunges still?
I do. Only I put one leg up on the bench behind me and carry 2 X 25KG dumbbells.

10 each leg then rest for min and then go again.

Dunno if they're exactly lunges, but it's the same movement only all weight is on the one leg.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
you're doing a Bulgarian split squat.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

Zimmer wrote:

Also, White-Fusion, it might be cheaper to set up your own gym equipment at home if you have the space.

A decent bench and barbell costs around £120 and a set of dumbbells £40-70 (depending on the weights).

I'd certainly look into that. You can also buy the JML workout bar thingy that you can do chin ups and pull ups on.
hook me up with a decent dumbbell set, zim? im not that serious on it but i wouldnt mind a set for my new house- just to have

ta and karma
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
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Uzique wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

Also, White-Fusion, it might be cheaper to set up your own gym equipment at home if you have the space.

A decent bench and barbell costs around £120 and a set of dumbbells £40-70 (depending on the weights).

I'd certainly look into that. You can also buy the JML workout bar thingy that you can do chin ups and pull ups on.
hook me up with a decent dumbbell set, zim? im not that serious on it but i wouldnt mind a set for my new house- just to have

ta and karma
Both York and Marcy dumbbell sets should do the trick - around 40-70 depending on the weight, you can get them for cheaper though. I currently have York ones and they work a treat. If you want to save space and be able to change weights quickly you could go for Bowflex or York Dial Tech, but they cost a bomb.
something like this will do you just fine for starting out mate. You can always buy some larger plates. But the basics are in that kit, it's good that it has a 6ft barbell also.
I hate the ones with the screw fitting to secure, compared to butterfly grips (?) they take so long to change weights..
My housemates have a few bits and pieces and it so much more frustrating when you want to quickly switch over compared to ones at my gym.
You mean the clipy things? My dumbbell/barbell set is very very good. Got it in Argos by York. The dumbells have a rubber handle and everything, awesome. They are secured by plastic spinny things but they fit very easy changing weights in seconds after a week or 2 of use.

- … 419310.htm

I got a few more 5KG and 2.5 to add to it too. Very good set. Works awesomely with this bench:

- … 419306.htm

Practical, cheap, comfy, sturdy, wide. Awesome cheap bench.

Combine that with my:

And a

And a

and a pair of

And a

And my mates DB/BB set:


and my mates mums:

and her

And ideally a free well ventilated empty shed and you're sorted.

Thats what me and my 2 best mates are using these days, we've compiled all our shit together and we have a nice lil gym going...

We all spent bout 200 quid each on equipment, between the 3 of us.

Last edited by lrishpride (2010-05-20 09:52:39)

Say wat!?
boom, another kg in a week. Just another 5 and then i don't think i wanna gain any more weight.

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