Diesel_dyk wrote:
In our system we have people who exercise their personal freedom of religion to attempt to defeat all of the other individual rights. My point was that we were supposed to be bringing them democracy and individualism and did we really think that we could change their mindset. We can't even get the individual religious nuts in this country to accept the fact that how a person lives their life is an individual's right. And so the thing that seperates us from them is that our govt and our judiciary stand a little more on the side of secularism and individual freedom, while their system is even more prevaded with religous fundamentalism. The difference is one of shades not one of kind. The battle to beat back the religous fundamentalist here in the US is always on going because they don't accept the American value of individualism. I've heard more than once from religious nutbag the anti-individualism cry that "doing what you want is the work of the devil." Can we really expect anything less over there than the battle that we have to engage in here to secure all of our individual freedoms.
Well, you and I see things a little differently. I used to feel that way, but I see more than just religious fundamentalism as the problem.
There is an equivalent anti-individualist mindset among the left as well. You have politically correct multiculturalists that are so morally relativist that they tolerate antidemocratic behaviors from immigrant cultures. For example, some on the left are open to allowing the development of Sharia court systems among Muslim communities. On the surface, this seems like a harmless enough thing, but when you dig deeper, you realize that most Muslims who come here do it to embrace the freedoms we have along with our economic opportunities, and they want to leave the theocratic shit behind. Unfortunately, a few of the ones who come here want to bring the theocracy with them.
So, in the name of political correctness, some on the left are willing to cut back on freedoms to supposedly "tolerate" these very intolerant mindsets that sometimes enter our culture.
I would argue that true individualists are not morally relativist. Their morals are based on constitutional freedoms, which cannot be compromised for the sake of any other culture. This is the sort of thing that neither the religious nuts on the right nor the politically correct douchebags on the left understand.
That being said, I really don't think we're comparable to the Middle East, because our religious nuts are still far less powerful in our culture and government than they are over there. Yes, we do have to keep them at bay, but our system thankfully makes that far easier than it is in a place like Iraq, where the system is still somewhat based on religion to begin with.
Our struggle simply isn't comparable to theirs, because it's on a difference of magnitudes. We are a free country. Iraq is only peripherally free.
In summary, I would still agree with you that trying to change a country like Iraq into being free and remotely progressive is futile. This is why I'm generally against nation building. I think we should avoid war at all costs, but when we engage in it, we should be willing to completely and utterly obliterate our enemies.
Diesel_dyk wrote:
As far as the OP's question. If we as a species lose out to the religous fundamentalist (including the ones here in the US) then we deserve nothing less than armageddon and anhillation.... and the reason the species should die, for the most part, is because that's what the end timers want to have happen and losing that battle should have consequences.
I agree, but that's part of why we gradually end up fighting nations run by religious nutjobs (much of the Middle East).