+165|6781|South Jersey

and he hasn't had his stats wiped because....?  He earned the Navy Scross and golden scmitar on the same day-October 4th, 2005

he also earned expert transport, expert helicopter, expert air defense, and expert armor on the same day.--April 16th, 2006

he earned expert spec-ops and expert assault on the same day.--October 14th, 2005


Last edited by -Gunsmoke- (2006-04-29 15:16:45)

+105|6778|Lexington, KY
Lets see over 2k hours?  I would be talking about the fav victim with 41 kills.
+165|6781|South Jersey
oh yeah he also got his air medal on the same day as expert spec-ops and assault
I <3 ak101
+307|6809|under there hayousaidunderwear
Or the 78 kills streak...but man hes got a lot of gold badges
Lets count how many posts it takes untill someone tells him to use the search, we are at 3*

Edit, 3, lol, post same time major

Last edited by LOSER|Tearsofromance (2006-04-29 15:23:54)


dubbs wrote:

Lets see over 2k hours?  I would be talking about the fav victim with 41 kills.
Yeah, killing the same guy 41 times in a row doesn't happen often...
your favourite victim doesnt have to be in a row if just has to be IAR. and it is quite obvious that he has no life and plays way to much so he deserves to have his stats because that is what his life revolves around.

Dcon1|leighto wrote:

your favourite victim doesnt have to be in a row if just has to be IAR. and it is quite obvious that he has no life and plays way to much so he deserves to have his stats because that is what his life revolves around.
Doesn't make much difference if it's 41...
The Photographer.
+81|6851|Central Valley,California
He got his Experts all in the same day because, because he met the time requriments then the IAR.
+269|6730|Marlton, New Jersey.
Dude your kinda stupid, its not hard if you equalize your time with each kit, maybe he played each kit the exact same amount of time until he had enough then 1 round he got enough kills for 1 expert and the next round another kit...doesnt matter if you get all you awards on the same day, he prolly had a lot of time coming into october
Early October is when the patch came out that made all the medals and badges easier to get. If you look at my stats I got a lot of my veteran badges betwen october 5, and october 25.
+269|6730|Marlton, New Jersey.

majorassult wrote:

Or the 78 kills streak...but man hes got a lot of gold badges
My brother has a bigger kill streak then 78, and hes 5 ranks down... go here http://bf2s.com/player/59032290/
max power got owned
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6890|Malaga, España
How the hell does he has an B.R above the 500...
Ow and i just saw on his stats he was playing
and this is what i found!


kinda fishy

20 players and look at the scores

Last edited by *ToRRo*cT| (2006-04-29 16:15:59)

That was probaly one of those high point servers with rounds that go on for like two hours.
Or knife & pistol.

Earning all those medals on one day is kinda weird, but doesn't mean he cheats or anything like it.
Yep, the server is 20 man that plays size 64 maps, And once you get your whole team just capping flags with the occasional fire fight you've got it made. That was also probably VERY near the end of the round
+1,153|6777|Washington, DC

He was reset before for padding, I wouldn't be surprised if he's doing it again.
+86|6921|New Zealand

-Gunsmoke- wrote:


-   he earned the Navy Scross and golden scmitar on the same day-October 4th, 2005
-   he also earned expert transport, expert helicopter, expert air defense, and expert armor on the same day
-   he earned expert spec-ops and expert assault on the same day

-Gunsmoke- wrote:

-   oh yeah he also got his air medal on the same day as expert spec-ops and assault

-Gunsmoke- wrote:


Enemy Boat Spotted

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-04-29 16:39:19)

Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6890|Malaga, España

i joined there fucking server and guess what

NO CAP FLAGS, KNIFE & Pistol Only !!!!




MES = Knife in dutch

so Sgt.Major is doing it again...

so can anyone report this .

and use the Monitor screenshot to show the max scores on that server

Last edited by *ToRRo*cT| (2006-04-29 16:41:22)

+86|6921|New Zealand

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

someone knifed u

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-04-29 16:42:04)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Err hold on your horses bro.

Sgt_MaxPower ALREADY has his expert knife and pistol there's no way he's going to be risking it on these servers
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6890|Malaga, España

MB.nZ wrote:

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

someone knifed u
Yeah...spawned at the wrong spot...later on i raped the fucktards with ma tank and then got kicked

@polarbearz: Look at the 3rd screenshot
sgt.major killed bla bla bla (mes) and that stands for KNIFE...he's just pointfarming

Last edited by *ToRRo*cT| (2006-04-29 16:44:38)

+22|6719|Gainesville, FL

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

How the hell does he has an B.R above the 500...
Ow and i just saw on his stats he was playing
and this is what i found!


kinda fishy

20 players and look at the scores
yea it sounds like a high point server?
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6727|Melbourne, Australia.

polarbearz wrote:

Err hold on your horses bro.

Sgt_MaxPower ALREADY has his expert knife and pistol there's no way he's going to be risking it on these servers
Says who? Proofs right above your post

On the getting a few medals on the same day thing...not hard to do, just time it out etc.

Last edited by -[Silver.Inc* (2006-04-29 16:51:20)

soup fly mod

getting ALL expert badges is just based on idle time spent in vehicles.  he has a lower spm than me and he is a better player than me...that means he idles.  don't think idling is illegal but it would explain his ungodly amount of hours.  honestly, who cares?  let em be and so long as he don't use an aimbot or other cheat, who cares how he gets his stats.  honestly, if i were trying for all expert badges i would either have to idle or sell my soul to the devil...idling sounds like a better idea:P

Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-04-29 17:08:22)

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