+11|6895|Copenhagen / Denmark / Europe
Well... read the title, that is the quastion

I think a nice spot is at Dragon valley by the refinery.

Just to east by northeast, in a "forrest" type of thing. Easy kills, and defending flags.
+11|6964|Glasgow, Scotland
I'm no sniping expert, but the crane on sharqi looks good. You can see half the map from up there, and the only way up there is the ladders (hello claymores ).
if i told you, i would have to kill you

edit: speaking of wake, you can also snipe from between the pile of rocks on the arty island. your nearly invulnerable there when arty rains on your head or when a j-10 does its minutely bombing run.

Last edited by tahadar (2006-04-29 06:19:14)

+312|6911|selby, n. yorkshire, UK
go on a 64 player wake only server. be u.s and snipe from behind the arty at the far end. ive had hundreds of kills from there. it's very hard for other snipers to hit you and even tanks!
+153|6957|Manchester UK

dont_be_ss wrote:

go on a 64 player wake only server. be u.s and snipe from behind the arty at the far end. ive had hundreds of kills from there. it's very hard for other snipers to hit you and even tanks!
Its true , ive seen you do it , you got loads of kills. very good place
+67|7001|Tulln, Austria

Lamsey wrote:

I'm no sniping expert, but the crane on sharqi looks good. You can see half the map from up there, and the only way up there is the ladders (hello claymores ).
But everybody can see you and everybody checks this place for snipers. That makes this place pretty dangerous.

I've had my best rounds snifing off the small island on Wake. Got the gold and went like 47-5. There are always a lot of people in gun mounts of tanks and buggies. Easy kills.

Also, the crane and the hotel building on Gulf of Oman are great. You can see most of the map from them and get people when they try to take flags.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
everybody says the crane on sharqi is so obvious, but its still a kick ass spot.
+2,382|6995|The North, beyond the wall.
None of the experts like c1 or dont_be_ss will tell you there personal spots.
If you can get a heli to the top of the hotel on mastuur then thats a great spot as theres only one way up there.And if you here a heli just look up for a min and then continue to snipe.

Also on warlord zipline to the building across from the tv station.But everyone seems to go there and its an arty magnet.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7034|Riva, MD
Daqing oilfields, just sit in the grass about 50 ft away from either gas station behind some trees.  You can't get any better with the camo, some chump walked right past like 3 ft near me and didn't even notice.
Pfc. Leemus
Ownerer via the strategic use of bullets
+20|6925|N.S.W, Australia

dont_be_ss wrote:

go on a 64 player wake only server. be u.s and snipe from behind the arty at the far end. ive had hundreds of kills from there. it's very hard for other snipers to hit you and even tanks!
You talking US arty of PLA arty?

Pfc. Leemus wrote:

dont_be_ss wrote:

go on a 64 player wake only server. be u.s and snipe from behind the arty at the far end. ive had hundreds of kills from there. it's very hard for other snipers to hit you and even tanks!
You talking US arty of PLA arty?
he said "be u.s. and snipe from behind the arty". its rather self-evident that he meant the U.S. arty
Pfc. Leemus
Ownerer via the strategic use of bullets
+20|6925|N.S.W, Australia

tahadar wrote:

Pfc. Leemus wrote:

dont_be_ss wrote:

go on a 64 player wake only server. be u.s and snipe from behind the arty at the far end. ive had hundreds of kills from there. it's very hard for other snipers to hit you and even tanks!
You talking US arty of PLA arty?
he said "be u.s. and snipe from behind the arty". its rather self-evident that he meant the U.S. arty
Touche my good man, Touche.
My view distance settings dont really allow me to snipe well form there unless there standing RIGHT on the beach.
prince of insufficient light
I'd have to say anywhere not listed in this post.

I'm more of a CQC sniper.
Good spots are where your silhouette is broken up, for example;

Stairs often provide a good way to break up the silhouette.
That's just purely an example, but the basic principle is the same.

You don't need a wide arching overview of an area, if all the enemy troops do is go along primarily the same path then there is little point in exposing yourself to fire just to get a better field of view.

This is why sniping from roofs and cranes is so bad, the movement will give you away and you're fodder for other snipers.
Some of my best and most fun round were from the crane on Sharqi. It's SO OBVIOUS that no one even looks there when you're sniping from it!! However if they do look at see you, you're screwed because you'll NEVER find them in time.

I've been thinking the hotel on sharqi too, I just need to get the heli sometime.
+11|6895|Copenhagen / Denmark / Europe

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

CQC sniper.
I believe the real military tern of this is CQB not CQC.... Close Quater Battel, I think your version stands for Close Quater Combat...

Sorry to correct you, and please correct me, if I'm wrong...

(Danish army and the ones I've been working with, all call it CQB, so I believe it is the NATO term - I'm a Sergeant)
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7036|Melbourne, Australia

Metamort wrote:

Some of my best and most fun round were from the crane on Sharqi. It's SO OBVIOUS that no one even looks there when you're sniping from it!! However if they do look at see you, you're screwed because you'll NEVER find them in time.

I've been thinking the hotel on sharqi too, I just need to get the heli sometime.
yer iv been thinkin of the hotel in sharqie aswell or .. the building to the right of it .. heading towards the tv station ... (i checkedf it out on an empty server) its got great cover and if ur the u.s and the tv station is ur last base the mec storming to the tv on the hill are easy pickings.. only worry would be that fuken havok
Flying Solo
+98|7088|Canada, Ont
Some of My Favorits:

Behind the Hill at the Airfield - Wake Island
On The Stairs On Thoes Trailors At Gate House - Karkand
Near the Mosque On The Stairs Crouched Behind the Balconny - Mastuur City
Hill  East of Hotel - Mastuur City
Moving Target
The best sniping place is one where no one ever looks.

Behind some trees in the open and stuff like that.

Or better yet, figure out where other snipers love to hide out and get places where there is a very limited view to just that area and blast away from there.  It's harder to be spotted from these small little spots.
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|7056|Comber, Northern Ireland
my favourite place is in one of the guard towers with the mounted MG's at the airfield in wake, looking over the heli pad and where the plane respawns
There is no one best sniping place; it depends on a lot of factors, for 'normal' spots not least of which is if there are countersnipers out there and how good they are.

My favourite spots for fixed sniping are ones that you can't get to directly, like the east end of the row of buildings on the north side of the road leading from City Entrance to the top of the hill above Construction Site, which give you overwatch on Alleyway (front and back) and one spawn area for Surveillance and the roof that you access via two ladders.

Other than hiding in plain sight where the ghillie actually works the best type of spot I think are ones you can't get to on foot at all - chopper drops or jumps from Vodniks or other vehicle roofs.

Lamsey wrote:

I'm no sniping expert, but the crane on sharqi looks good.
Yeah, to other snipers too!

It's a place any decent sniper will scan over to check for their enemy counterparts. You can play it cagey and be hard to hit but it limits your effectiveness.

Lamsey wrote:

You can see half the map from up there...
Same in reverse too I was being sniped a while back, couldn't zero the guy and eventually got killed, respawned back at City Entrance and just walked south and standing out nearly in the open I got his squadmate twice and him once - they just weren't expecting to be sniped from that far back I guess, plus they were silhouetted against the sky and I wasn't.

EvilMonkeySlayer wrote:

Good spots are where your silhouette is broken up, for example;

Stairs often provide a good way to break up the silhouette.
Yep, shooting under/between covering objects is good too so there's only a slice of you visible. Course this limits your tactical usefulness if you stick there but at times it's well worth it.
Don't Flame
+20|7061|St. Paul, MN
On top of the APC wreakage at the entrance to karkland is a good spot because you blend fairly well and part of the wreakage has metal plates which you can clip through so only a small part of you is showing.
"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
I personally like being MEC (or China) and moving with a squad around and capturing points. Good points for capturing points, getting kills and KDA's. Even better if you're SL and your fallen members can spawn on you.
+40|6973|Land of the Very Cold
I have a spot on Kubra Dam, but I ain't gonna tell it because since I've found that spot, about a couple months ago, I've managed to only been killed by enemy arty, but no one has ever killed me one-on-one there... but it's just a matter of time before I get noticed...

All I can say is that I can see 3 flags, and lots of land
Oh boy! This is my kind of thread! I'll post some pics up tonight!

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