I guess this is the reason why tailors leave extra cock space on the side of your trousers that you prefer to hang to.
perhaps i should visit a tailor instead of buying dress pants at Kohls for $32.99 a pair.
Inguinal hernia? That sucks.eleven bravo wrote:
I had a hernia
If it's still sore go to a doctor ASAP. I had a friend who lost one of his nuts after it got twisted, because the blood supply was cut off it went gangrene and he had to have it removed.
same thing broFinray wrote:
Bengay works better.Ultrafunkula wrote:
Put some Icyhot on them to smooth out the pain.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Mate of mine had the same thingVspyVspy wrote:
If it's still sore go to a doctor ASAP. I had a friend who lost one of his nuts after it got twisted, because the blood supply was cut off it went gangrene and he had to have it removed.
I bought some of those and the fit is no where close to right in the jock area. I think they musta made them for chinamen or something.SonderKommando wrote:
perhaps i should visit a tailor instead of buying dress pants at Kohls for $32.99 a pair.
Lol, for reals! Anyways, it started to feel better, untill I lifted weights tonight... FUUUUUUUUUCanin wrote:
I bought some of those and the fit is no where close to right in the jock area. I think they musta made them for chinamen or something.SonderKommando wrote:
perhaps i should visit a tailor instead of buying dress pants at Kohls for $32.99 a pair.

My testicle feels GREAT!