lowing wrote:
Do you have a job?
Yes I do, and I can't see how having a job excludes me from being empathic.
lowing wrote:
Do you seek raises?
Yes I do if I believe I deserve it, and I can't see how that excludes me from being empathic.
lowing wrote:
Do you seek promotions?
Nope, i'm just fine where I am atm ... and what does that have to do with empathy?
lowing wrote:
Do you seek to improve your financial situation?
Nope, I'm just fine where I am atm ... and what does that have to do with empathy?
lowing wrote:
Then you my friend, chase money. Nothing to be ashamed of. Just stop kidding yourself into thinking you don't, that somehow, you are above it all.
No I'm not chasing money and I'm not kidding myself in that process ...
lowing wrote:
Yeah ya did use you being a tax payer as proof of your empathy, why do I say this? Because it is the ONLY example you gave of proof. Then you condemned all other capitalist tax payers ( except a few) as being heartless and greedy.
Yes I used it as an example but not as proof ... no I didn't condemn all other capitalist tax payers either ...
lowing wrote:
Empathy is cheap talk as I have shown.
You have not shown this at all ... maybe to yourself but that's about it ...
lowing wrote:
We move about our daily lives not really giving a shit what happened last night anywhere else in the world. Nothing in our daily routine is going to change because someone found out they are dying.
Speak for yourself ... don't use the word we when you mean yourself ...
lowing wrote:
We will not miss a step, or raise an eye of concern over those we do not know. We will not take the day off while we ponder the misfortunes of others, or even try to help. We will mull around our day saying we care, but not really doing shit to help. Just like everyone else who are not involved.
This proves you lacks empathy, it does not however prove that others do ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................